I will wait for you

Charlotte didn't fell asleep as she was still worried about him. She keeps on texting Natalie to check on Nate and she sighed in relied knowing that he's fine, but he's still in coma. 

Nate had cancer, and it was incurable. Natalie and her family didn't know if he live longer than his time. Doctors said that it was a miracle that he lived until now. But seeing how weak and he was still in coma, doctors tell the family to prepare themselves on what would happen to him. 

"He needs me, and I need to apologize to everything that I did to him. I should been better and kind to him. How can I be so cruel?"

Examination week has arrived but Nate still hasn't woken up. Charlotte couldn't focus because she was constantly thinking about Nate and his condition. Charlotte was walking on the hallway when she saw Natalie walking while looking down.