childhood friend

"it's me dere" ghos/Emerson replied

Derek turned bright red hearing his old nickname

was this really his childhood friend?

could the dragon be tricking him?

he couldn't see the resemblance

but maybe that was because of the change but something about him felt oddly familiar

that's why he felt he could trust him at first-

but he's still unsure- and he could be scary-

but he knew the dragon would never truly hurt him- and he could have forced him-

but he didn't- wasn't that what he wanted?

he couldn't understand him at all-

he course didn't want that to happen-

but he could have done it-

he didn't understand the dragon's actions

he was very overprotective of him

and he told him over and over again how much he cared about him- and that he loved him-

and of course he teased him relentlessly

he couldn't forget how much of a pervert he was- but he was glad the dragon never did anything to him

other than holding on to him-

his grip was strong and he felt his claws dig in- and when he put his face in front of his

he was terrified- but thankfully the dragon's

intention wasn't to harm him-

the dragon looked down at him

"are you alright Der?" ghos replied

Derek looked up at him

hearing another nickname made him blush again

"I-I'm fine-it's hard to believe that you're really my childhood friend-you're nothing like him-" he replied

"Well people change and you're not the same you were back then either-" ghos replied

"but you've changed so much- I couldn't recognize you-" he replied

"Well it's different when humans are turned into dragons- our features become more defined- and change depending on our element-and our personality changes as well

we rely on our instincts- and dragons are possessive of thier belongings- that's why I'm so overprotective of you-" ghos replied

"so am I just a object to you?" he replied

the dragon shook his head and embraced him

"You are more than that- you are so precious to me- and ever since I first layed eyes on you-

I wanted you to be mine- and at first I just wanted to be friends- but- feelings grew-

and I realized I wanted so much more than that- but I know that won't happen- but I am happy that you accept me as a friend-

and I'll never let you go- because that's how much I care about you-" ghos replied

the dragon nuzzles against his neck

Derek became as ripe as a tomato-

this dragon was showing his affection towards him- the way that dragons do-

he was able to understand why the dragon loved him so much-

he probably had spent years looking for his childhood friend who he had fallen for

and even before he realized that he was him

he knew in his heart- and as the saying goes

the heart will always remember-

he felt comfortable with him-

but he didn't know how to return his feelings or if he could- but he did want to try-

he hugged the dragon back and nuzzled against his chest

the dragon's eyes widen

"do you know what that means in dragon language?" ghos replied

"that I accept you?-I know I can't love you back but I do appreciate you- and I know you wanted to keep me safe- and that's why you don't want to lose me again- and I want to show you that I appreciate it-and I don't want you to be sad because of me-" he replied

"so- you'll let me in?" ghos replied

"I- just said that I accept you- and I want us to be close but- only as friends- I'm not ready for more than that-" he replied

the dragon looked down at him

is he dumb?- this is what lovers do-

"About that-what you did is show your affection for me- and accept me- doesn't that mean you love me back?" ghos replied

Derek looked up at him confused

he blushed immediately

"no- I- just was showing you that I care about you- but it isn't love- I don't want to kiss or anything more than that-" he replied

"wait- do- you think love is just kissing and sex?" ghos replied

"Isn't that what you do when in love?" he replied

"Well yeah but- that's not all it is- there are other ways to show affection- like what we just did- and that is how dragons show their love to each other-" ghos replied

"um- well- I didn't know- that's what I was doing- and I thought it only meant that if I were to do the same you did to me-" he replied

"Well they both show affection- and I not sure if it's different in human culture- but- they show two types of love- passionate love and possessive love" ghos replied

"I -I- didn't know what I was doing-

I'm sorry-" he replied

"What are you apologizing for? I appreciate it-

maybe you're not willing to accept it yet but you do love me-" ghos replied

"No- No this is just a misunderstanding-

I don't like you like that-I- I- can't-" he replied

"why can't you?" ghos replied

"because-I- am not ready for that- I don't understand it and I'm scared-" he replied

"Well that's why I'm here- I can teach you about it- and you don't have to be scared I will never force you to do anything you're uncomfortable with- and if you just want hugs and cuddles- then we can do that-" ghos replied

"I-I- don't know-I-I I'm not usedse to this- but- I feel safe with you- and I want to be close with you- and I don't understand why- I-" he replied

Derek began to sob into his chest

he was shaking

the dragon held him securely and petted his head

"it's alright Der I'm here-" ghos replied

Derek looked up at him and pushed back

"I'm sorry-" he replied

the dragon pulled him back in

"there's no reason to be sorry- I care about you alot and I'm always here for you-" ghos replied

"I-I- why- do you treat me so well?-I am a monster-" he replied

"Well you're not to me- you are more human- you are nothing like those zombies- you have a brain and a heart- unlike those monsters-" ghos replied

"I-I- thank you- thank you-" he replied

and hugged him tight

the dragon hugged him back

"your welcome- and I will always take care of you because you deserve it-" ghos replied

"I-I don't deserve you- but thanks for taking me in anyway- even though I hurt you-" he replied

"You didn't hurt me, I'm glad you let me be your friend- and I hope you can accept me as your lover as well-" ghos replied

"but I said that I hated you-" he replied

"You made up for it and let me be your friend-

and you don't hate me now do you?" ghos replied

"I-I- don't- after everything- I wish I realized everything sooner- I know that I hurt you-" he replied

"it's alright I forgive you now that I know you didn't mean it-" ghos replied

"why are you so nice to me?" he replied

"because I love you- and you deserve it-" ghos replied

"how can you love me?- I- don't deserve it-" he replied

"Der- you deserve every ounce of my love you never had anyone else who could love you like I could- and you never deserved what happened to you- and what you need is someone who cares about you and I am glad to be that person-" ghos replied

"how do you know all that?" he replied

"I could tell from listening and paying attention to your actions-" ghos replied

"I really don't deserve you-" he replied

"Yes you do- you always wanted someone to be there for you and you may have not realized it but what you need is a lover and not just a friend-" ghos replied

"I -I but- I just wanted a friend-" he replied

"Der look at me- are you sure that is what you truly want? if that's true then- why do you react the way you do? why does your heart beat for me? why do you blush when I tease or compliment you? why did you show your affection for me? why do you feel comfortable with me? why do you trust me?" ghos replied

"I-I- don't know-but I feel safe and I'm not sure why but I trust you- and I don't understand my actions either- but I like being close to you-" he replied

"Well I'm glad that you are comfortable with me-and you don't have to say you love me until you're ready to-" ghos replied

"I-I-- don't know what I feel -but- I like being close to you- and I never want to lose our friendship- is it alright if I just want to be friends?" he replied

"ha- Der- you're really friend zoning me again after everything?- alright fine- we still are friends- but will you ever let me be your lover?" ghos replied

"maybe someday I will accept it but I'm not ready for that yet-" he replied

"You'll let me?!-" ghos replied

"someday- maybe- I don't know I'm still unsure of my feelings- I'm not ready for that yet -" he replied

"I'll happily wait for you- you don't have to force yourself for me- if you're not ready then I'll wait until you are- no matter how long it takes- we both have a long time ahead of us-" ghos replied