The teacher asked the students to group up with their partners to discuss and build up the stuff which they wanted to …Dev went near Aara and she smiled at him and he sat near her.

Dev showed her some things which are useful for their exhibition and Aara appreciated it …again Dev, come up with the question "Do you feel comfortable around me" Aara looked at him and replied, "yeah, we are friends". When she mentioned the word "friend" dev felt bad because he didn't see Aara as his friend then he smiled in a fake way and said, "oaky …good".

They started working on their stuff and Aara keeps on getting a call from somebody ..Dev felt fishy and summoned her to attend the call ..Aara replied "Nope, it is not that important we can go on"…Dev tried to see the number but he couldn't …millions of questions are arising in his mind.

"who is that person?"

" Why does she keeps on getting a call from that single number?"

" Is there any problem, should I ask her".

Dev can't cope with her in their stuff which they were working once Aara got up and went out with her mobile phone without giving any alert to Dev ..Then he waited for Aara to show up but she didn't which made him both sad and angry he even asked for Aara to her friends but they said: "we don't know".

In the evening Dev arranged all their worked things carefully and he went home …after visiting the home he threw his bag and yelled "why are you avoiding me, My feeling is growing day by day ..please say if you have any problem I am here to deal" he then heard his mom was knocking the door he opened and his mother was worried "what happened to you ?" he replied, "Nothing mom …Just stressed with school work and he said about the exhibition". His mother said some words to him which were motivating and he hugged his mother after that they had dinner peacefully.