Pretending to be his girlfriend

Alyssa look at him worriedly, "Is something bothering you?"

"Nothing," he answered, but Aly could sense that there is something bothering him and she knew it was the woman he left on the house.

"I know it was her."

He frowned, "What do you mean?"

"I know it was her. That she is the one bothering and running inside your mind, right?" she asked him, but he denied. He didn't want to pursue Lauren as he was starting to stop his feelings towards her.

"Don't talk about that, Aly. We are in work and I don't want to-"

"Alright. I won't talk about that again," she uttered and walked away from him.

Anthony look at Alyssa as she was walking away from him, but what she said stuck on his mind. He frowned while looking at her, "Why would she say that? How can-"

"Dr? We need you at the operating room," a nurse came towards him and caught his attention. He then nod his head and they both went to the operating room.