Multiverse Build (Waifu Catalog)


{World: Solo Leveling (Tier 10 World)| |2500 Points|

{Intensity: Me and My Girlfriend(s) (PVE)}

|Proceed directly to the Origins section. You may still encounter other contractors, but the multiverse is big, really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to the multiverse. You can easily go entire lifetimes without meeting even one.|


{Origin: Extra} |Cost: 10 Points|

|You reincarnate into a non-canon "normie" character from your starting world, the equivalent of a tier 1 companion, an alternate you who grew up in your starting world. (If you're naturally a T2 or T3 instead, your IRL skill set will not be removed or otherwise reduced.) Your original memories are downloaded into the new you's head at some point before the start of your story, but not before puberty. You can distinguish between the two sets of memories without difficulty.

If your starting world is one where even the "normie" characters have in-born special abilities equivalent to a copper-star companion, the local player will have some low-superhuman ability that fits the setting, and this origin costs 10 credits. If the "normie" characters are instead equivalent to silver-star companions, you will be equivalent to them and this origin will cost 100 credits.|


{Binding: Hypnosis App}

[Hypnosis App] |Free|

|An additional app is added to your company-provided Smart Device, which is capable of entrancing, hypnotizing, and subverting the minds of targets. Individuals caught in this hypnosis become increasingly more suggestible and will be entranced, losing conscious awareness of things outside of the screen and not consciously remembering anything experienced while so entranced, staring blankly at the screen with rapt attention. People that are entranced can be broken out of it by a physical or social shock, such as someone calling their name loudly, shoving them, or severely needing to go to the bathroom. It takes a few moments of awareness of the display to entrance someone, and thus individuals resistant to looking at the display can look away.

Every hour someone is being actively entranced will increase their Hypnotic Depth by 1. Hypnotic Depth is an abstraction of a target's susceptibility to further suggestion and control. The contractors themselves are inoculated against the viewing of their own hypnotic displays.

At every ten Hypnotic Depths, an individual's psyche will reach a Breakpoint, a barrier to accessing and controlling more of their consciousness. An individual's Hypnotic Depth will not increase past this point until the target does something they would normally be resistant to while outside of the trance. Each additional Breakpoint past the first requires a more 'severe' infraction than before, as perceived by the target. At every breakpoint, new methods of control over a target's psyche will open up. New orders or changes to a target's psyche require that they are in the entrance state at the time.

While the Hypnosis App is described in terms of an app on a phone, the exact form it takes is as varied as the available forms of Smart Devices, such as mystic orbs, omnitools, and magic books are all perfectly viable conveyors of the effects of the Binding.

At Hypnotic Depth 1-10, you are able to Compel the target, nudging them towards a preferred outcome, but one they could feasibly do. While they are entranced, they will answer questions as if you were a trusted confidant.

At Hypnotic Depth 11-20, you have further control over the target, as if you had significant authority over them which they respect and/or fear. You may leave commands for the target to ignore specific stimuli outside of the trance, unless it actively shocks them out of such a state, such as ignoring a friend until they shout their name from up close, or ignoring someone groping them until they're spanked.

At Hypnotic Depth 21-30, the ease of inducing the entrance state, and the difficulty of breaking them out of it, increases significantly. You are able to create emotional states in the target based on specific stimuli, as well as induce triggers in general. Including those that can slip them into the entranced state, such as the snap of fingers. Their hypnotic depth while entranced does not increase unless exposed to some method of doing so, but additional changes may be made.

At Hypnotic Depth 31-40, you are able to directly, if gradually, alter aspects of a target's personality, relationships, beliefs, or morals, making them more or less important to them. You may also switch the target of such relationships, making them believe that their beloved is their bitter rival and vice versa. This must be a gradual process. The more important or closely held the thing changed, the more sessions it will take to fully erode or create.

At Hypnotic Depth 41-50, you are able to completely rewrite memories of beliefs, time, and relationships wholesale, changing their nature entirely. The ability to entirely add or remove aspects of a person's psyche still eludes you.

At Hypnotic Depth 50 or higher, the target is fully yours. They are considered Captured, with the funds deposited into your account. You are able to make or unmake aspects of a target's mind. This is the point of mental break and complete personality rewriting. Purchased Companions automatically come at this stage.|


[Shareware] |Cost: 50 points|

|This app may now be sent to other, similar smart devices, where it can be opened as an app, program, spell, or similar. The initial sending of the program must be accepted, though you may customize the program's icon via the Company App.

Your personal app comes with settings to help determine how people viewing this downloaded version view it while logged in, such as viewing time spent with the app as time spent playing a particularly interesting gacha game or reading a developing story in a magical book.

The app otherwise functions identically on all devices, increasing Hypnotic Depth at a rate of one per hour as per normal. Additionally, your personal Smart Device increases Hypnotic Depth by 2 per hour.

Require :

[ Hypnosis App ]|


[Shovelware] |Cost: 100 points|

|You are now able to upload and display the App on any appropriate system that you are able to get root or admin access to. Your smart device will display all locations to which the Hypnosis App is uploaded, and allows for remote access, control, activation, and deletion of the App on these device's displays.

Require :

[ Shareware ]|


[Subliminal Audio] |Cost: 15 points|

|Your Hypnotic Display may now include or even simply be Audio. This audio includes subliminal messages that will increase a listener's Hypnotic Depth by 1 for every hour it is listened to. This audio must be audible and distinguishable, the same way closing one's eyes can prevent the visual display from affecting you, earplugs can block the subliminal audio. Just as a sufficiently distant display can't entrance someone as they can't properly perceive the screen, the subliminal audio's effect has limited range, particularly in noisy environments.

This audio cannot, by itself, enter an individual, only increasing their Hypnotic Depth while listening. At and beyond Breakpoint 2, suggestions or commands may be implanted into the subliminal messaging. Though targets with sufficiently superhuman hearing may be able to pick out the specific commands, use caution when utilized against such targets that are not entranced.

Require :

[ Hypnosis App ]|


[Mind-Altering Concoctions] |Cost: 25 points|

|This perk is a subscription to our mind-altering substances shop. In addition to the recipes for specific concoctions, you will be able to order up to 5 doses of varying substances at a time. These may be returned or more ordered once they are used, and come in several major categories: Aromatics, ingestibles, and injectables

Aromatics are aerosolized chemicals which will increase a target's Hypnotic Depth by 1 for every hour exposed, and are available in a variety of delivery methods. Frequent favorites include incense sticks, candles, and censers and may come paired with a wide variety of common scents. These may include the inducement towards an emotional state, such as joy, bravery, confidence, desire, lust, or fear.

