Chapter 15: A Stranger

"Young genius?" Hanlon repeated the two words. Luca—Esposito's son—only nodded as a response "A serum that lets a person stay conscious despite having vital damage. Torture serum"

"It wasn't actually called a torture serum. Young genius originally called it LX6. No one knows the truth behind that code but one thing is for sure, the first time that the serum was used for torture is related to LX6" Hanlon's hand stop midway from picking up the brownie after hearing the boy's words. Luca just ignored him as he continued munching the food between them. They are currently having snacks—brownies that Hanlon brought, and milk—while talking about the information that Luca has. They were just having a good time together, especially the fact that Sean is not with them. Squatting on the floor with the food, and milk, Hanlon's phone being their source of light. If anyone sees them, they would think that they're just friends having a casual talk in an abandoned place. Luca's wounds have also been treated by the young man, making him able to move around

"But seriously, for someone who is the son of the person that is directly involved in this case, it is hard to believe that you only know this much" Hanlon sneered as he drinks his milk. It's already 10 in the evening but the young man doesn't have any plan on going back to his hotel room as he is too bored being alone in there. Even though Charlie has been contacting him, the latter will only check on him, and remind him not to do anything reckless. It seems that the director just sent him abroad for vacation

"You're just stupid. I told you, I already severed my ties with him after the death of my mom. I only managed to get the informations I have told you because I was trained to be his heir, but it didn't last long"

"But what were you doing in Leoardo Greco's party? Why did you run away from me?" Hanlon squinted his eyes as he asked questions that made the boy stun. Hanlon has been meaning to ask that question but he wants to find the right time to do it, and he chooses it to be right now. Luca wasn't expecting him to ask these questions, especially in Greco's case. Who would have thought that the person in front of him right now was also present during that time. Things are getting interesting.

"So, you were at the party too, huh?" Luca's sudden change and mocking voice made Hanlon raise his guard. Luca crossed his arms as he stared directly to Hanlon who is now preparing "I know you're something special the moment I saw your skills that day. I respect you for that" Hanlon's instinct is telling him to escape right now but his body won't just move. He wants to hear what the boy will tell him. He is in danger but he could sacrifice himself in exchange for the informations

'Damn it' he cursed in his thought as he can't stop debating with himself

"Fine. Since you're so good to me, I'll give you a reward" Luca stood up from squatting. He stretched his body first before walking around until he reached Hanlon's back "I doubt you believe me that I severed my ties with my father so I'll just be honest. You're right, I'm still in his care" Luca whispered to Hanlon's right ear, he then patted his shoulder before walking around again

"Leoardo is our partner but that old b*stard tried to steal from us, like we won't notice it. He invited my father to his party that night as if nothing happened. My father sent me to his place to enjoy, and of course to lead the grim reaper to him… If it's not just my father's order, I would prefer to use the serum on him… How fun would it be" the boy grinned widely as he gave a crazy look to Hanlon. It's just a shame that this has to happen after he is already feeling attached to the young man. Well, it's more fun in this way

"I like you, Mr. Shizi. Who you'll choose, me or that so-called partner of yours? Answer wisely, gege" a cold sends shivers down to his spine after hearing Luca's voice. Hanlon may be good in combat but he never has been involved in any serious and dangerous things. One of the reasons why Charlie didn't give any tasks again after Greco's case is because of what happened in the party. It might be too much for Hanlon to handle such situations, especially the fact that Hanlon is still innocent when it comes to violence.

As he was about to open his mouth to say something, a sound of breaking glass suddenly heard. In just a second the whole room was filled with white smoke. Hanlon covered his nose and mouth while coughing repeatedly. Everything was so sudden that he was not able to react right away. The last thing he saw before losing consciousness was Luca's creepy smile.

"We managed to track down the IP address of the invaders, sir but they blocked us again right away. Currently, our people are still looking for a way to get them. I'll update as soon as possible if there is any progress" Sean's assistant bowed to him after reporting. The man was just listening attentively while frowning. He can't accept the fact that the people they are currently facing seem better than them. For heaven sake, he is Sean Gwenu the heir of one of the most influential and powerful families worldwide.

Sighing in annoyance, Sean nodded his head as he dismissed his assistant. He can't believe that he is experiencing such embarrassing things these days. Sean is confident with their skills, and everything, but an unknown species is ruining their reputation.

After calming himself, he decided to get his phone to call Hanlon. He is already expecting that there is also no progress on Hanlon's side.

Multiple rings have passed, the young man didn't answer the call. Hanlon never did that before, every after 3-6 rings, Hanlon would pick it up right away. This time, the young man cannot be reached. He tried again and again but the outcome is still the same. For some reason, he started to have a bad feeling.

Without wasting any seconds, Sean hurriedly leaves his office as he drives his car to the abandoned place. It's already midnight, at this hour Hanlon is supposed to be back at his hotel. If he is bored he would call Sean to pester him, or he would be dancing inside his room. Sean was just hoping that he would be able to see nothing different in the abandoned place.

