World #1 – Wild Forest (Part 1)

"Aaahhhh!" William screamed out his virtual lungs as he ran down a grassy field and was chased by a bull twice the size of a normal adult male bull.

He screamed out, "Novaaa! I managed to run away from the orc, don't I get EXP for that?!"

「Of course not, master. The health points of the monster must get to zero before you are given EXP」

"But how do I kill them without a bloody weapon?!"

「After the mob is successfully killed, 5 EXP and 10 Gold are earned. Gold can be used to purchase weapons and armor from the store」

"There is a store?! How come you're only telling me this NOW?!"

「Master, this information was in the guide you refused to read」

A vein popped on William's forehead when he heard that. He grumpily countered, "Because it was blocking my freakin' vision as I ran from the orc! Come on, aren't you supposed to be intelligent?!"
