Her kindness

"Alright. Can we have it next week. I am not done meeting with Ms. Lauren. She is our new investor," he said and Miranda nod her head and they went back to the office. 

Miranda looked at Lauren with a smile, but when she looked at them and saw her eyes, the smile on her face fade away. She frowned while staring at her eyes. Lauren smiled at her, not knowing that she was the woman who had stomped her belly and killed her baby. 

"Those eyes... Why does she seemed so familiar?" 

Miranda was still staring into Lauren's eyes. She couldn't take her eyes off Lauren. She really seemed so familiar to her. Miranda's brows furrowed while staring at her. She could feel the sudden fastening of her heartbeat, yet she didn't know why. When Lauren looked at her, she smiled, but those smiled... Miranda had goosebumps and feel creepy about it.