Arc1:pawns that aren't aware (chapter 1: the day I was gone )

As I walked to the convenience store that I work at I saw something . Something that shock me it was the girl I once knew the girl that became a monster .

She smiled at me innocently as she said "hey , why weren't you at your house yesterday ?"ask by the girl who looked so innocent but her eyes I could see that the glow that was once there was dead .

I of course did not answer her as I return to working at the convenience store that I was supposed to be before she blocked me .

10 hours later....

Oh, it was already noon as I looked at the window Infront of me , it looks like it was already getting dark so i decide to clock off for the day .

There I saw her again the girl stood there like she was soulless not moving at all even if it was getting dark , I almost gotten worry about her so I tried to talked to her but then ....

I felt a cold chilling feeling as she laughed at me like a pscho. suddenly I remembered this girl Infront of me just had her face but not her personality .

I immediately shut my mouth thinking that I could run from her when a hand behind me grabbed my shoulder , that moment the only feeling I felt was fear .

She looked at and ask the same question again but this time with a soulless voice and had her true look , that look was the look was her true personality dead not even alive.

I at that moment only thought of calming down as I ask her "why would you want to know anyways , we broke up remember !" I said in angry tone and closed my eye so that I wouldn't see the girl cry but instead gave me the same cold chilling laugh .

She looked like a murderer when she laugh it almost felt foreign, it doesn't feel like the laugh the past her would make even if she tried to act sadistic.

I took a step back and said "if you're trying to get back together don't even try because I know have a new girlfriend"I said sweating because it was an obvious lie but a lie she would believe .

She smiled at me but once again I couldn't feel the compassion in her smile it felt so bone chilling like she was her but at the same time a different person .

(A:wait why the hell is he repeating him self anyway!

B:well you'll be shock when you realize how many timeline that he experience where he said all of these thing repeatedly, it honestly got boring after he repeated himself for the 54 times.

A:I'm shock that you even have the patience to hear a dialogue that repeat itself more than once .

B:shocking, I know , but you know nothing about me ,am I correct or not ?

A:yeah I guess that's right .I don't think I even know your true personality before you summon me into your domain and I'm honestly thankful for that .

B:well you won't thank me after we return to narrating the story after all that what this chessboard was all about correct to create worlds where we don't get bored .

A: that's honestly very incorrect because it's not we but you because you force me into playing this!

B:yeah ,yeah stop bitching about it right now we still have story to narrate right ?

A: wait I haven't even .....)

She finally spoked instead of laughing like an insane person .However what she said was much more scarier than what I even imagine.

"Wow, you got a girlfriend. is your girlfriend that girl that had a crush on you since we got into middle school , if she is then I don't think she'll be you're girlfriend after what happened, I mean after she went missing"

she stutter a bit during that part where she said' after what happened ', does that mean she had involvement in her disappearance of her

so then maybe i should called the police but before I could even call someone my phone slipped out of my hand .

At first I thought that it slipped from my hand because of the fact I was a person that could sweat alot especially in a pressured situations like this but then I realized that the ground was shaking I immediately ran from the place because they were skyscrapers near the place so I ran from the falling buildings there were in fact a lot of sand and dust it was almost like a sandstorm or a dust devil maybe even both of the phenomenon combined .

When I ran i didn't even realized that I took that hand of the sociopath , maybe I did it out of my own subconscious, maybe I did it because she had the face of the woman I once love .

She then looked at me shocked as she said :you protected me but why ?she looked at me in disbelief .

I couldn't gave her an answer because I don't know either so i instead told her to run into that building that hasn't fall down yet even though it was a building with two floors ,she agreed immediately like a puppy and we ran to the place as fast as we can .

When we arrived there was actually 5 more people in there 4 of them were adults and 1 if them looked like a child that was about 7 years old and was crying while a lady comfort the child.

They all looked at me and introduce themself but I knew something was up as the child said that he doesn't want to introduce himself because his father doesn't want him to talk to stranger while wiping his tears .

So all of the adults and me as well as the sociopath decide to introduce ourselves using fake names .

The lady that comforted the child called her self the 'caretaker'

The man wearing a torn business suit called himself 'kazuichi ' a sort of common name .