Ingestibles come as a powder which may be consumed in a variety of methods, such as being mixed into a drink or cooked into a meal, or snorted directly. A single 'dose' is a line of powder and will increase a target's Hypnotic Depth by 5. Ingestibles are able to induce specific emotional states as per aerosols, or may instead subtly and gradually alter an investor's physiology as per Advanced Tempest Runes (Body), such as increasing or reducing breast size or hair length up to a certain point. Partial doses have proportionally lesser effects.

Injectables are drugs that must be directly introduced to tissues or the bloodstream, most commonly via direct injection. A full dose of an injectable will increase a target's Hypnotic Depth by 10 or if at a Breakpoint, will break through it by increasing the target's Hypnotic Depth by 1. In addition to being able to force an absolutely debilitating level of emotional inducement, or significant body alterations, injectables are able to apply a single Hypnotic Depth 31-40 level or lower command or forcibly entrance a target for 1 hour.

While doses are calibrated for roughly human-sized targets, custom orders for larger or smaller targets may be ordered. Ordering an oversized dose is not recommended, as overdosing on Mind Altering Concoctions risks complete, permanent, irreparable mind break scenarios without a Warranty Plan.

Note that targets with the appropriate superhuman senses may be able to detect Mind Altering Concoctions. Additionally, the Contractor is not immune to direct applications of them, exempting Defenses.

Require :

[ Hypnosis App ]|


[VR Helmet] |Cost: 20 points|

|You gain access to a set of three VR Helmets, which are protected by the usual Company Smart Device assurances. In addition to their other effects, these VR Helmets may be used to interact with virtual realities directly, to metaphorically 'jack in'.

These helmets, when placed upon the head of a target, will expose them to extremely targeted and high fidelity hypnotic stimuli, significantly increasing the speed at which their Hypnotic Depth increases. Triple the amount of Hypnotic Depth earned per hour after all other factors. Additionally, the VR helmet may apply pre-programmed and selected commands and adjustments during its hypnosis.|


[Full-Dive Set] |Cost: 25 points|

|The blueprints for an enhanced form of the VR Helmet, the equipment includes an additional set of wires, chords, and applicators that may be applied to a wearer of the helmet, directly interfacing with their nervous system and applying hypnotic stimulation directly.

This equipment requires that the target is restrained or otherwise incapacitated. This direct interface allows for the modification of memories and implantation of commands regardless of current Hypnotic Depth. While under the effect of the Full Dive Set, Breakpoints may be bypassed.

Require :[ VR Helmet ]|


{Lures: Sticky Finger, Faerie Feast, Alluring Whisper, and Faerie Feast: Master Chef}

[Sticky Finger] |Cost: 5 points|

|You know all the points that make a waifu melt. You can play her like a piano. Your very touch is electrifying. You are also a sexual savant. Keep a waifu on the edge long enough, and she'll promise anything to make it stop. With your skills, she'll be sure to keep that promise. This lure cannot affect targets who lack a sense of touch.|


[Faerie Feast] |Cost: 10 points|


Your cooking is supernaturally good, capable of making miracles from the worst ingredients. Just one taste is enough to hook a waifu for life - assuming, of course, that she can taste. Even if she doesn't like you, she'll be unable to imagine a world where she can't eat your cooking every day, and stay with you for that alone. Over time, you can leverage this dependence into obedience through simple operant conditioning and, in turn, create real affection by enforcing faked affection.

The quality of your ingredients doesn't matter, but they must be real ingredients. This lure will not let you cook without the proper tools, unless you have an adequate substitute. This lure also covers drink-mixing, butchery, and chemical food processing, but does not help with gardening, farming, animal husbandry, fishing, etc. - that's biology, not chemistry. If you want to use this lure's gifts as a professional skill, you can dial your ability down to world-class-chef levels, enough to ensure great business (and plenty of repeat customers) without tripping any "this food might be literally addictive" alarms.

This lure cannot affect targets who lack a sense of taste.|


[Alluring Whisper] |Cost: 20 points|

|Your voice is supernaturally alluring. Merely whisper in a target's ear, and her heart (and panties) will turn to goo. Better results will come with vocal training and improved phrasing. (You can also use this perk to become an ASMR superstar. We won't judge.) Beings with sufficient willpower can resist or even block this lure. It will never affect someone who lacks a sense of hearing.|


[Faerie Feast: Master Chef] |Cost: 10|

|When you are in charge of, or at a minimum supervising, the staff of a cooking facility, the benefits of your Faerie Feast perk will apply to the end product as though you had personally produced any food cooked there. If the staff primarily consists of your waifus, you don't even need to be present, provided they follow a specific menu and set of guidelines that you've instructed them in. These guidelines can include extraneous non-food related steps. This does not apply to industrial-scale food production or ingredients that are not themselves edible.

Require :[ Faerie Feast ]|


{Other Control: Hotel California, and Needful Thing}

[Hotel California] |Cost: 20 points|

|This seemingly-innocuous entertainment or hospitality venue uses a legitimate business of your choice as a cover for mind control. Options include, but are not limited to, a pub, restaurant, amusement park, music venue, circus, casino, and luxury resort. Strip clubs in particular are a perennial favorite. Most customers are only compelled to spend more and bring their friends when they come back, but a very different fate is in store for those you select as capture targets. As they spend time within your walls, they'll be beautified according to a blend of your standards and the establishment's overt purpose.

After some time, your staff will offer each of your targets the chance to experience your business from the other side by helping out with a short performance, or other task, that lasts no more than ten minutes. The building's compulsion will make them agree; a skill download during the run-up time will more than compensate for any lack of experience or talent. As they do their task, they'll be further transformed to match your chosen theme and become yours when they're done. Waifus acquired in this way are considered captured like anyone else.

Themes can be changed at any time, but require you to have at least three purchased or captured waifus who already fit that theme pre-transformation. If you want a robots theme, you need at least three cyborgs, gynoids, or software AIs; if you want maids, you need at least three actual maids or characters who dressed as maids at least once in canon or official art.

The actual building exists in a secure dimensional space. Its front entrance uses applied quantum uncertainty to open in random-but-fateful locations throughout the multiverse. Customers will always return to the same universe they came from and won't notice anything strange about any customers from other worlds that they may encounter within. A side door allows you and your waifus access to your local universe.

You are immune to your own building's effects, but will be required to experience every one of your employee's jobs firsthand at least once. (Temporary genderbending and other transformations will be provided if necessary.) Your employees are immune to repeat or any further transformations, unless you reassign them to other positions or choose a new theme, in which case they'll be changed to fit their new role.

