I just waited some days still that I arranged for Dami and her friend lily to stay with her and I settled lily's money. They gave an amazing company to Aara and step by step I can see an amazing transformation in Aara. They made Aara realize that she is in a safe place now.

one day I spoke with her but I felt that she doesn't completely come out from that horrific incident so I asked her openly Listen up Aara you are safe now and you are in my place and your friends are around you so whatever you want to share you can either tell me or them we will figure out a solution so don't confuse your mind just mark my words. I am going to protect you and your dad no matter what I will protect you both. Randy was dead so don't think too much about him he was dead just paste this in your mind. I said all the words I wanted to say now you must keep your mind out of overthinking don't overthink yourself because you deserve happiness.

I Just saw her nod her head as yes but I don't know whether she will consider my words or not I was about to hug her but she moved back I understood that still, she was into that horrible incident so I just left the room.

Once I got myself outside the room I heard Aara crying and she said " I am sorry dev because of me you suffered a lot and still, you are suffering, you are loving me still now why dev? In your life the word Trouble is caused by me dev why can't you understand? that, because you deserve better than me dev so stop loving me". After hearing her words Dev shed tears and slammed the door and he went. Dami and lily saw dev come out madly so they entered the room and comforted Aara.