Main Story #1 (Part 4)

The buff middle-aged man nodded his head, "Heh, ok kid. I hear ya. I'm Juggo by the way."

"I'm Amelia." The pretty young lady said. Her voice was filled with youthful liveliness, her eyes sparkled every time she spoke.

"Lecro." The shrouded man said.

Juggo smiled and said, "Amelia here's my daughter, she's good with arrows; and Lecro's at throwing knives and daggers, might come off as rude and overbearing at times but he's a good guy."

Lecro countered, still maintaining his folded arms and calm reserve, "You are more overbearing than I am, and I would appreciate it if you do not tell strangers about my skills so easily."

"Oh, pardon me. I'm William. Nice to meet you all." William greeted as Juggo moved to the side for him to sit and the latter put his heavy, bear-like arms over William's shoulders. Oof~ feels like a 50kg dumbbell… William lampooned.