If you have the Alterzelu Symbiote, any of your employees who are both not bonded with a symbiote and are alone in an employees-only room for more than a few minutes risk getting attacked by a stray larval symbiote. Your waifus who are already bonded with one will not help the newbies until it's over.|


[Needful Thing] |Cost: 20 points|

|The items, good, and/or services provided by your business are simply better than they otherwise would be and certainly seem more appealing. This enhancement is inversely proportional to the original quality, turning poor goods into average ones but will improve top-of-the-line products only fractionally. It will always make what you offer at least appear to have an edge over products of similar quality from elsewhere.

This enhanced appeal raises the likelihood that appropriate forms of theft (including defaulting on loans, shoplifting, or 'dining-and-dashing') takes place, but that can be a benefit. Anyone who commits such an act, and those who knowingly benefit from it such as consuming stolen food, are considered to have agreed to 'experience' the business per Hotel California and become similarly captured.

Require :[ Hotel California ]|


{Heritage: DRAGON}

[Dragon Heart] |80 points| |Lightning (Overwrite by Dragon Scale)|

|You have a dragon's blood. Take Everlasting Talent, Body Talent, Martial Talent, Wild Talent, and two copies each of Body Defense and Wild Defense for free. You can transform into a bipedal dragonoid. This form is roughly 3 m tall, with a bestial head, clawed hands and feet, and separate wings, and maximizes your improved strength and protection at that size without sacrificing any finesse or maneuverability. Its color scheme and aesthetic reflects your elemental affinity, which you must also choose.

Available "elements" include the classical western set (Earth, Fire, Wind/Air, Water, Aether), the classical eastern set (Metal, Wood, Void), chemical elements (Carbon, Mercury, Plutonium…), and those found in modern fantasy (Light, Darkness, Ice, Lightning, Poison…). This element will affect your dragon armor's design and loadout, including the breath weapon that all dragons have. If you have a Shroud that matches your dragon element, the two bonuses will stack. This affinity is fixed without additional purchases.|


[Dragon Scale] |Cost: 95 points| |Element: Time|

|Dragonhood is fully a part of you. Take Soul Talent and two copies of Environmental Defense for free. You now have a second alt- form, a full - sized quadruped that measures 10 m tall at the shoulder(around 25 m from the nose to the base of the tail). It offers even more physical power than the first form, with a massive buff to your chosen affinity and all the other supernatural abilities you've acquired and trained. If you flare your power, you'll trigger a fear reflex in those nearby who can sense it. This will happen automatically whenever you defeat an opponent yourself, or manually for a short time. Some individuals may have… different… reactions to your unleashed aura.

The sizes of your two dragon forms are not set in stone: the more ki, psi, or magic power you have, the larger you can make them. This has no upper limit, but still requires significant time investments, longer than any mortal lifespan. Your mecha form can become large enough to wrestle Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann on an equal footing, and your dragon form can eventually swallow galaxies whole, but it'll take you billions of years to get there. Before you think of using time magic to accelerate that process, first consider that more people would've done it if it was that easy.

When you buy this perk, you get one chance to change your dragon element; use it or lose it. In addition to the mundane choices offered by Dragon Heart, conceptual elements are now available. Literally anything can be a conceptual element, provided you maintain a consistent theme, whether that's Love, Time, Imagination, a season, Surprise, Heavy Metal, or even Infinity. The more esoteric and exploitable your chosen element, the more time you'll need to develop and master its full potential. This time starts at tens of years for the basics and can stretch into the millions of years for the truly exotic ideas.

Require :[ Dragon Heart ]|


[Dragon Aura] |Cost: 200 points|

|You are a dragon. Dragons are power. Ladies love power. Thus, ladies - rather, anyone compatible with your orientation - love you. Your supernatural aura now tells ki- and magically-sensitive waifus that there's only one person they should bang to have the strongest offspring: you. Take two copies each of Stress Defense and Destiny Defense, and one copy of Mind Defense, for free. Targets of Tiers 1-3 are immune to your aura. For Tier 4 and above, your aura's effects on uncaptured targets scale with sustained proximity (closer is better), your physical exertion (more is better), ventilation (less is better), and, most importantly, the waifu's power as measured by her effective tier rating after step 4. Purchased and captured waifus are used to your aura and can ignore its passive effects without effort.

Further conditional modifiers are available for your waifus' effective tier rating for the purpose of this lure's compulsion. This "Aura Tier" (for clarity) does not affect the targets' actual abilities and does not obey the standard tier cap. Characters with serpentine and feline traits get one point added to their Aura Tier; full serpents in humanoid form, actual cat kemonomimi and hybrids, and characters with draconic traits get two points; full dragons (that are sapient) instead get three. Waifus who share a theme with your draconic element get one. Flaring your aura adds +1 to the Aura Tier of all waifus in the local universe for the duration, overriding the basic fear response. Exposure to any of your other lures will add one Aura Tier each to the affected targets for the following week (168 hours); additional exposure to the same lure, including expansions for that lure, will only reset this timer.

When a target is exposed to your aura for long enough, they will be overcome by lust for you and seek your location like a horny missile. Kidnapping attempts by powerful waifus that this lure turned into temporary yanderes are not unknown, but you should be able to handle it and turn the tables. You are a dragon, after all.

The behind - the - scenes mechanics of this perk are described in detail in the Additional Rules section.

Require :[ Dragon Scale ]|


[Dragon Thrall] |Cost: 150 points|

|Every part of a dragon is infused with the concept of power, including their bodily fluids. Taking in large amounts of your fluids, over long periods of time, will make your waifus more powerful and slowly raise their effective tier. This is calculated after any tier changes from waifu perks, but before cross- training, equipment - including the waifu's own equipment - or bindings, and only affects the attraction bonus from Dragon Aura until the drinker is captured. Take one copy each of Polymorph Defense and Wyldscape Defense for free.

On a Tier 1 waifu, the first dose(120 mL) will improve her physical fitness by a noticeable, but still mundane, amount and grant her a burst of inspiration that she can funnel into any one field of expertise, elevating her to Tier 2 on the spot. A Tier 2 waifu will experience the same effects for the course of five doses, until she becomes Tier 3. Over the course of twenty - five doses, a Tier 3 waifu's skills and fitness will become supernatural enough to qualify her for Tier 4, with the exact manifestation dependent on your element and her personality and themes. Every tier boost after that requires five times as many doses as the one before it.

Waifus of Tier 7 or above cannot be boosted higher with this perk alone. Those whose tiers have been raised to Tier 7 by this perk will instead begin to manifest draconic traits, with the specifics dependent on your element and their personalities and themes. Waifus with pre - existing draconic, serpentine, or feline traits will experience this effect sooner. Waifus with pre existing elements, whether from their own history, an Elemental Shroud, or a previously - applied Heritage perk, will retain those elements and not gain a new one. Costume animal parts are not enough to qualify a waifu for the transformative effect unless they're worn for significant and ongoing timespans, while permanent augmentations(organic or otherwise) always do. Affected waifus may always shapeshift obvious draconic traits back to their original forms.

