Aara visited to meet her dad and saw her dad sitting in his place she jumped inside and hugged his dad and smiled "Dad how long now you finally woke thank god dad I am Aara your daughter" her dad hugged her and cried "I am sorry my daughter for leaving you alone that accident made a great gap between us I heard about you mom she is a good wife finally she is in peace now so let us be happy for her and also she is a good mother too" Aara cried hardly in the arms of her dad he started questioning about the money she explained to him that "My boss helped with the surgery and he is good man dad even now he is paying all our bills and I am working as a model in his company" Her dad nodded his head and still he felt that sadness on his daughter's face he asked the exact reason because to calm him Aara would say a lie, so he asked for the exact reason she told him that "Dad right now I am calling a person my boss he is a billionaire now but he was my classmate when we studied together he proposed to me dad but I rejected him because of my friends suggestion they said that he was poor and his background was terrible but now he helped me in many ways dad even though I rejected him. I feel guilty dad".

He tapped her daughter's shoulder and said "I think a gentlewoman has risen him that is why he helped you even though you rejected him and I can feel he went through many ups and downs to reach this position moreover you are also a reason for his success because of your rejection he realized his worth because first love is the best teacher Aara I wish if you marry him your life will be much better. I am not forcing you just my suggestion".

Finally, Aara was happy because her dad woke up and she shared her thoughts with him and he supported her but his last words confused her a lot.