Chapter 7

Guts and Emilia were now sitting in carriage. Guts fell asleep in a middle of way..... surely since ever his birth he didn't had normal sleep...every time he fall asleep he sees souls of people he killed....he was sweating while having dream about Femto... the God hand who previously was Griffith....the day when everyone in band of hawk loose something they cared for....

Guts) Casca.....Judo..... Griffith.... Griffith....

He was repeating the name of a person he hated most....the rage he had was uncontrollable.....he saw a dark beast before him...the beast was like a mad dog with red glowing eyes.....

Emilia) Guts.....

Puck) He is having a nigymares probably....

They didn't really knew what was going on with Guts but it was obviously not something normal human can withstand.

Suddenly Guts opened his eyes while got out his knife and stood in defending pose.

Emilia) Eh? G-Guts...?

Guts) Agh... Sorry force of habit.

Emilia) Habit...?

Guts) Nevermind.....say where are we heading to?

Emilia) It's mansion of nearby landlord who is taking care of me. His name is Roswaal...he may be a little bit strange but he is nice person.

Guts) I see....

The rest of journey passed silent as upon getting near the mansion carriage stopped.

Emilia) Here we are! The Roswaal's mansion!

Guts)*whistle* I see this Roswaal guy is pretty rich...tho it doesn't matter.

As they started to go near they were met by two beautiful twin mades.

Rem) Nice to see you again Lady Emilia and Guest...My name is Rem


Ram) And my name is Ram

Guts) Twin mades? Well it is expected that this guy has mades in here I guess.

Ram) Rem Rem our guest doesn't seems surprised at all.

Rem) Ram Ram you are right he is strange.

Guts) I dunno the hell ya both trying to say but ok I guess.

Emilia) Don't be like that...they are really nice you just need to get used to them....Rem,Ram how about you guide Guts to his room.

Guts) Room?

Rem) We prepared Room for you dear guest...Miss Emilia send us a message before departing here.

Guts) Come to think of it....I never had my personal room.... interesting...

Because of Guts being mercenary from birth he never knew the warmth of home or...a comfortable bed.... interesting what will stoic face of this strict man become after feeling this feeling.

Upon entering the mansion...the nearby walls... Paintings,antique everything surprised Guts who didn't see any luxury in a while....

Ram) Here is your place.

Guts slowly opened the door as suddenly appeared in a strange room which looked like library and loli sitting on chair and looking towards him.

Beatrice) Quite lucky you are to get inside my domain.

Guts) Huh? Is it magic or something?

Beatrice) Yep it is...You just got inside my spell which constantly changes placement of my library from people.

Guts) Huh this magic shit is making me freaky... anyway nice to meet you I'm Guts.

Beatrice) Despite the looks you had got manners... pleasure is all mine. Name is Beatrice I suppose.

Guts) Pretty beautiful name for young lady. Anyway I think you are not pleased with me here.

Beatrice) Dunno.... perhaps yes or might be no I suppose.

Guts) Ha...what a splendid answer.

He waved his hands and got out of room while Rem calmly was standing there.

Rem) Seems you get caught on Lady Beatrice's spell.

Guts) Seems so.... anyway I guess your master is not present right now.

Ram) You are absolutely right....

Rem) Umm... sorry if I sound rude but I prepared bath for you Mr. Guts.

Guts) Oh...

Come to think of it Guts didn't had good bath in a while. The only thing he was able to do is to wash himself in river.

Guts) I might smell bad...dried blood is really hard to wash off.

Ram) Umm...yeh....


Hot bath...the thing that Guts didn't had since birth... don't think wrong like saying he is smelly reality he is really clean and deligent man. Just with Apostles and many other dark creatures after your ass I doubt that someone will get a time to bath.

Guts) Agh... it's been a while.....

He said relaxing while thinking that while he is resting Griffith is slowly taking all over the world.

Guts) I will make you pay....

Roswaal) Do you mean me?

Said unknown man in make up while being completely naked.

Guts) Who the fuck are you?

Roswaal) You are not the one with good manners are you?

Guts) Hmm lemme guess...this freaky can be only nobles... You that Roswaal ye?

Roswaal) Bingo! Your thoughts are right! I'm Mathers L. Roswaal the owner and the lord of the nearby lands.

Guts) I don't like you already.

Roswaal) M?

Guts) Don't pretend to be nice or something like that. You remind me of one homo bastard which I wanna kill.

With that being said Guts got out of bath and headed towards exit.

Roswaal) My My such a smart guest...he doesn't really cares how others would think bout him.

Guts) But I'm thankful Roswaal. You seem like that bastard but you seem lost...

Roswaal) Haha dear guest I also think of you as a good future friend.

Guts) Who knows.

He exited as he headed straight to get his clothes but he met Ram.

Ram) !?

She saw his naked body which was full of huge to little scars. It was ideal body with correct proportion of muscles...but this body was was so full of scars from endless battles...she couldn't do anything but gasp.

Guts) Pretty embarassing situation isn't it?

He said not really caring as got past her.

Ram) Wait you are going to leave like nothing happened!

Guts) Eh? Should I be ashamed of my body?

Ram)*blush* Th-That is not..what I meant....wait....the hell is that!?

Her looks suddenly were pointed towards his bottom. She saw it....the huge...No it was MASSIVE! The massive meat stick which was hanging in his bottom.

Ram) Hahaha....Giant sword... Excalibur...haha...

She dropped the things and was shocked staying for some time.

Guts) Let's say you are ok.

With that being said the Dark Swordsman despite the splendid name was born.