no title

in university

Gwyneth pov

I ran to my class as I was a bit late because of a small accident which happened because of my foolishness....


Gwyneth was walking happily because of the letter and was not caring about anything but suddenly a car came Infront of her and she got a scratch on her knee..

end of flashback.

I ran towards my classroom and knocked the door and went inside..

as I walked inside I saw two mens in the classroom with... one was talking with professor who is also the vise president and another was looking outside the window...

"why are you standing there??"professor asked and the man taking with him raised his head and he was non other than CEO Liam..

if it's CEO then that person looking outside must be...

I looked at the side and find mr.knight looking at me...

my breadth stopped because I know them as I work for them but no one else knows and the night think different...ufff why God??

i was lost in my thought and someone called me .

"miss Gwyneth??"it was CEO Liam...

I looked at him showing a small smile ..

"you study here??"he asked...

"you know her??"professor interrupted him and after asking this his face was showing afraid expression because CEO Liam hates when someone else interrupt his conversation..

"yes"he said not caring about the tone which he was speaking...

"you never told that you study here??"CEO asked .

"I thought it was not necessary"I said embarrassedly..

"yes it's also true"he said smiling...

"ok go to your seat"he said and I slowly went to my seat and unluckily Mr Knight was standing just behind my seat... why God?? why??I don't think I have ever harmed anyone then why this torture...

I went and took my seat..I was taking my books and..

"what happened to your knees??"Mr Knight asked standing beside me...

I was about to stand but he pushed me down to my seat ..

"what happened??"he again asked...

"just a small accident"I said slowly being afraid because anyone could get afraid because of his deep and cold tone as it can make anyone shiver...

as I replied he went out without speaking and after few minutes CEO Liam also went out but as he reached the door he turned back...

"miss Gwyneth??"


"come to principal's office after this class"saying this he went out...

I took a deep breadth as he left ... thank God...

I felt someone looking at me so I turned around and saw everyone in the class looking at me narrowing their eyes...

I scratched my head in confusion and the class started...

after half an hour the bell rang and everyone went to other class for me I went to the 7th floor...

I was walking slowly before my leg was hurting more so I reached a little late ...

I reached out in front of the door and took a deep breadth before knocking...

"come in"CEOs voice was heard...

"yes"I said reaching inside...

"please sir down"he said smiling...

I took the seat and saw around the room and principal and Mr.knight was nowhere to be seen...

"miss Gwyneth??"CEO called me...

"ahh"I said ..

"actually can I call you Gwyneth and not miss"he asked with his shining eyes...

trust me guys if you were here you would have fallen for him because he looked as a small child asking for chocolate....

"yes sure "I said and he gave his biggest smile and suddenly the door opened revealing mr.knight with a box in his hand...

"what is that??"I murmured...

he came near me and what shocked me was....