She was scared throughout her walk because it was not a nice walk in the park but a weird walk in an unknown place inside the woods Aara looked right and left and walked towards her path.

All of a sudden she felt a needle in her neck, "come on guys pick her up pick her up the money as well her things never leave any kind of trace regarding her just do it fast" A group of men said. They searched for her mobile phone but unfortunately, they couldn't find it because when Aara felt the needle she just threw the mobile far away. After all, she needed help so she tried to hide her phone at the neck of the time.

With headache and pain, she woke up and saw Randy who was standing in front of her like a villain she screamed and moved back but Randy came forward and said "Thanks for coming here and for money too" Aara shouted back "I gave your money so let me go please Randy let me go why you tied me up please my dad will be waiting for me so please let me go" but randy harshly said, "Shhhh don't shout no one is conducting music program if they do so nobody can't hear you I can't leave you Aara because I am not that insane to leave you so stop the hell and do what I say".

He chinned up Aara forcibly and turned her direction to the coffin box and smiled evilly and said "See there Aara can you see a coffin box that is for you I made it for you because you rejected me and now you are in love with that money-minded man dev. If I didn't get the thing I need I will never allow anyone to get that, I know that he loves you, if his love is true he will find and save you but I think he can't you know why? I will be standing in between you and him".

Aara realized the blunder she made and cried then she yelled: "Yeah Dev is a gentleman and I love him and I hate myself for rejecting him even though I rejected him he never tried to harm or disturb me but you are a demon in the human form I hate myself so please kill me now Randy but I love dev".