After done her conversation with Randy, she got inside her company and started to dress her up for her shoot. Dami entered and spoke "Hey how is your dad now also you are supposed to wear this dress today and we planned for a different hairstyle because the product is related to the top engine oil and we need to coordinate it please hold on a minute" Aara answered, "My dad is getting better day by day thanks for asking and thanks for your support because you assisted me a lot in hospital moreover, okay I will wait then I would love to try different looks".

Dev entered their room without knocking and told Dami to go out because he wanted to speak something personal to Aara when Dami left dev calmy asked about Aara to whom she was talking this morning at first Aara felt nervous because she didn't know what if dev came to know about Randy? she hesitated a lot first then she started to explain her "Dev I am sorry when I was in my college he proposed me and his name is Randy I accepted him because at that time I got no one to share my problems related to parents because they were in the hospital some of my friends helped me to pay for my dad's surgery even randy too helped me still I am paying back their money but one day he came to the home and he tried to cross his limits so I slapped him my friends helped me in this case so he threatened my friends so they stopped my connection.

Because of him I came here with my parents I shifted now he was here because he saw you helped me so You may know john I hope john said some incident regarding our past so now he is blackmailing me for money or else he will send my photos to you and our company's official website" Dev smiled and replied "You said he helped you but why you broke up with him" Aara gave a sad glare and answered, "Because he was playing with my friend without my knowledge when I figured it out he got angry and tried to seduce me so I broke up with him and I shifted finally".

Aara never thought that dev would say those words to her he insisted "Leave this problem to me so he asked for money right I will make him learn math's calculations inside the jail bars" He called to a person Aara stood near him after 10 minutes he got a call again and then he showed a picture of Randy inside the jail Aara shocked "How did you do that so fast oo my god what if he blackmail again I am scared dev please don't do anything without thinking". Dev smirked and replied "So how about a cup of coffee with me just a cup of coffee would you mind ??" Aara smiled slightly and said "Sure and thanks for this amazing opportunity and I would like to have a coffee with you".

So let us meet soon and he left the room then Aara looked after her photoshoots she adored her new look and style.