with the battle with krieg having concluded, our protagonist has decided to use his spoils of battle, krieg's ship.

of course, he still had a means of transport with Johnny's and Yosaku's ship but there was another reason he took the ship.


that's right, he took this ship because it would scare anybody, I mean I wouldn't want to see a giant pirate ship coming to my island, I would think that hundreds of pirates would be on that ship and run for it.

he was doing this because he hated Arlong and there isn't really alot of people Luffy truly hates, intact he could count them on one hand.

anyway, Luffy knew what Arlong had done to Nami, killing her mother then enslaving her and forcing her to work for him or else the rest of the people she cared about would also suffer.

when he thought about it his blood started boiling for a second, it looked like he had gone gear second.

all he wanted to do was beat the shit out of Arlong and make him suffer like Nami did.




the villagers that resided on Conomi island looked in horror at horizon on the ocean. a giant prate ship was heading straight for them .

it was miserable enough that Arlong and his crew were here but now another pirate crew was about to land and it looked even bigger.

they were sweating nervously at just the thought alone.

the fishmen who were on their normal routine of looking around the island and making sure everyone was afraid of them, ran to Arlong park.

and another girl, who was standing in her mother's Mikans field, staring out at the ship without any expression.

the fishmen reached Arlong park to find Arlong sitting in his throne like usual.

they gave him a report on what they saw and Arlong got out of his seat, calling the rest of the fishmen to accompany him.

they all made their way to the edge of the island.

since they were fishmen, Arlong sent of a few of them to deal with them, while they were still in the water.

of course, Arlong just brought his chair with him and sat down thinking it was just going to be a bit of amusement for him.

what he didn't expect was for his men to dealt with already.

our trust worthy sniper on the boat had dealt a real number on them with the help of Luffy coating Ussop's pellets with armament haki.

Arlong was surprised but he just thought his men were a bit rusty since they haven't had a real fight in a long time.

Arlong noticed something as the ship got closer and he saw that it was damaged.

since it was damaged then it must of came here for supplies and treatment, he thought.

knowing that they were already weak, Arlong let the ship get closer to the island.

after a few minutes it had reached the shore and Arlong shouted at the pirates onboard.


and that's just what they did.

Luffy and the rest of his crew jumped down to the shore full of fishmen, with the exception of Ussop since he is a sniper.

now standing on the shore was about fifty or so fishmen pirates facing the strawhats and Johnny and Yosaku.

Arlong looked at the five or so, moving his head to the left a bit to see if there were more behind them.

Arlong : " this is all of them, I thought we were gonna have some fun today"

Arlong stood up and grabbed his chair in his arms, he turned to face his back towards the strawhats.

Arlong : " deal with them and then get back to wo-

before Arlong could finish his sentence, his face was suddenly in pain and his legs weren't touching the floor.

his whole body was off the ground and pushing past the many fishmen like it was nothing.

when he finally realised what had happened, he was already 100 meters away from where he originally was and hit the ground, sliding a bit from the momentum.

he stopped moving on the dirt floor and picked himself up, he looked at where he came from to see that a fist was Infront of him.

but it wasn't coming closer, instead it was moving away from him.

Arlong looked to see who it was was and saw it was the man with the strawhat.

Arlong was furious at how a mere human had punched him.

Arlong : " GET THOSE HUMANS!!"








Luffy used soru and disappeared from where he was standing, a few fishmen huddled close together were suddenly thrown apart like something had hit them.

this was Luffy thinning out the amount of fishmen as he was making his way to Arlong for his fight.




with the battle suddenly beginning, Zoro readied his swords in his hands and mouth.

when the fishmen realised that they were in battle already, they charged at the few humans who were their opposing team.

when they got close, Zoro slashed at the chest of one of the fishmen and then moved closer to another one and did the same thing.

when one of the fishmen came close to hitting him from behind, it was hit in the back with Ussop's haki pellets.




Sanji ran up close to the fishmen and jumped up high before giving them a kick to their skull.

this knocked most of his opponents down but since they were fishmen, they had alot tougher bodies than humans so they didn't go down with just one hit.

this lead to some of them surrounding Sanji in a circle, however Sanji was smart and when they all attacked at once, he ducked under their attack.

he got on the ground and did a 360 sweep kick to trip all fishmen. they all lost their balance and fell to the ground, leaving Sanji with a chance to attack.