PvP note: If another contractor, whether they captured you or you captured them, has used this perk on you often enough to make you manifest draconic traits, take Dragon Heart for free the next time you have an account to access. The remaining Dragon Heritage perks must be bought using your own funds.

Require :[ Dragon Scale ]|


[Treasure Hoard] |Cost: 20 points|

|You may now capture a subject by biting them, drawing blood, and swallowing a small amount. The bite itself is important to establish dominance, but where you bite doesn't matter. The core of a tattoo will appear at that spot, just the same as using the Stamp, and may be moved to a more ideal part of her body using the company app, just like with the stamp. This may be purchased alongside higher bindings or even No Bindings. Again like the stamp, tattoos created by this perk will remain visible until they're superseded by higher bindings, but only take 5 minutes to settle instead of the full 3 days.

Require :[ Dragon Scale ]|


[Dragon Cabin] |Cost: 30 points|

[Your full-size dragon form now contains a pocket dimension for passengers and cargo, akin to the interior of an airliner, airship, submarine, or spaceship. This dimension is typically accessed via at least one airlock hidden in the abdominals or lower or upper orifices. The dimension still exists while you're in your mecha or human-size forms, but the airlocks do not, trapping anything inside until you change back. Apportation and other methods of dimensional travel are not affected. The size of this cabin grows with your full-size body, but does not perfectly match your torso's exterior dimensions.

Your interior's aesthetics may follow any theme you can imagine. You may learn to freely manipulate its layout and furnishings or manifest an avatar inside it; these are easier if you already have experience with similar abilities. Holding any uncaptured subject within this space counts as extremely close contact for the purposes of Dragon Aura. Anyone inside your cabin, including people who are not part of your retinue, will be protected from the outside by your Defenses as if they had them personally.

Require :[ Dragon Scale ]|


[Dragon Bifurcation] |Cost: 25 points|

|Your full-size dragon form now benefits from both the waifu perks I'm on a Boat and Bifurcation: you may manifest an avatar with your normal appearance outside of your full-size dragon form. You can dedicate your full attention to both the full-size dragon form and this avatar simultaneously without issue. It can physically enter your full-size form's Dragon Cabin and use all of your abilities except transform into a second copy of your full-size dragon form. This counts as a single purchase of both I'm on a Boat and Bifurcation, reducing the number of purchases of those perks needed to reach their price caps by one.

Require :[ Dragon Cabin ]|


[Dragon Break] |Cost: 50 points|

|You no longer need your app to transition between worlds; your nature is enough. You and everything within your cabin dimension will blink out of one world and into your destination. Anyone whose weight is only supported by your exterior may be dragged along as well. This form of D-travel can accurately target any world in a local multiverse and any world previously visited. Traveling to a specific new world, outside of a local multiverse, is far less reliable, but you'll always end up in a place where you needed to be, even if it isn't where you wanted to go. It cannot target near-identical parallels of the same worlds without Blank Slate. This perk is discounted by 10 credits if you've encountered a world-traveler who is neither one of your waifus nor a company contractor. If one of your waifus can travel between worlds, the discount increases to 30 credits. This discount is not available on DR11 starts.

Require :[ Dragon Cabin ]|


[Double Dragon] |Cost: 200 points|

|You may select a second dragon element. If you switched to a conceptual element with Dragon Scale, you may choose your old element or something new. Your training with one element will not usually carry over to the other, unless your level of understanding allows you to harmonize them as one. This perk also adds +1 effective tier to all waifus in your local universe for the purpose of Dragon Aura. Additionally, take two copies of Fatality Defense and one copy of Corruption Defense for free.

Require :[ Dragon Scale ]|


{Demiplane & Dungeon}

[Pocket Space] |Cost: 5 points|

|You now possess a timeless extradimensional inventory space. This inventory may be accessed via an app on your smart device, Apportation, or certain Heritage perks. Transferring an item into the inventory via the app requires it to be in contact with you before transport. An item pulled from the inventory via the app will be deposited into your hand or within one meter of your position.

Your Inventory has a volume of 1m by 1m by 3m. Living beings may be stored within, but not any resisting or unwilling ones. Stamped or otherwise bound retinue members always count as willing and unresisting. Time does not pass within your Inventory, for good or ill.|


[Pocket Apartment] |Cost: 20 points|

|A 100 sq m extradimensional residence, for when you need a place to crash. It has all the basics: two medium bedrooms, one bathroom, a living area, kitchenette, and closet space. All characters with alternate outfits, shown in any official source, will find them stored in their room or closet.

Access it by plopping a portal onto any reasonably flat surface. Only one portal may exist at a time and you may close it with a thought at any time, whether you're in or out of the apartment; if you're inside when the portal is closed, the new exit must be reasonably close to the previous entrance.

Some independent multiverse travelers may enter your universe directly, but only requires dedicated and deliberate effort and a beacon to follow.

Your inventory becomes a sealed vault inside the apartment. You may open the vault while in your Pocket Space, but doing so subjects its contents to the passage of time. If you or a resisting or unwilling subject is inside the vault when it is sealed again, time will continue to pass.

Require :[ Pocket Space ]|


[All Roads Lead to Home] |Cost: 10 points|

|Your purchased and captured retinue members may now create portals to your apartment. Multiple portals are now allowed. Portals will automatically close when not in use, but their locations will be saved into memory for you and your retinue to sense and re-open later.

Require :[ Pocket Apartment ]|


[Sweet Home] |Cost: 10 points|

|Your residence is double the size: 200 sq m, equivalent to a small house. It has a master suite (one large bedroom and one attached large bathroom), three other medium bedrooms, one and a half other bathrooms, a large living area, full-size kitchen with attached eating area, closet spaces, and one each of very large, large, and medium rooms that you can decide how to use: dojo, garage, library, a shared workshop, extra bedrooms, separate dining room, etc. You may also repurpose unneeded bedrooms until they're filled. You may now make your Pocket Space any clearly delineated space within your Sweet Home, and not simply a physical vault.

Require :[ Pocket Apartment ]|


[Grand Manor] |Cost: 20 points|

|Your living space is significantly larger, at 1,000 sq m, with every living, training, and workshop area you and your waifus might need. A control room deep in the mansion will allow you to customize the structure however you like. Specialized workshop equipment and exotic resources will only be available if you have someone who knows how to use them, whether that's a purchased or captured retinue member, your Substitute or Possess target, or by some other means. For safety reasons, all personnel and important items will be ejected from areas undergoing rearrangement.