When he arrived at the room where they kept their hostage, Sean's eyes widened at the scene. There is not a single person in there, not even the kid they captured. The cookies and milk are scattered in the middle of the room, and Hanlon's phone is still in there with its flashlight on. The window glass is also broken, and a can of white smoke was seen at the corner. Sean picked up the young man's phone to check for any hints or clues. He saw his own miscalls on the screen, and a notification of a new video being recently saved to the device. Fortunately, the phone doesn't need any code. He immediately checked the video, and there he saw everything, the whole scene, even the part where Hanlon looked at the camera before passing out. Hanlon is too clever to film themselves using screen recording while opening the camera, and turning off his phone, making the rats don't have any they are being filmed. Sean swipes the phone for other clips, and he wasn't disappointed, Hanlon have been recording everything

'Making me your partner is a good choice, don't you agree, my agent?' Sean thought

A man with bare consciousness almost crawled on the ground just to reach his destination. It's been days since he hasn't eaten or drank anything, luckily he was trained for this kind of situation. The thing is his wound is giving him a hard time. He already lost a lot of blood but the thought of his comrades being tortured by those b*stards is what keeps him from closing his eyes. He is fortunate enough to be near this particular person whom he trained together before. Using his watch, he managed to track Hanlon's phone. Despite being injured, and weak he chose to run to him even though Hanlon is not officially part of the organization yet— he didn't know.

Hanlon never changed his phone nor did he turn off his Bluetooth. Hanlon's phone and his watch had been paired before they parted ways, as they still wanted to be connected to each other. Who knows this day will come that pairing their devices will be a great help.

If he is just a normal citizen being injured, asking for help is not a problem. But the fact that he just escaped, his confidential identity, and the possibility of encountering their enemies, he'd rather survive on his own than creating a worse scenario, and disappointing his comrade.

The injured man tried to take another step but to his dismay, his legs had lost all of their strength. He is currently in a place where not a single living organism is around, he doesn't know if he should be thankful or worried. "Why would Hanlon be in this kind of place?" he thought. There are a lot of possible dangers he might encounter in this kind of place but he rather chose digging his own grave than doing nothing. All he could think at this time is the face of his comrade, the people who became his family throughout the dangerous life he has.

With a trembling body, blurry vision, and almost running out of breath, the injured man gathered all the strength he had as he stood up once again, but before he could stand up properly he suddenly lost his balance.

After checking the whole room, Sean decided to leave. He opened a secret compartment of his car to place Hanlon's phone in there. Taking a long breath for a while he then decided to step on the gas. He was just silently driving his car as he turned to the left corner of the road– suddenly, his driving was interrupted when a body collisioned with his car

Fortunately, he has a fast reflex and was able to step on the break right on time. Sean hurriedly got out of his car and went to the unconscious body lying on a cold floor. Seeing the situation of the man, he can't help but furrowed in confusion

'How did he come here in such condition'

Sean massages his nose bridge to calm himself. As far as he can remember, he went out of the country for some business matters, and to have fun with his fiance.

Plans after really meant to be jinx

Fortunately, they are in a place where no one could see them, or else people might think he's dragging a corpse.

Sean wasn't able to go back to his hotel room right away as he decided to go to Hanlon's hotel room to treat the man. There's no way he'll bring a stranger to his fiance, and cause a danger to her life. He can't also bring him to hospital since he doesn't want to be accused of what happened to the guy. But he's shameless enough to use his partner's room while it is still missing

After laying down the stranger on Hanlon's bed, he suddenly have an episode of 'what the f*ck' in his life. Sean looks around the room to find the medicine kit. Luckily, he found it right away in one of the cabinets. The problem is he doesn't know what to do next. Sean scratches his forehead while staring at the stranger and the medicine kit. Never in his life he learned how to do first aid, nor he treated his own wound

Minutes later, Sean decided to get his phone out of his pocket. Seeing the time on the screen he suddenly felt guilty. It's already 3 in the dawn, and yet he has to call his secretary just to help him treat a stranger's wounds

"Yes, sir. I'll be on my way" said the voice on the other line. Sean slapped his forehead after ending the call. Hearing the tired voice of his secretary just doubled his guilt

Not so long of waiting, Albert finally arrived with messy hair, and still on his pajama with a black jacket on top of it

"I didn't change in case you need me urgently" said his secretary after seeing Sean looking at him with confusion in his eyes. Sean smiled wryly as a response before he showed him the man lying on the bed

"What happened to him, sir?" Albert asked a he began undressing the stranger "He has a gunshot, I have to take out the bullet from his body but this medicine kit doesn't have the tools I need" Albert continued

"Then I'll go buy the things you need. Tell me"

"There's no need, sir. I have it in my car. I'll just go and get it for a while" Sean only nodded, and gave way to his secretary. Currently, he feels so useless just because he can't do such a simple task. He is worse than the people who are working for him

It didn't take too long to finish treating the injured stranger that Sean had brought. After bandaging the wounds, Albert covered him with blanket, he then give Sean a bottle of painkiller medicine

"Making him drink the painkiller won't be too difficult for him. I'll handle the changing of his dressing, and the rest, sir, if you wish to keep him" Albert said. Sean looked at the stranger for five seconds before he decided to look back to his secretary to give him an answer. But before he could say anything, a name from the stranger's mouth made the man in suit froze

"Shizi" the stranger softly called the young man's name in his sleep

A/n: for those who are confused, Hanlon's name is Shizi, Hanlon is his surname. The characters here call him by his surname because that's how they address most of their colleagues, especially if they aren't close to each other. A lot of my characters here call each other by surname