no title

After taking my bag and I-pad I went to office.. After reaching the office I was waiting for the lift but I heard someone calling me...

I turned back and it was Evelyn...

No one pov.

"Hey how are you??"Evelyn asked

"Are you fine you look tired??"Gwyneth asked looking at her face...

"No can I tell you something??"Evelyn asked...

"Yes sure"Gwyneth said...

Then the lift door opened and both of them went inside the lift with other employees...

"Let's meet in the lunch"Evelyn said

"I am sorry I don't think I can today we are going to check the location for new project"Gwyneth said sorrily...

"It's ok-"

"Are you free today night let's go to club my friends will also come"Gwyneth said looking at her sad face...

"Really sure"Evelyn said cheerfully...

Then they exchanged their numbers and went to their department..

And she went to her department and Gwyneth went to her cabin out her bag in the desk and went Infront of Daniel's cabin...

After knocking the door she went inside but saw Daniel lost in his thought...

"Good morning sir"Gwyneth said loudly to gain his attention...

"Ahh Gwyneth you are here??"Daniel said looking at her...

Gwyneth was shocked because yesterday he called her miss Gwyneth but today directly Gwyneth...

"Are you ok sir"Gwyneth said...

"Gwyneth I want to say something"Daniel said in hurry standing from his place

"Ohh O-ok "

"Aish leave it"he again sat down..

"Can I help you with something??"Gwyneth said ...

"N-no nothing let's talk about business"Daniel said...


"I have cancelled all other meetings because we have to go in the location for hotel after half an hour"Gwyneth said ..

"Ok"he said and his eyes went on her knees...

"Hey are you ok?? What's wrong with your leg??how did you get hurt??"he asked in worried...

Listening him Gwyneth got tears on her eyes...

Gwyneth pov .

I was feeling like crying listening to the concerned voice of Daniel sir..

Even when Mr Knight bandaged my leg I didn't cry..

Don't know why I was getting the feeling of brotherhood from him...

She was lost looking at his concerned face and he called her..

"Gwyneth why are you crying??is it paining?? should I call the doctor??ok you will not to to the location you go home and take rest"Daniel said giving her tissue to wipe her tears...

"No sir I am fine just something got into my eyes"Gwyneth said rubbing her eyes...

"Gwyneth you are like my sister so tell me if you are hurt you can take leave I will manage myself "Daniel said making her to sit...

Gwyneth was feeling so happy listening to him and gave a big smile to him...

"I am fine sir so let's go to the location "Gwyneth said standing..

"Ok but let's wait for sometime it's still early"Daniel said looking at cheerful Gwyneth...

Then Gwyneth went to her cabin and after one hour they went to the location with Liam..

Liam was alone as his secretary has to manage office and other meeting...


In car

Gwyneth was driving and Daniel and Liam were sitting in back...

"Gwyneth you should have stayed in the office only"Liam said with concern...

"It's ok sir I am fine"Gwyneth said smiling...

"How did you know she got hurt??"Daniel said confusingly...

"Yesterday I told you that we(Liam and Tayler) were going in the university right?"

"Yes"Daniel agreed

"Actually today morning I found that she also study there and Wendy we were talking with professor she came with her hurt let and Tayler bandaged her leg"Liam said...

"Ohh"Daniel said understanding...

Then they three talked and and after one and half hour of driving the reached to the location and as they came out they saw Tayler waiting for them but his eyes were only on Gwyneth which was making her uncomfortable...