CHAPTER-100 Marriage.

I directly go to my mother and requested that "Mom Aara wanted to leave me again because she felt guilty and just a minute ago, she confessed her love to me even though she confessed she Doesn't want me to get into trouble anymore and any other problem but mom you know what? To me, if you love a person it means not to expect the same love in return so when she rejected me I didn't even trouble her or revenged her but now I can feel she is in huge problem mom mentally she is suffering I can't see that my love is suffering in front of me mom she is the major reason for a change in me and I wish to be the reason for a change in herself I want to free herself from marrying her I waited a long time and finally found that even deep inside her heart she loved me she loves me and she will love me" Without any objection his mom spoke "I am accepting your decision my son but marriage is not what you think Marriage is all about adjustment and you can't experience it until you enter it I can see your true love for her you said that she confessed with you but ask her once again whether she is interested to marry you I am happy that you are going to marry the girl you loved I can't trust that my Little dev is standing Infront of me like a grown up man and talking about his I own marriage I remembered the days you cried for toy cars and bikes but now you a billionaire and you wish for you loved girl's freedom congratulation my son I feel happy because you are unique".

His mind wanted to know the Answer from Aara whether she is interested in marrying him or not so he came up and asked Aara, for a few minutes she remained silent but then she answered that she didn't know when he was about to leave suddenly she back hugged Dev and cried that she wanted dev to be near her so she could feel protective and happy also she said "Please don't leave me I love you and I want you to happy my love for you will never end, Dev thanks for loving me unconditionally your love made to realize my love and I wanted us to get married and even I have to wish to see our babies" Once she ends her words he kissed her lips passionately and she responded to his kiss so dev felt so happy.


A little boy is running around the dining hall and calling dev as Dada "Where is mommy? dada I need her to feed me because you don't know how to feed food to me bad dada" Dev blinked for a second and replied "Come here baby boy your mother is carrying your baby sister inside her tummy so she needs to take rest that means we should not disturb them, buddy, you are good big brother right I think you need you sister to be healthy and happy" Little boy nodded his head and shouted "Mommy mommy I need you here please come I miss you" by hearing that little boy's voice Aara rushed down by imagining that he got into some trouble Dev stopped her "Hey Aara don't come I will take care of him you go and take rest because the doctor advised you" Without minding his words she came down and hold the little boy in her arm and kissed his cheek and said "He is mama's boy so he always misses me right my little fellow" Dev felt jealous and countered "Then how about me" Aara smile Seductively and answered "You too my big boy come here let me hug my big boy" Aara hugged him and dev held her inside his chest and they were about to crush the little boy and said "Thanks for this amazing family I am so lucky in my love life as well as marriage life I got a beautiful lover and an amazing wife and a precious children".

-The End.