People come and go

Noah was just standing there as he was in deep thought. He was about to walk when an old woman spoke behind him.

"Mister?" he turned his head and look at her with a frown.

"Yes? What is it?"

The old woman smiled while looking at him. It seemed like she wanted to tell him something. He was still staring at her, and then she spoke again.

"If you wish something on this well and throw a coin, your wish will come true," said the old woman. Noah turned around and looked at the woman, but there was no one behind him.

"What was that?" he asked himself and then he realized that he was facing a wishing well that a lot of people believe that if you throw a coin and make a wish, it will all come true.

"Is that true? Then... Shall I take the chance? Should I?"

He sighed and slowly throw the coin to the wishing well and said, "I wished to see her again."