Shawn yelled at Dev to treat others in the same way how they treat him and shouted him not to show concern towards them dev rejected his advice but Shawn held his hand then dev stated that "I am not like them If I treat them like they treated me then what is the difference between me and them, I know you are angry towards Jin but I never cared about him so nothing is the problem with me. He is revealing his character where I am revealing my character The challenge is not between me vs Jin, It is between me vs me".

Shawn understood the point and what exactly he wanted to convey, Shawn tried to change his mindset with Dev "we should not change ourselves at any time, and even if the situation is bad be yourself and get through it by being yourself".

And also, insists "When life gives you the opportunity it also brings distractions if you stay with that and thinks about those distractions you can't concentrate on that opportunity so staying away from it is the better option".

Shawn was amazed by the speech of his friend because of his maturity and calmness in every situation but Shawn got the news that Jin got slapped by dev because he crossed his limit so he knew when to act and when not to.