Loving him, without doubts

When she reached the backyard garden, she stopped walking and a tear tickled her cheek, and her chin trembled. She  felt cold tears start to stream down her face and all she do was to wipe her cheek every few seconds.

"Are you okay?" a man's voice she heard behind her. She wiped away her tears and started to turned her back, slowly. As soon as she saw the man's face, her eyes widened. "Nate?" she uttered his name with shocked. She wasn't expecting that he would see her in that situation.

She fixed her face before she talk back at him. "What are you doing here?"

"Can't I be here?" he asked her back.

"I mean..."

"Why did you cry?" her sentence was cut when he asked another question to her.

"Me? Did I?" she asked him back with the same question.

"Yes. I saw it," he said to her, but she shook her head.