Chapter 172 Sand Sea

After saying goodbye to everyone in Xingxing Mansion, Yang Kai walked into the teleportation formation to Dongzhou.

But after a moment, after the space was slightly distorted, Yang Kai appeared in the main city in the center of Dongzhou - Yangcheng.

The main cities of the prefectures have always been prosperous, and among the prefectures, the one who likes to show off the most is the prefecture of Dongzhou, Dongfang Zhuo.

Therefore, the main city of Dongzhou is more prosperous and lively than other main cities, and it is much more orderly.

The shops are also well organized and business is excellent.

Because the state owner of Dongzhou advocates free trade, which is different from the strict control of other states, Dongzhou is a place where if you have enough resources, you can get the things or news you want with a high probability.

The most eye-catching is the Tianxiang Building in the main city of Dongzhou. There are many delicacies there, and it takes half a month in advance to reserve a seat.

Because the food in Tianxianglou is not only full of color, flavor, and flavor, but also for cultivators to improve their spiritual energy. If a lucky person eats spiritual food that contains the secrets of the rules, it will be a life-long benefit and can improve the realm in situ.

But this has only happened once in a hundred years, but Yang Kai will not choose to use this to improve his cultivation.

Not to mention whether Tianxianglou can make an appointment, even if the appointment is made, the consumption is enough for Yang Kai to empty his family.

The second is the unique Sanctuary Market in Dongzhou. The Sanctuary Market is almost a holy place for Taobao. If you are lucky, you can buy good equipment and treasures at a low price, and even sell slaves.

If it wasn't for Yang Kai's purpose of exploring the secret realm, it would be a good choice to scour the street market, because the Wannian Ice Silkworm is extremely sensitive to these antiquities.

Finally, there is Tianyun Pavilion. The headquarters of this organization is in the main city of Dongzhou, and it is here that the Tianyun ranking that cost Nanhai Penglai 100 million top-quality spirit stones came from.

But Yang Kai didn't have time to hang out in Dongzhou at this time. He bought some medicines to replenish spiritual energy and heal wounds at the medicine store, and then followed the place shown on the scroll.

To go to the lava secret realm, you need to pass through a sea of ​​sand, which is called the Sea of ​​Death.

Because no grass grows there, there are only boundless deserts and monsters lurking in the ground.

Yang Kai is not worried about how to cross the sand sea because he has the escape technique, but when he uses the escape technique, he cannot attack those monsters.

"Wannian Ice Silkworm, you will guide me later, try to avoid the battle." Yang Kai stood in front of the barren sand sea, one step forward is sand, and one step back is land, he suddenly asked.

"Okay." Wannian Ice Silkworm agreed.

"Escape the Earth!"

As soon as Yang Kai escaped into the ground, he immediately came out of the ground.

His face was a little ugly, and he didn't need Wannian Ice Silkworm to lead the way, and he couldn't get out of the ground at all!

Under the sandy sea are all monsters!

The densely packed sand snakes and sand worms rushed forward the moment he dived into the ground.

If he hadn't floated up from the ground in time, he would have been devoured.

It seems that the escape technique is not only useless in the sand sea, but also extremely dangerous.

But if you go straight on the sand sea, it will take more time, Yang Kai frowned.

Is there any way to reduce the distance and get there safely?

Go back to Yangcheng first to see if there is any other way, if there is really no way, then go straight.

On the way back home, Yang Kai encountered several groups of teams walking on foot in uniform.

The one in the lead was wearing more advanced clothes, and when he saw Yang Kai, he said hello: "Brother, are you going to Shaquan?"

Sand Springs? Yang Kai has heard that the sand spring is the only spring in the sand sea, which is a little bit of vitality left over from the sand sea's former kingdom.

There are a lot of spirit crystals and star springs there. Spirit crystals are used to feed monsters, and star springs are a transparent spar-like material that is rarely used in alchemy and alchemy to wash out impurities.

And Shaquan is almost at the end of the entire sand sea. If he leaves the team at that time, he can quickly reach the rock secret realm.

Yang Kai quickly made a decision, and he followed behind the team called the Sand Team.

The eldest brother in the lead, named Xiang Duo, was the deputy head of a mercenary group in the main city of Dongzhou. This time, he led the mercenaries to Shaquan together.

"I don't know why that big man needs so many Star Springs, so almost half of our mercenary group came out this time." Xiang Duo scratched his head and smiled heartily: "So you follow us and help us bring more. Some Star Springs are also paid."

Yang Kai nodded, Xiang Duo's cultivation base is the middle level of the Celestial Pole, and most of the members of the mercenary group have cultivation bases between the Earth Pole and the Celestial Pole, and the number has reached nearly 100. It can be said that the strength is a very strong team. .

Along the way, monsters appeared one after another, but Xiang Duo took the mercenary group and quickly killed all the monsters one by one, and the materials dropped by the monsters were also distributed amicably by the mercenary group.

Yang Kai has no room for action at all, and he can't even refuse to accept the kindness of the mercenary group several times.

According to Wannian Ice Silkworm, the mercenary group had already traveled a third of the way in less than half a day.

At this speed, the Sand Spring will be reached the next day.

It was faster than the time he planned to escape from the ground at the beginning. If he can reach the sand spring successfully tomorrow, he can spend some time collecting the star spring.

The night in the sand sea is extremely cold, even if it is already in the Celestial Realm, Yang Kai, whose physical strength has reached the holy level, faintly feels a chill in his body.

"Drinking?" Xiang Duo asked as he sat beside Yang Kai with two or one jugs of wine.

"No, I haven't drunk much." Yang Kai shook his head.

He has been nurtured by his father since he was a child, and he is devoted to martial arts, such as wine, wealth and beauty. He rarely dabbles and is not interested.

If you let him have fun, it's better to let him have a hearty battle.

Yang Kai still remembered what his father said to him: "Kai'er, you are a cultivator, born for martial arts."

He has been a self-proclaimed genius since he was a child, and even if he was abolished in the battle of the gods, he had never doubted himself for a moment.

Xiang Duo saw Yang Kai's contemplative appearance, threw him a pot of wine, then took another pot himself, and gulped a big gulp: "Drink, wine is a good thing, it can make you forget Good things, remember good things."

Without waiting for Yang Kai to refuse, he firmly hugged Yang Kai's shoulder and said, "Wine can also enhance the relationship between us, drink it and give some face."

Yang Kai picked up the jug, but did not return it, but learned from Xiang Duo's appearance, opened the stopper with one hand, poured a mouthful into his mouth, and frowned at the pungent smell.

"Hahaha, looking at your appearance, I really believe that you didn't drink too much alcohol." Xiang Duo laughed when he saw his appearance, and patted Yang Kai's back hard.

Yang Kai sneered and took another sip of wine into his stomach. After a while, it seemed that it was not difficult to drink.