Someone will be back soon...

Tanya open her eyes and looked at her hands, "If only I could draw again, I would like to show to that rude guy how expert I am at those things," she said to herself while looking at her hands.

Tanya was about to lose her hope to go back in painting, but when she saw Logan, she knew and feel like she still had hope. She can do it, and will do better.

"I want to draw again. I want to paint again like how I did before."

After that day, Logan didn't went back to the place where he had been going. He didn't want to see that woman again. However, Tanya came back to that place, as she was hoping to see Logan again. She was waiting the whole afternoon on the park to see him, but she didn't see Logan there. Her eyes roamed around the place, "Where is he? Is he avoiding to see me again?" she asked herself and sighed.