The older male called himself 'detective'

The final person was an old lady that introduce herself as 'granny'

I introduce myself as 'pisu(piece)' as i couldn't think of anything maybe she was right when she said my originality is shit .

While the sociopath introduces herself as 'lana' I looked at her shocked she looked back at me with a warm smile but still have her dead eyes . I decide it was not worth it as 'lana' is the girl who went missing.

The boy called himself 'kido(kid) '

After 30 minutes of taking out the current good we have as the rescue team haven't come yet .

We decided to share our good as most of us had bento that haven't been eaten yet and luckily I have bought many food from the store I work in so I could share the food .

However I was paranoid at the food the sociopath was sharing with the rest of the group as I tried to stop them from eating however it was to late as the child has eaten multiple of her pineapple fried pork and tempura (fried shrimp).

After eating our lunch we decide to call for help by walking out of the building interestingly the building that we went to didn't fall even a bit no rubble had fallen nor concrete.

We decided to call for help but no body pick up the phone so we tried to scream for help but it felt like my throat was almost going to break but the other two person that went with me decide to continue screaming for help .

So I went inside to drink water as they shouted a few more time before they gave up and went back inside but before they could step inside the build a metal pole stab horizontally through 'detective'.

Before kazuichi' could react to the situation due to the fact 'detective' was behind him when it happened a rubble crush him but both of their death seem unnatural infact in seemed planned but before I could turn my head to the opposite direction from the death of both of theme I heard a scream and a cry .

Then I mentally prepare myself to look back on what happened it was horrifying

'granny' had died suddenly and the child is crying while 'caretaker' cover his eye while she scream due to the fact she saw the corpse .

I tried to ask what happened but she only reply with the granny died of asthma attack but she didn't want to tell any one , but why didn't hear her having breathing problems ?

(A:and why the hell did 'kazuichi' died like he didn't even had character development same as 'detective'!

B:well if you're gonna complain about the character not getting development than you need to remember this is a series of story and not one shots of stories so the character will be back with new names or there original names .

A:how would I know , you're the one that's conducting the script.

B:well if you weren't so worthless than maybe you would had figure it out !

A:well it isn't my fault for. Putting you in this eternal world in the first place and you're punishing me by forcing me to place chess with extra step .

B:Hey it not chess with extra step, it just chess but we use narration to choose which piece to remove form the board

A:yeah yeah ,same bullshit as before but I do have a question why didn't 'pisu ' hear the 'granny' breath with problems like asthma attacks usually are like that .

B:well pisu experience had hearing problem due to overpressure of the sociopath being near him plus the fact that his ear might be injured due to the falling buildings.

A:logical but wait what about the death of[redacted]/kazuichi and [redacted]/detective they look so unature like someone deliberately broke part of the building causing the rubble to fall down and thrown the metal pole like it was spear or something.

B:that's what we are going talk about later right now we are going back into the story.

A: that's ok, I think.)

That's when I saw the sociopath walking out of the dark as she said what happened her face was horrified when she saw all three of the bodies but I could see it in her eyes they look dead but at the same time alive maybe the eyes looked alive it's owner killed .

I started suspecting that she was the killer and I ask where has been as she said she was collecting the food that was left so that we could eat later but she never thought she will see three dead corpses.

She looked so innocent the kid and the lady decide to hug her for comfort as they walk to the back .

I decide to sleep so that I wouldn't have see the lady and the kids glare of disappointment.

I woke up but the sun wasn't up I saw her again as she smiled innocently and said breakfast will be ready as she warm up the food using a campfire she started when I saw something so terrifying .

It was her terrifyingly delicious food even though I know that she was a sociopath her food was always delicious and taste amazing,even though it was made from leftover and ramen but her cup ramens were one of the things she would cook for me before we broke up .

Of course I couldn't resist her ramen so I ate it taste amazing and I was still fine so I ate more but then I dig through the ramen like I was digging for gold but I saw it , it was meat but it look weird and then I realize where were the other two wait where were the three dead bodies then I looked at her she smiled so happily with her I eyes looking as bright as possible then I realized I am eating their I puked us much as I possibly can .