Ussop was on the boat and not on the ground for 2 reasons, one was because Ussop was scared and the other was that this gave him a perfect view of his targets.

when some of the fishmen came close to hitting his team mates, he shot the fishmen in the back or leg and they fell to ground in pain.

it was understandable since Luffy had done something weird to his ammunition and made them alot stronger.

when he tried it on a piece of rock, it shattered to pieces, imagining that on your skin is horrifying enough.

some of the fish men had noticed that Ussop was standing on the boat and started to climb up towards him.

when Ussop noticed this, he was scared to think of what would happen to him when they reached him.

Ussop was a coward but he was clever, so he made use of his high ground and brought out an opened bottle of alcohol, throwing it at the fishmen climbing.

when the bottle hit them, it shattered and the alcohol covered the fishmen but that didn't stop them climbing.

when they were all just about to reach the end, they saw Ussop pulling back on his slingshot and then releasing it towards them.


when the attack landed, the fishmen burst into flames and cried out in pain as they were trying to extinguish the fire but it was already to late.

Ussop : " we're on a boat, just jump over, huh"

Ussop proudly held his head up high as a smug grin formed on his face.

Ussop : " another win for captain Ussop"




now Johnny and Yosaku may not have been the best of fighters but they sure did know how to work as a team.

when the fishmen charged at one of them, the other would "coincidentally" let their foot out and the fishmen would tumble over on their head as the two would beat it black and blue.

the trouble came when two or more fishmen cam at them, they couldn't use the same tactics.

when I say trouble, I mean the fishmen were in trouble, the duo would wait untill the last second of their opponents attack and swiftly duck under.

they would them move to the side and slash, this always worked when they were against a group.




Luffy used soru to disappear and reappear Infront of Arlong.

Arlong : " wait ho-"

Luffy again didn't let him finish and just punched him in the chest, sending him flying again.

when he stopped again Luffy would repeat his actions.

Arlong was getting angry at the constant punches and kicks he was getting, he couldn't even react to them because they were too fast.

well he didn't have to worry about them for much longer because he finally got up and the punches stopped.

he was wondering what was going on untill he looked around his surroundings and realised he was back at Arlong park.

Arlong : " how stupid can you be, you brought me straight to my home turf"

Luffy appeared Infront of Arlong which made him twitch a bit expecting another blow but he quickly reclaimed himself.

Arlong : " so who are you pirate, why did you come to my territory?"

Luffy didn't answer his question and raised his hand towards the large building to the right of him.

luffy : " get your sword"

Arlong : " you think a lowly human can give me orders"

Luffy looked at Arlong in the eyes.

luffy's pupils were small and they were looking straight through Arlong like he was nothing more than a pebble standing in his way.

a burst of conquerer's haki was released from Luffy since he was getting impatient now.

Luffy : " GET IT NOW!!!"

another burst of conquerer's haki came from Luffy and it all went to Arlong.

Truthfully, Arlong was surprised at this. he had only ever seen one other person do what Luffy had done and that was Fisher Tiger.

Arlong's body was shaking uncontrollably at the intense wave of luffy's will however Arlong's pride was getting in the way of his common sense.

Arlong : " you bastard, fishmen stand at the top, humans should only follow orders not give them out"

Luffy was done playing nice and moved his raised hand towards arlong's head faster than he could react to.

he then grabbed on tightly making it painful for Arlong and threw him towards the building .

Arlong went straight throw the walls and landed inside the second floor of the building.

Luffy turned towards the building walked inside, slowly making his way to Arlong.

on the second floor, Arlong was picking himself off the floor and regaining his balance, he looked around and knew where he was.

Arlong walked out of the room he was in and went in another to find his kiribachi.

when he found it in his room, he walked back out and went to the stairs but he didn't go down them.

he could hear the sound of Sandles hitting the rocky stair case as Luffy climbed them.

closer and closer he came so Arlong waited for him just behind the wall, untill he was almost there.

when Luffy had finally reached the end of the stair case, Arlong was already swing his kiribachi towards his neck, ready for it come flying off.

