Courting her

He returned to his office, and Alyssa followed.

"You did a good job there. Don't blame yourself for what happened. You did everything in your power, "She stated.

"I'm at a loss for words right now, Aly. I had the impression that I was not a good doctor. How can I let that young boy die?" He inquired.

"Anthony, I know you did well back there. Losing a patient does not imply that you are ineffective. We simply cannot save lives that are out of our hands "She said to him.

"But why do I feel so ineffective right now?"

"You should not overthink things, and you should rest. We understand it's not your fault "She said this before leaving his office to check on her patients.

Anthony was alone inside, thinking about that boy again. He pities that boy and wishes he could give him the opportunity to live and enjoy his life with his mother, but he is unable to do so.

"He's gone, and I've done nothing..."