Before it's too late

Anthony was walking towards Alyssa's office. He knocked and enter. "Are you going to convinced me again to operate that woman?" she asked him.

"I know she's your grandma," her eyes widened.

"How did you know about that?"

"She told us already, and she wanted you to operate her, and nothing else. If you don't want to, she's willing just to die," he uttered, and Alyssa didn't want that to happen either.

It took her a few more minutes when she decided to operate her grandmother. She was walking towards her and looked down.

"Aly! Finally, you came," she was glad to see her granddaughter again, but Alyssa didn't respond as she was still looking down. She was stopping the tears that was about to flow from her eyes. She didn't want to teared up specially in front of her grandma. She remember everything what she'd been through while she was staying with her.