The unexpected friendship

"Actually... Yes, I regret that he's no longer by my side. I want him back, but... How can I? He had a new family with Megan and I didn't want to ruin it because of what we had in the past," she said to him.

"Aren't you happy on your life right now? You see, you had every thing you wishes for," he uttered, and she shook her head.

"I am not happy with what I had right now, Dr. Yes, you're right, I had everything except for my baby. And I think this isn't happiness after all," she said to him.

"You'll be able to be happy again, Lauren. I promised you that."

Anthony and Lauren were talking about themselves as she just discovered that Anthony had been so alone for the past years. Like Lauren, Anthony had no family and his relatives were taking advantage of him too. Lauren smiled when she looked at him. She then patted his back, "You have me now, Dr. You're not alone now. You have me now," she uttered and he smiled.