
"I hope you still continue to pursue your dream and not others' dream for you. NOT ANOTHER PERSON'S DREAM. Okay?" Lauren said that to her, for her to realize that she wasn't supposed to pursue the dream that her mom wants for her.

Charlotte nods her head with a smile on the corner of her lips. "Thank you, Ms. Lauren. "I will make sure to take care of this," she said to her.

Later that night, Lauren went home early as she was tired after going to that party where she saw Miranda again, which caused her blood to boil.

"I need to rest, and I need to face everything now on my own."

Miranda was still inside her room, biting her thumb while thinking of a plan again. "She said she was Abigail. That's impossible," she said to herself and sighed in disbelief. She admits to herself that she's scared of what might Lauren do against her. It was the first time Miranda felt nervous about a woman and it was on Lauren.