
Aimee was shocked by my actions. She was kissed in front of her parents, which caused her face to turn red. Jack coughed drily after the intimate moment and said, "Ahm, let's eat." After hearing Jack's remarks, everyone sat down at the dinner table and began to pray. Emma made a habit of praying before meals because she believes in God. Few people today still hold a religious belief in God. It is a relic of a bygone era.

Everyone began eating after praying. Jack tasted my food. "Good for your first time, kid," he said. Aimee praised my food, saying, "Hmm, it's really good." Arinn began to say, "Dethus," but Jack quickly corrected her, "It's delicious, Arinn." I chuckled when I saw the young girl. Only one person remained after everyone had praised me. Emma received a glare from Jack and Aimee. Without even being aware of what was going on around her, Arinn imitated them.

Although I was on the verge of laughing aloud at the cute response, I restrained myself out of fear of glaring at them as well. Under the judging eyes of Jack and Aimee, Emma relented and said "Oh, okay, it's good." Now, are you satisfied? " I don't know why, but when I heard this, I felt a little less tense. I immediately responded, "I am delighted that you like the food, mam," I replied with a fancy ass, and shortly after, "pfft." Aimee heard my response and couldn't hold her laughter.

"Sorry," Aimee said after gathering her composure. Nothing particularly interesting happened for the remainder of the dinner. While eating, everyone engaged in light conversation and joke-telling. Everyone sat down on the sofa after dinner and engaged in conversation about various subjects. But because Arinn needed to go to bed, she was told to do so. Aimee quickly launched a bario cart game and began playing with everyone. Emma went to the balcony while Jack and Aimee were playing, claiming she needed some fresh air.

But before leaving, she shot me a meaningful glare that made it clear she wanted to talk to me about something. I decided to take a chance and went to the balcony where I found her. She was there, taking in the scenery. The wind was blowing through her black hair. I stood there taking in the scenery. After a while of silence, she suddenly said, "I still don't trust you." I won't just hand my daughter over to someone who recently moved here and asked her out on a "wimp."

When I heard this, I said, "Yep, I wouldn't trust you either if I were you, and I don't expect you to," without turning to face her. This response surprised Emma. Steven was admitting everything she said, which surprised her because she had expected him to defend himself and ask for a second chance.

"She is too good for someone like me," Steven continued without waiting for a response from her. "She is too caring. Before I met her, I had no idea that this kind of person even existed. I was lying outside the fence, on the edge of the roof. She immediately approached me after spotting me, grabbed my hands, and warned me not to jump. Can you believe her? She began to cry when she thought I was going to jump from there before I assured her I wouldn't. Sometimes she is just too kind. "

She can be naive at times, but she can also be very serious and speak with a deep knowledge of everything. I finished speaking and turned to look at Emma. She continued to savor the view while saying, "Yes, you're correct; my daughter does have those moments. That is how she has always been. " Emma smiled to herself as she recalled the things Aimee used to do when she was younger. "You know quite a lot about her even though you two just met a few days ago," she said after she had finished recalling the past. You have Jack's trust for some reason. He claimed that you wouldn't endanger our daughter in any way.

Although I doubt he has a deep understanding of you, I am now warning you. Don't you dare play with her heart? There will be consequences if I learn that you dated my daughter merely for fun and then dumped her.

After hearing her warning, I said, "point noted, I won't do that." After that, I walked back inside. After spending some time playing the game, I said, as I looked at the time, "It's about time I went back."

Jack said good night to me after learning this. I saw Aimee walking alongside me as I made my way to the door. "Where are you going?" I asked her when I saw her. "Can't I see you off now?" she pouted when she heard me. I didn't answer her question; instead, I smiled helplessly and resumed my walk.

When we exited the apartment, I stopped walking and turned toward Aimee and kissed her forehead as I said "goodnight." Aimee smiled and hugged me after the kiss, as she bid me "Goodnight."

After the intimate moment, I walked toward my apartment after Aimee walked back into it. As I was walking back, I thought to myself, "It was a long day." I was beat. " After entering my apartment, I went straight to my bed and drifted off to sleep.

But I soon woke up. There was the striage dream of me getting kidnapped and drowning again. I was getting used to that dream too, but I felt something worm right beside me. I stooped closer to the wall and wrapped my hands around it to make myself comfortable. Was it soft? and it smelled really good? "Wait, soft, wormy, and good-smelling?" I asked myself.

What is this? I thought as I slowly opened my eyes, and when I did, I found a really cute face right beside mine. She had blue eyes, and with her argent-colored hair spread around my pillow, it made my heart skip a beat. "If this is a dream, then I don't want to wake up." I said in a sleepy voice. When I said, Aimee smiled and said, "Wake up, sleepyhead."

When I heard this, I asked her "when did you get here and what time is it?" When she heard my question, she frowned, but still answered my questions."I just got here and it's 6 a.m."As I heard this, I nodded my head and said, "I see." After saying so, I grabbed Aimee by her waist and gently pulled her closer and closed my eyes again. Aimee didn't resist as she hugged me and I drifted into sleep again with her right beside me.