Dev asked Shawn, "why people were into talking about one's poverty". Shawn again insisted "I think you are going far away from your destination, how about your plan" … These days they were only talking about how to impress Aara …Dev can't take Aara out of his mind, He thought that if a person achieved in love, he can achieve anything in his life.

Still, dev felt that he should concentrate on his Goals but his heart again confused him to concentrate on his love life. Shawn said, "Not to confuse, right now".

Dev hugged Shawn because even though he was perplexed his friend was supporting him in many ways. They talked about some random topics suddenly Dev talked about John but Shawn stopped him and he again said: "What if John again creates a problem with us and Aara".

Shawn again considered his friend's thoughts and gave some motivation to him and said "Whatever is happening is happening for good". He also said not to think about John and his activities. All they wanted to do is to protect Aara from John and his gang. Dev got scared because "what if john damages dev's name in front of Aara" also, he needed to follow the path of his goal because often people would like to tease him because of his poverty. In his mind, he got plenty of questions about whether he should follow his love life or his destination …whenever people talk about his poverty, he at once thinks about his future goals, so his thoughts about goals are shown when people insult him rather than his thoughts are into Aara.

To Dev, his Love life is the priority so he can't even think about the future goal his mixed feeling confused him in many paths because he hasn't confessed to her yet.