Require :[ Sweet Home ]|


[Life's a Beach] |Cost: 10 points|

|Your Sweet Home now has a lawn - 15.2 sq km of it. A control center deep in the apartment will allow you to customize the landscape however you like: the default is a tropical island paradise with a standard equatorial day/night cycle and perfect weather all the time. This is the same control system as what Grand Manor provides. With this perk, your starting position will be within 30 minutes' walk of the mansion, with a clear view of and path toward your destination so you don't get lost. However you set the landscape, the edge of your pocket dimension will be selectively-permeable, allowing biome-appropriate wildlife to wander in from worlds that you and your retinue have visited or call home, without any issues from invasive species, implanted transmitters, pollutants, unwanted predators, etc. For safety reasons, all personnel and important items will be ejected from areas undergoing rearrangement.

If you bring a vehicle into the pocket dimension via Rainbow Bridge or some other method, regardless of whether the vehicle was purchased through this catalog, your dimension will have an appropriately-sized garage, dock, or hangar for it. If you have a starship from Catch-a-Ride, Heavenbuilt Proto, or third-party sources, it will be able to enter and land in your pocket universe even without a multiversal drive. Especially large dreadnoughts may require some geographic rearrangement first.

Require :[ Sweet Home ]|


[Werehouse District] |Cost: 20 points|

|The basic Grand Manor offers an automatically replenishing supply of resources for each workshop, but only a limited amount at a time. Each warehouse in this district is 20 m tall and has about 50,000 sq m of floor space, enough to hold… a lot of materials. You can have as many individual warehouses as you have workshops, though this is also capped by your dimension's physical space. New resources will appear here, in entire pallets at a time. Your retinue members' workshops will now pull their materials from this central stockpile instead of generating their own.

Require all of:[ Grand Manor, Life's A Beach ]|


[Sweet Home Expansion] |Cost: 50 points| |30.4 square km|

|Each purchase of this perk will double the surface area of your personal world. This perk may be purchased up to 25 times, with the final purchase expanding the world into, ultimately, a round planet the size of Earth. Warning: the mansion's control room can only manage the weather and climate of the core region. Weather patterns in the outer areas will emerge naturally.

Require :[ Life's A Beach ]|


[Rainbow Bridge] |Cost: 30 points|

|A dedicated portal room allows pedestrian or vehicle access to your starting world and anywhere else you travel to. You and your retinue may no longer, and need no longer, create portals manually. Instead, portal sites are procedurally generated in each world, generally appearing near locations that are important or useful to you or your purchased and captured waifus. Portals will activate automatically when approached by a valid user: you, your waifus, and friendlies you invite, and deactivate automatically when not used. You and your retinue can sense the nearest portal's location even without a map, and more precisely the closer you are to it. This is no replacement for a true map. Neutral, hostile, and uninvited eyes will not notice a portal's presence, activation, or use, and cannot pass through.

Your first portal will only lead to your starting world. After that, new worlds will slowly unlock according to the same rules as Exit Stage Left. You may also unlock new worlds by either traveling there yourself or capturing a waifu who's been there personally. All purchased waifus, without the Yoink or Slightly Used perks, have only been to two worlds: the world you bought them in and the factory where they were made. Don't bother trying to go there. It's employees-only.

Require all of:[ All Roads Lead to Home, We Will Meet Again, Sweet Home ]|


[Creature Features] |Cost: 500 points|

|From your control center, you can select any non-sapient wildlife you have encountered of T6 or less to populate your Demiplane. Binding wildlife from your Demiplane as a Familiar may be possible, but does not provide credits.

Examples: Jurassic Park, Star Wars' Rancor and Krayt Dragon

Require :[ Life's A Beach ]|


[Control Center App] |Cost: 10 points|

|The control center provided by Grand Manor/Life's A Beach is now an app on your smart device.

Require 1 of:[ Grand Manor, Life's A Beach ]|


[Stay in Touch] |Cost: 5 points|

|High speed internet service covering any and all dimensions no matter the location, magic ward, or jamming technology. A modem-router and replacements are provided for free.

Require :[ Pocket Apartment ]|


[Armory] |Cost: 10 points|

|A room-or pocket-dimensional space similar to the Pocket Space perk full of weapons, armor, and ammunition becomes available to you with this upgrade. It holds a wide variety of standard and specialized equipment from both your new world and your old one. This does include equipment that would normally only be available to special forces, but does not include custom-made or heavily customized variants on weapons. Weapons you or your companions acquire in the field can be sent to this armory with a few seconds of concentration, and each of you can choose up to ten pieces of equipment - such as a gun, a shield, or a full set of armor - to be able to equip or return at will. The armory will automatically repair and maintain weapons stored within it. This doesn't work for fully destroyed artifact items unless you help supply the magical oomph.

Require :[ Sweet Home ]|


[Home Security] |Cost: Free|

|The portals to access your Pocket Apartment, and any perks that follow from it, can not be perceived or entered by anything you do not allow, including creatures, contaminants, and remote viewing.

Require :[ Pocket Apartment ]|


[Demiplane] |Cost: 15 points|

|By locking away your Sweet Home and transforming it into a proper Home Demiplane, you gain greater control and safety within it.

You and your retinue no longer need to open a portal to return to your Demiplane, and may freely teleport yourself to and from any point in your Demiplane, though following the same rules for portals otherwise. You may still make portals, which are now protected by a perception filter. Neutral, hostile, and uninvited eyes will not notice a portal's presence, activation, or use, and they cannot pass through. You may control this filter from the Company app. You may eject anyone in your Demiplane as if you had pushed them out through a portal to their home reality.

If you possess Rainbow Bridge or similar perks that limit your entry and exit points, you may still enter and exit either at those points or per the original Sweet Home rules.

While within your Domain, you and your retinue heal and recover faster, require less sustenance, and your abilities are more effective.

Attacking you, your waifus, or your allies within your Demiplane is an Extreme Infraction, and the Consequence saps strength from the offender. Every 100% change reduces the offender's effective tier by 1.

Finally, the severity of all Infractions within your Demiplane are increased by one step, from Minor to Major, from Major to Severe and so on.

Require :[ Sweet Home ]|



[Everlasting Talent] |Cost: Free|

|You live. You have weak immortality and eternal youth. If you are older than the peak age for your species (25 years for humans), your body is reset to that point; otherwise you'll continue to physically mature to that point but not experience any aging afterwards. This will not interfere with deliberate age-manipulation effects from within your retinue, whether from the company's transformation suite or third-parties. If your maturation process had been halted by any means, it will now continue until your peak age. The "Fog of Ages," including atrophy of unused skills, will never affect you.