I looked at her and shouted" what the hell , why did you feed me and where are 'caretaker' and 'kido' !" I shouted at her - no that bitch .

She finally broke her facade as she said "I love you even though you hate me for doing what I was doing?"she said like an insane stalker.

"I told you to answer my question"

"Well if you want see them then you need to go outside!"she beem with happiness

I don't even want to go and see what because deep inside I knew what she did she killed them , she was the one who who killed the lady and the kid, the one who killed Lana .

I rushed at her with a rubble that had fallen onto the floor as I shouted "die bitch"

She dodge it and stab me in the arm with a pocket knife but I could feel that the stab wound wasn't deep but it hurt but I didn't have up and knock her to the ground she struggled but I push her down .

She looked at me with a tearful look as she said "why do you not love me , why can I not make you fall in love with me , why why why?"she look at me but this time with vengeful eyes.

This time I shouted back "then why , why did you kill 'Lana' she deserves to live you know she wanted to live , she wanted to use the nickname 'lana' to spread happiness by helping children then you use the name in a way that brought death of others "I cried

She cried harder as she said "l love her too, I wanted to protect her but but she wanted to die and one of her request before she died was to protect you , that's why I acted to love you before that I was dating you because I want to get close with' Lana ' because you were dating with her "I didn't even looked at her she clearly was lying.

As 'pisu' picked up the rubble from the floor he wanted slam the concrete into 'lana' head as she scream out that she was innocent but 'pisu' didn't hear her the only thing he heard was ringing as he slammed the rubble into her head without mercy the last thing he heard was

"Im sorry "

As blood covered his hand he looked at it and then he laughed he laughed like there was no tomorrow and ate all of the ramen that was made from human remains.


A:"no I thought I could have won"he stand up from his chair in disbelief

B:"oh dear you though that your piece could win especially the fact that it had sinned more, you were as naive as you were in middle school "the mysterious girl drank tea from a cup .

The place they were both in was clearly not on earth maybe it was heaven but it wall to dark for that , maybe it was hell but it was to beautiful for that , so in truth this place will be purgatory the realm between heaven and hell .

The current place there in was a modern house with a white round table which look beautiful but felt null as the all of the things around the place was white and had no colours.

A(ashita ishi 明日 意志 : tomorrow;will):

"You can't do this to them they were still young they could have escape and you know it"the black heard teen stand up from his sit and ouch the wall out of frustrations.

B(?:the mysterious goddess called the goddess of chess):"do you truly care about the pieces or is it the fact that you lost this time "the girl had white hair and a pure while gothic look , seemingly like the null white back ground, she scoff at him and then revealed the current state of the chessboard it seems like black had capture white .

A:"you know damn well that I don't care if I win or not , I just want the game to stop already!"the black haired teen shouted at the same time seem to have tear dripping down his eyes. "It's cruel you know , you twisted they love for each other make them kill each other "the boy cried so hard about how the love story of the two boys and the three girls .

B:"argh, if you're gonna cry like that all day how would know the story behind the piece know as 'Lanna '"the gothic dressed girl seemingly annoyed by the fact that the boy was crying over a love story and not tell her the entire detail.

A:"but wait I thought your piece ate mine so you won the first round ?the boy instantly went from crying to being dumbfounded.

B:"I said I want to know the entire detail about the love story and the thought of your piece !"she shouted finally getting annoyed at the antics of the boy

A:"ok, ok , you don't need to rush me" as he tap the chess board again and light burst through the room and in the void of the white light colours are mixed into a vortex as it reveals a city .

"So their love story is like this ..."


Genre: survival

Pieces used :pawn(white&black)




Chapter untill this arc finished:1/3


*This story will have many arcs so you can say about like as many as how many pieces are there in a chess

Sorry for not uploading the novel for a long time it just that I had a writers block and I couldn't think of the plot after chapter zero but know that Im back I'll try to write twice a week ,okay , bye !

Also the chapter of this chapter actually means that 'pisu' lost himself in rage so yeah symbolism.

(the six student are looper and they are playing with character on a chessboard so umineko fans if you see this please leave a message or something)

(sorry if it seem rushed 😐)