miss him

Noah pov

"hey I got my result and me as well as Gwyneth are selected"I messaged her smilingly..

"wow congrats"

"so let's meet"

"no sorry let's meet next week my mood term exams are going in"

"ok sorry, and do your best"

"I will, thank you ?"Melody replied..

I smiled looking at our previous messages...

then I put my phone in pocket and went to home...

(you all might be wondering how Noah got so close with Melody so I will just write their site conversation here and for their main story I will write another book after completing this book where we will only focus on Gwyneth ?)

A/n pov

Gwyneth was really sad because since the last week after completing her exams she stopped receiving those note.. it made her really sad and broken because after the the things that happened to her he was the first person to approach her even before Noah.. he was the only reason of her happiness, the reason for her nice sleep but now the old dark days returned, she was in the same place where she wanted to move on from..

Gwyneth pov..

I hate him, just hate him, this time real hate to that stranger.. of he can't stay with me then why gave me a short time happiness??I really hope but to meet him again on my whole life... and now I have to move on from him but will I be able to move on?? will I really be able to forget him?? and the answer in NO..

I believe that if he is written in my destiny then he will walk into your life.. and if he is not written in my then.. he will eventually leave..

in this week I have tried my best to forget him even if it's for a single moment...I tried to distract myself from good thought, I went out thinking that I would be happy but nothing could make me happy nothing could make me forget him..

memory is such a strange thing... when you try to forget something your whole life you can't forget and when you try to remember a small thing.. you can't remember it..


A/n pov

"Gwyneth sis"a voice called her been who was lost in her own world..

"yes"Gwyneth said slowly..

"what's wrong with your I have been calling for since last five minutes??"memory pouted..

"sorry I was thinking about something"Gwyneth said embarrassingly..

"you don't seem to be same when we first talked, are you alright??"Melody asked with concern..

"yes, I am fine just stressed"Gwyneth lied..

"ok take care of yourself"Melody said .

"stupid,even if not much but still I am one year older than you, I know have to take care of myself"Gwyneth said slowly slapping her head..

"it hurts"Melody pouted touching her head where Gwyneth slapped..

after 10 minutes Noah came..

"let's order something"he said hurriedly..

Gwyneth pov..

we both, me and melody looked at eachother and then at Noah..

"don't look at me like that,I am hungry"he pouted..

me and melody chatted while eating but Noah focus was fully on the food.. we both chuckled looking at him.. he was eating as if he had not eaten for a whole month..

I felt peach looking at these two because Noah was me since the middle of my high school and although it's not been long since we talked to Melody but she also have me a family like feeling..

now everything was with me friends,I also got admitted in one of the best university but still I was missing something..

I tried to forget him,hate him but still I couldn't..

I don't hate him, neither do I hate him, neither I could hate him, neither will I be able to hate him..

but it's not that..I didn't try to hate him,I just wasn't able to

he is the first person to come in my thoughts before sleeping and after I woke up..