This perk will not make you unkillable or grant any form of auto-resurrection. It just means you won't grow feeble and die of "natural causes," so don't try anything foolish. The benefits of this perk will apply to your purchased and captured waifus, but you can disable it for specific individuals if you wish.|


[Body Talent] |Cost: Free|

|You lift. Your body is now in perfect fitness and health, with significant muscle growth, within healthy human standards. If your natural height was less, you are now between 170 and 210 cm tall - or will be, if you aren't yet fully grown. Your clothes are all resized and your muscle memory adjusted to fit. (You may opt out of this height boost.) In the event of a mismatch, your body will change to match your gender identity, reflecting what you might have looked like if you'd been born as such, unless you created or maintained a mismatch with your choice of targets for Substitute or Possess. (You knew what you were getting into when you did that.)

All unwanted pre-existing medical conditions, from skin blemishes and unwanted body hair to chronic disease, missing limbs, detrimental genetic irregularities, and physical transformations are erased. (Cyborgs will find their reproductive system restored and augmentations optimized within their technological base.) This full heal will automatically trigger only once for each member of your retinue, including yourself: when you first purchase Body Talent or when the person joins your retinue, whichever happens second.

You are immune to further minor illnesses, but not diseases or injuries. All healing or medical operations performed on you will complete without complications, residual pain, or unwanted scars.

Additionally, you can rapidly learn any non-supernatural athletic skills you encounter: acrobatics, physical sports, parkour, swimming, etc. Skills directly related to combat fall under Martial Talent instead, while supernatural extensions of skill are affected by Psychic or Soul Talents. This is an experience and skill acquisition multiplier, not a flat improvement, and scales to the strength and skill of your opponents and trainers: the better they are than you, the faster you learn, until you've caught up to them.

The individual benefits of this Talent may also apply, at your discretion, to any/all of your purchased and captured waifus. Unwanted conditions are erased according to your wants, not theirs. If you purchased Extra, Substitute, or Possess, this perk will be retroactively applied to your new body, with the exception noted above.|


[Martial Talent] |Cost: Free|

|You fight. You have prodigious martial talent and can rapidly learn any personal, non-supernatural combat skills you encounter, whether melee or ranged. Supernatural extensions of martial skill are instead affected by Psychic or Soul Talents. This is an experience and skill acquisition multiplier, not a flat improvement, and scales to the strength and skill of your opponents and trainers: the better they are than you, the faster you learn, until you've caught up to them. This applies to both command ability and personal skill.|


[Wild Talent] |Cost: Free|

|You camp. You have a knack for living in the wilderness, with a natural feel for how to identify and make use of edible food, potable water, suitable shelter, animal tracks, etc. You know how to ride a mundane horse. In worlds that don't use horses, you can quickly adapt your riding methods to whatever appropriate beasts are available.|


[Soul Talent] |Cost: Free|

|You feel. You have prodigious talent for ki arts (aura, chi, Hamon, Phonic Gain, Spiral Power, etc.) and magic and will rapidly learn any such mystical arts you encounter and are capable of using. Unlike the buffs from Heritage or Shroud elements, this is an experience and skill acquisition multiplier, not a flat improvement. This effect scales to the strength and skill of your opponents and trainers: the better they are than you, the faster you learn, until you've caught up to them. This does not apply to scientific forms of magic.|


[Communication Talent] |Cost: 10 points|

|You understand. You can read a room, spot deceit or employ your own, know when to speak and when to hold your tongue, and find the right words to say for good or ill. You will neither be That Guy whom women warn their friends about, nor the otaku nerd whose obsessions drive others away. This does not lend any additional power to your words - that's what Siren's Song is for - nor will it make you enjoy social interactions for their own sake. It only guarantees knowledge and competence.

Additionally, you are immediately fluent in any spoken language you encounter and will speak it like any native in only a few days, with mastery of the written form taking a week on average; this part always applies to your retinue as well. Finally, you have a prodigious talent for writing, regardless of whether the subject is fiction or nonfiction. Depending on the skill of your trainer, cohorts, and rivals, you can elevate your own skill beyond ordinary human ability, following the same rules as the other Talents.|


[Performance Talent] |Cost: 10 points|

|You express. You have a prodigious talent in the kinesthetic arts: music, dance, acting, etc. This is an experience and skill acquisition multiplier, not a flat improvement, and scales to the skill of your trainers, cohorts, and competition: the better they are than you, the faster you learn, until you've caught up to them. Audiovisual and stage production are instead covered under Engineering Talent.|


[Blessed Talent] |Cost: 30 points|

|Fortuna and her peers smile upon you. Higher powers, whether they're deities, demons, or merely greater elementals or other spirits, will warm up to you more quickly than just anyone. Blessings or gifts given to you will be more powerful or useful, and curses or smitings aimed at your enemies will be more effective, scaling to how much the specific higher power likes you compared to who- or whatever you're calling upon them for.

If you are a god, the use of your own godly powers benefits from Soul Talent instead. In that case, if you also have Talent Sharing for this perk, it will remain useful for anyone in your retinue who calls upon your power.

Require all of:[ Communication Talent, Soul Talent ]|


[Covert Talent] |Cost: 10 points|

|You lie, cheat, and steal. You have a prodigious talent for larceny, trespassing, theft, espionage, counterintelligence, and other forms of covert activity, whether it's performed on a government's dime or not. You can disappear into any crowd, no matter how sparse.

This synergizes with many other Talents. For example, with Engineering Talent, you can learn to hack any device. With Communication or Performance Talents, you can grift the best con artists out of their money. With Aesthetic Talent, you can make perfect forgeries of any artist's style. Body Talent's boost to athleticism also synergizes with this perk.

This is an experience and skill acquisition multiplier, not a flat improvement, and scales to the strength and skill of your opponents, rivals, and trainers: the better they are than you, the faster you learn, until you've caught up to them.|


[Aesthetic Talent] |Cost: 10 points|

|You design. You have a prodigious talent in the visual arts: painting, sculpture, photography, fashion and makeup, etc. This is an experience and skill acquisition multiplier, not a flat improvement, and scales to the skill of your trainers, cohorts, and competition: the better they are than you, the faster you learn, until you've caught up to them. The creation of things that have practical purposes is instead covered under Engineering Talent.|


[Educational Talent] |Cost: 10 points|

|You teach. You pass on information, you instruct, and you guide the learning process even with skills that you do not directly possess. Your descriptions and directions are never less clear than you desire and those you give them to will retain the information easily. You can even act as the best possible practice partner so long as you have a vague idea of the role and are physically capable of what is required.Your students cannot learn anything from you that they would be otherwise incapable of picking up given sufficient time and effort. You simply reduce the requirements for both to a tiny fraction of what would otherwise be needed.|



[Body Defense (x2)] |Free|

|You have protection from all diseases, toxins, and targeted radiation. Lethal or crippling afflictions will leave you sick enough to most likely stay in bed, unless you really have to move - because you're attacked, for example. Anything short of that will leave you weakened and uncomfortable, but functional.

