Chapter 3


I throw my punch at the machine before me and see smoke rising from my punch as the machine falls to the ground. It has been two days since I registered as a Guild Leader. I became an overnight sensation in Indonesia. The first S-rank hunter they had.

Hartono said that at least a hundred hunters want to join my guild.

I decided to hold it for now and ask Hartono to check their background for me. I told him that I was willing to take D-rank hunters and willing to train them. It is well-known that hunters cannot increase their magical power but can still train their bodies.

An E-rank hunter can get into D-rank if they dedicate themselves to intense training. Their magical power will not increase, but at least their physical power will grow. It is not much, but E-rank and D-rank are really a different story.

D-rank hunters earn three to five times bigger than E-rank hunters. C-rank hunters earn seven times more than D-rank hunters. You can imagine why many people want to reevaluate their rank and try to earn a higher ranking.

And I have a solution for this problem. With this solution, I can also gather many loyal followers.

"Here is your towel, sir."

I look at a young woman giving me the towel and smile. Her name is Karla, an E-rank hunter. She is a relatively new hunter who decides to work as an associate rather than hunt with the other hunter.

She has a killer body. She is almost as tall as me, 175 cm tall. She has dark blue hair that she cut short. It makes her look like a tomboy, but her face and body tell a different story.

"Thank you, Karla. Can I ask where Hartono is?"

"Ah, he is doing some interviews with the media about you, sir."

"Poor him. I should reward him with something. Also, you can call me Rick, you know?"

"Ah! I can't do that, sir! You are an S-rank hunter while I'm just a lowly E-rank hunter. I cannot allow such disrespect by calling you by your name."

"Nah. You can call me by my name because you have officially joined my guild."


"Yeah. I can see your name in the list of the people recommended by Hartono and I think you are a perfect person for my guild."

"But sir! I'm an E-rank hunter! Your guild will be tarnished because of me."

"No. I will train you and you will become at least a C-rank hunter."

"What? How is that possible?"

Instead of answering her, I led her to my personal room and sat on the couch. I tell her to sit opposite of me, and when she takes a seat, I say.

"This is a secret that not many people know and Hartono told me to keep it secret."

I take out a bottle filled with red liquid from the fridge and put it on the table.

"There is a reason why Hartono lists me as a Fighter with support on the side. My blood makes others stronger. However, it was not an instant power-up. You still need to train really hard. This is a drop of my blood combined with a bottle of water. Drink it."

I could see a doubtful expression on her face, and I did not blame her but to my surprise, she took the bottle and drank all of the content in a single breath. After drinking it, her eyes widened, and she looked at her body.

"I-I get stronger."

I smile at her and walk toward her. I reach her shoulder and use Sticky Finger to give a light massage. I can see her body get redder and redder every second I touch her skin. I get closer and whisper something to her ear while Alluring Whisper is activated.

Her red face got even redder, and now it looks like a ripe tomato. Lower her will by using the Lure and then use my last weapon.

I gently spread my Dragon Aura toward her and see it immediately take effect. She looks at me with glistening eyes, and I can smell her horniness. Now, go for the strike.

"So, Karla. Will you join my guild? Will you become MINE?"

"Y-Yes! Take me, master."

I smile and push my mouth to her neck, then bite it. I suck a little blood from her neck and see a snarling dragon tattoo appear on her neck. I can see a connection between us. She became my waifu. A Tier-2 waifu, but I can increase it.

"From now on, you are mine."

"Yes, master."

"And you know your duty, right?"


I sit on the couch and let her unzip my pants. She slowly took out my penis and gently stroked it with her hand.

"So… big"

She put the tip of my penis in her mouth and gently licked it before slowly putting it deeper into her mouth. I can see and feel her mouth working. She did use not only her mouth but also her tongue.

"Take it deeper, my dear. Take it all the way down."

"Yesh, Mashter."

She obeyed my words and took my penis deeper into her mouth. She carefully did not let her teeth get in the way, and finally, she managed to take all of my penis inside her mouth.

"Good girl"

I whisper it to her ear and see her shudder a little. Did she just cum? Well, that is interesting. She continued to give a blowjob. Her head bobbed as she increased the pace. She stops from now and then to use her hand while still sucking my dick.

"I'm going to cum, my dear. You need to drink all of them, okay?"

Instead of answering me, she increased her pace. I grunt a little and cum inside her mouth. I can see her widen her eyes and use her hand to collect all the leftover cum that leaked from her mouth.

I can see her drink all the cum inside her mouth before licking the rest of the cum in her hand. I smile at her and put my hand on her head.

"Good girl."

She will be the first of many.