Luffy had sensed it coming but he didn't move, he just turned his head towards Arlong to see him with an evil grin.








when the sword came in contact with Luffy's neck, it stopped moving and a small crack formed crack had formed halfway down the blade.

the crack grew in matter of seconds, until it made a clean cut from the blade to the blunt side and half the sword fell off.

the evil grin Arlong had on his face turned to one of shock and he instinctively took a step back.

Arlong looked at where the sword hit luffy's neck and saw that it was completely unharmed, as if it was made of steel.

Arlong : " how dare you break my kiribachi, you'll pay for this"

even though he said this, Arlong wasn't making a move towards Luffy.

so Luffy raised his hand and readed to punch Arlong in the face.

Arlong raised his hand in front of his face to protect it, however he gut a haki punch to the gut instead.

the amount of force behind that punch made Arlong through up and sent his body flying again.

he burst through the walls and he fell in the pool below him.








Luffy followed Arlong out of the makeshift exit and jumped outside onto the concrete floor.

he looked at the pool to see where Arlong was but he couldn't see much with the water being so deep.

during this time a few minutes had gone by and a crowd of people had gathered near the entrance of Arlong park, with Nami being at the front.

instead of using his eyes, Luffy used his observation haki and sensed that Arlong was coming towards him from the water at a very fast speed.

when Arlong landed in the water, he let himself sink down for a bit as he recovered some of his strength.

he was no match for Luffy while he was on land but a true fishman's power is revealed while in the water.

Arlong : " SHARK ON DARTS!!"






Arlong moved at such speed that when he reached the top of the water the momentum caused him to leap out of the water at incredible speed.

he was now litteraly darting towards Luffy ready to piece his chest with his saw like nose.

Luffy stuck out his hand and grabbed arlong's nose in mid air, he wrapped his hand around the fishman's body and held it in place as he pushed his nose to the side.








the sound of Arlong's nose being pushed to far could be heard. the bones in his nose broken and hitting against eachother.

Arlong : " AHHHHHHHH!"

everyone could hear Arlong's screams as his nose was being disfigured.

when Luffy finally stopped he put Arlong on the ground and the fish man walked to the pool to see his reflection.

he was horrified to see that his nose had been twisted to the left and some bones was sticking out.

this made him even more furious and this time he was going to kill this man, so he turned back to Luffy and walked over to him.

he put his hands on luffy's shoulders slowly and Luffy let him.

then he picked him up and turned back to the body of water to throw him in there however, just as Luffy was about to hit the water, Luffy used geppo.

Luffy pushed against the air so hard that he managed to push Arlong back enough that he could safely land back on the concrete floor.

Luffy grabbed Arlong tightly by wrapping his arms around him and continuosly used geppo to get him flying in the air.

he pushed and pushed till he and Arlong were just above Arlong parks building. Luffy unwrapped himself from Arlong.

he pushed Arlong towards the roof of the building and used geppo again to do a front slip.

halfway through the flip, he stretched out his leg and shouted his attack move.

Luffy : " GOMU GOMU NO ONO!"

his leg came down on the roof and Arlong. Arlong's body went through the roof and soon enough the roof collapsed.

then Arlong went through the third floor and the second until he reached the end on the first floor. the subsequent floors came down with him.

and Luffy came down to the ground aswell , where he experienced an onslaught of dust clouds hitting him repeatedly.

the onlooker saw all of this happen in a matter of a few seconds but they still knew how incredible this was.

it took a few minutes for the dust clouds to disappear but it gave Zoro, Sanji, Ussop, Johnny and Yosaku enough time to reach Arlong park or atleast what's left of it.

the dust clears and Luffy was standing nears where the building used to stand, he raised his hands up in the sky and shouted out for all to hear his words.




he put his hands on luffy's shoulders slowly and Luffy let him.

then he picked him up and turned him around to his back where he processed to tear his shorts off.

Arlong put his face close luffys neck and his tongue came out.

His tongue caressed luffys neck while Luffy was moaning in pleasure from the shear coldness of arlongs tongue.

Arlong brought out his swordfish and stuck it in some rubber.