Additionally, you get an extra one-time full heal, identical to the one offered by Body Talent, with each purchase of this Defense. These are counted separately for each member of your retinue, including yourself and anyone acquired after the purchase of this Defense. These may be kept for future use.

This perk still does not protect against injury or provide any sort of healing factor; if you want one, you'll have to find it yourself.

Require :[ Body Talent ]|


[Wild Defense (x2)] |Free|

|You are equally comfortable on a glacier as you are in a sandy desert, steamy jungle, irradiated wasteland, or temperate floodplain. Combined with Body Defense, you are never at risk of suffocation in a gaseous atmosphere. You can dive far deeper than any human, provided you bring an air supply with you. At the base level, survival will not necessarily be pleasant. Non-fatal/crippling injuries (burns, crush or decompression injuries) are a real possibility.|


[Environmental Defense (x2)] |Free|

|Wild Defense's protections now apply to true extremes. allowing you to enter the oceanic abyss or hard vacuum, or even go sun-diving and live. This also protects against purposeless, degenerative, relatively mundane mutations. This perk does not protect against injuries.

Require :[ Wild Defense ]|


[Strees Defense (x2)] |Free|

|Get that dirt off your shoulder. You can act calmly under pressure and are protected from degenerative mental effects.|


[Destiny Defense (x2)] |Free|

|You are the master of your fate. Attempts to change your fate or luck will be more difficult, less reliable, and weaker than they would normally be - increasingly so the more directly they target you instead of just your surroundings, the more improbable they are, and the more precision they require. Changes that do go through will be more easy to reverse than they would be otherwise.

As with the other Defense perks, you may still experience any beneficial effects of these sorts of manipulation even if you have the second perk for immunity.|


[Mind Defense (x2)] |Cost: 25 points|

|You are protected from all mind control effects from outside of your retinue and unwanted attempts from within. Attempts to influence you will be weaker and you have an easier time noticing them and fighting them off. At least part of your mind will always remain beyond any control, leaving you free to fight your controller from within - creatively reinterpreting orders, temporarily suppressing or weakening their influence, leaving part or all of your body locked in indecisive spasms, or even throwing off their control entirely if what they're trying to make you do goes too far against your true self. Successful mind control within your retinue will require your consent, not the victim's. Friendly psychics may still contact you or your retinue through telepathy.|


[Polymorph Defense (x1)] |Free|

|You can resist targeted supernatural transformations. Such attacks will take more effort and tend to remain incomplete and weaken you less than they should unless repeated for long enough. For example, an attempt to turn you into a tiny newt may turn you into a giant newt or a still-functional newt-man. Any loss of strength, durability, or similar traits from transformation will experience diminishing returns.

At the immunity level, If you are transformed in such a way, even before you were protected by this perk, you may easily reverse the effect, entirely or in piecemeal, at will. All detransformations in your retinue will require your consent, not the victim's. Contagious transformations that you allow will not spread from you or your retinue to third parties unless you choose to let that happen as well.

Require 1 of:[ Body Defense, Wyldscape Defense, Corruption Defense ]|


[Wyldscape Defense (x1)] |Free|

|You can resist ongoing supernatural transformations that just affect anyone who enters the area of effect. The same forms of resistance from Polymorph Defense can manifest with this perk as well.

At the immunity level, if you are transformed in such a way, even before you were protected by this perk, you may easily reverse the effect, entirely or in piecemeal, at will. All detransformations in your retinue require your consent, not the victim's. Contagious transformations that you allow will not spread from you or your retinue to third parties unless you choose to let that happen as well.

Require 1 of:[ Environmental Defense, Polymorph Defense, Corruption Defense ]|


[Fatality Defense (x2] |Free|

|Conceptual instant death and other soul-destroying effects may hurt and weaken you, but never kill you. Alternatively, you will be able to cling to life as a disembodied shade until your retinue can produce a replacement body for you to inhabit, or you simply force yourself to resurrect after some time.

Require :[ Everlasting Talent ]|


[Corruption Defense (x2)] |Cost: 50 points|

|Metaphysically corruptive effects, whether environmental or targeted in nature, are slower to affect you, with diminishing returns the farther the corruption would take you from your fundamental self. After they wear off, you may choose to retain effects that would normally be permanent (plus any attendant transformations, if you have those defenses) as a sort of superpowered evil side, or a separate alter ego to converse with. These remain fundamentally you, just a different version of you seen through a different lens. Other Defenses such as Body, Stress, Addiction, Mind, and Soul may prove extremely useful, depending on the specifics of such a scenario.

Require 1 of:[ Soul Defense, Polymorph Defense, Wyldscape Defense ]|


[Possession Defense(x2)] |Cost: 20 points|

|Nobody controls your body except you. You are protected from parasites, spiritual possession, remote body control, and body-swapping shenanigans, whether you're conscious or not. The same forms of resistance from Mind Defense can manifest with this perk as well.

Require 1 of:[ Body Defense, Mind Defense ]|


[Information Defense(x2)] |Cost: 50 points|

|Scouters can't read your power level. Information about you, from mind-reading, super-analysis, or metaphysical senses will tend to be unclear, incomplete, misleading or even flat-out wrong, or similarly unreliable - the more important any secret of yours is, or the more dangerous to you, the more difficult it will be to perceive, much less perceive accurately. This applies to both attempts from outside of your retinue and unwanted attempts from within, but not Conjunction. You may still allow friendly or neutral third parties to use such abilities on you.|


[Soul Defense (x2)] |Cost: 50 points|

|You are the master of your soul. You are protected from all vitality-, mana-, and soul-draining effects. At the resistance level, attempts to feed on you will have diminishing returns, leaving your attacker unable to drain you completely. Waifus who feed on souls or lifeforce can get all the nutrition they need from you or your other waifus without causing harm, even from side effects such as loss of fluids. This protects you and your retinue from third parties, but not vice versa. This perk does not reduce the energy use from your own efforts in any way - you want Inexhaustible for that.|


[Trace Defense (x2)] |Cost: 100 points|

|You are the master of your trail. Hostile and neutral remote viewing attempts: precognition, postcognition, scrying, dream visitation, etc. will have a harder time perceiving you. The same forms of resistance from Information Defense can manifest with this perk as well. At the immunity level, supernatural observers might only see a world where you don't exist. This does not apply to direct naked-eye observation, other forms of mundane (technological) surveillance and analysis, or Dragon Aura's pull on higher-tier waifus.|


[Creature Defense (x2)] |Cost: 20 points|

|Non-sapient living things - beasts, flora, or fungi - will not attack you without provocation, i.e. coming too close to it, its family, its food, or its territory, or appearing too threatening, such by making sudden moves or loud noises. Wildlife will always attempt to obviously scare you off before attacking, including through speech (for creatures capable of it). Extremely hungry wildlife may still approach or stalk you to size you up, but will not ambush you, and you can scare them off with some effort.|


[Paradox Defense] |Cost: 100 points|

|You are the master of your timeline. Temporal slowdowns will have increasingly weaker effects on you the stronger they are - a weak slowing effect will be even weaker, but a stronger one and even a total time-stop will not leave you completely unable to react. You will retain memories of previous timelines, loops, or other resets, even if they are faded or incomplete, and any attempts to spy on or change your timeline will have the same problems mentioned under Information, Trace, and Destiny Defenses. Attempts to erase you entirely will merely leave you weakened, faded, or flickering into and out of existence randomly.

This perk also blocks forced unwanted teleportation, whether that involves sending you somewhere else or sending something into your current position. Resistance to such effects may make the teleport require more effort or send you somewhere inconvenient to both yourself and the teleporter.|



[Sexual Calibration] |Cost: 2 points|

|The little inconveniences that can make sex less fun no longer apply to you. Your partners will always be as clean as needed and smell just as you like. If you have a refractory period, it is removed. Any unintentional or incidental damage that your sexual sessions might cause simply doesn't take place. This includes unwanted pregnancy and any complications of pregnancy; note that this perk cannot guarantee a desired pregnancy. Exhaustion will not be an issue for any participant in your sexual sessions until at least you are satisfied. You can extend all of this to your partners as well.|


[Fertility Calibration] |Cost: 2 points|

|You now have total control over the chances of pregnancy in any sexual encounter involving you or a member of your harem, even overriding any fertility control your waifus may employ. This perk does not alter the chance of multiple fetuses relative to the chance of just one.

Require :[ Sexual Calibration ]|


[Mapper] |Cost: 10 points|

|This app offers maps of the current world you're on, with points of interest annotated. No information that could not be discovered by casually asking around is listed, so while a public facing organization like a merchant's guild will be annotated, the local thieves' guild will not. This map will update itself if you discover a point of interest that would normally be left off of the map. You are also able to search for points of interest. Tapping on a point of interest (or the equivalent for your smart device) will bring up a short description of it. You can add any number of your own annotations to the descriptions. Descriptions will update in real time if there are significant changes, such as a store closing.,

If you have Rainbow Bridge, you can toggle to any world you have access to at the current time.|


[Traget Tracker] |Cost: 10 points|

|This app adds the ability to track any mobile target you take a picture of, whether it's a person, a vehicle, or anything else capable of moving under its own power, appearing as a stylized but recognizable icon of the tracked target. Basic status information will also be displayed if you tap on the icon. You can hide specific icons and cancel tracking of a target at any time. You will need to take a new picture of a target once you cancel tracking if you want to resume. "Missing" familiars of retinue members you've captured, who didn't have their familiars yet when you did so, will automatically be entered into this tracker.

Require :[ Mapper ]|


[Bounty Tracker] |Cost: 50 points|

|This app integrates the catalog bounties with the map. Any bounty targets listed in the catalog for the current world can be added as tracked targets. Additionally, for any captures that you acquired "early," the familiars and standard equipment that they would have if you had purchased them will automatically appear in this app, with different markers than the ones used for new bounties.

Require :[ Target Tracker ]|


[Physic Paper] |Cost: 5 points|

|Exactly like in Doctor Who, this blank white card shows the reader whatever you want them to see. In most practical cases, this will likely be a form of local identification, but that's far from the only use. Psychic paper will not work on geniuses or people with feeble imaginations. People with basic psychic training are also immune; powerful psychics can reflect its effect back on the user. Illiterate people can still read psychic paper, provided their civilization has invented writing.|


[Exit Stage Left] |Cost: 5 points|

|The company app in your smart device has a new feature. Its main display is simply a progress bar that measures everything you do in your current location, whether that's capturing local waifus, defeating baddies, or otherwise accomplishing story goals. Once the bar is full, a button on the screen will light up that opens a portal to a randomized new world within one danger level of your current one. (If you have Pocket Apartment or We Will Meet Again, the randomizer will choose based on your most recent new world.) These portals are one-way only, and will last no more than two minutes or until you and all of your waifus have passed through, whichever is shorter. This includes any vehicles your group is using. If any of your waifus stay behind, this perk will not help you retrieve them. If your destination world has a lower danger rating than your current one, a second "penalty" bar will appear above the regular progress bar. It must be filled before the regular progress bar will start to move. The larger the gap between the two ratings, the more work you'll need to do in the new world.|


[We will meet again] |Cost: 15 points|

|You may freely return to previously-visited worlds using the Exit Stage Left app. All worlds you've visited since the start of your journey, including your Pocket Apartment if you have one, will be listed with their danger ratings. (Pocket Apartment does not have a danger rating.) You can sort the list alphabetically, by danger, or by your first or most recent visits. Your return portal will always be within 2 km of its last location, at the least dangerous point in that radius. If you have not purchased Pursued by a Bear, Exit Stage Left's basic functionality will now display the next world's danger rating. Time is assumed to pass at the same rate in every world you visit, including your Pocket Apartment, unless you explicitly use magical, technological, or other means of time travel or dilation.

Require :[ Exit Stage Left ]|


[Paper Trail] |Cost: 1 point|

|In some worlds, anonymity is a danger in and of itself. This perk retroactively modifies all records (paper, digital, and even memories) to create a legal existence for your waifu. Where applicable, the waifu will receive any real documentation she would be expected to have. This perk will not actually make your backstory true, no matter how many locals believe it. You may also purchase and apply this perk to yourself; the all-waifus package will always apply it to you. If you chose the Extra or Substitute origins, this perk will not apply to you until you visit your second world. Similarly, this cannot give a captured or Yoinked retinue member a new identity in their own homeworld. Once you've purchased this perk ten times, it will apply to every member of your retinue.

By default, this history is of a middle-class or analogous citizen. If plausible and desired, they will instead be of a social class that can associate with you. Under the same conditions, any powers they have may be documented in a way that best fits your needs. If you have Trace Defense, any attempt at remote viewing where failure or invisibility would itself be a red flag will seemingly succeed, showing either a convincing match to their documented past or a present or future with nothing important to note.|


Point left: 15 points