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Dad called me downstairs. Dave didn't know why I acted the way I did and he called me on dinner. My mind was occupied so I said yes without even a second thought.

I went back home and read everything about blood thinner and came to know that it is a deadly medicine if the dose is affected.

Next morning I went to my photography shop as usual. The only thing that was not usual was I had a dinner tonight. Linda and Sandy just like normal friends were giving me advice when I told them million times "it is not a Date."

That is when a man from medical shop to ask me photograph his daughter's birthday. The TV in the shop was on and the news of Aunt Lucy dying was on being shown.

The medical shop guy said "This is so sad. It was just a few weeks ago, I did a home delivery of two bottles of blood thinner. I can't believe I won't have to anymore."

His words kind off ringed my ears "What?"

"Her sickness killed her. She had to take blood thinner capsule or else she might not live."

"You mean, she ordered TWO bottles of blood thinner capsule?"

"Yeah, the same thing shocked me because more dose of blood thinner might lead to internal bleeding."

"So, if she takes more dosage of thinner then she will die of natural reasons?"

"Not really but considering her sickness, it won't be visible to naked eyes. But why are you asking this?"

"Umm nothing, no reason." I said that and gave him a confirmation slip and said "I have scheduled you."

"Thank you."

"Your welcome and visit again." I said that and again drowned in my deep thinking.

I went back to home still thinking and then I was reminded of my date. I decided to ask Dave about this blood thinner thing today at the dinner.

Dave came to pick me up. I sat inside the car but my mind was still thinking. From the moment Aunt Lucy was killed, I had this doubt that she was murdered for no reason. It had never left my mind.

Why do I have a doubt? For that I need to tell a whole new story which was about a year ago.

A year ago there was a break of silence on our town. And the reason? Was the mennons again.

I don't believe in any kind of coincidence because as a criminology student, I just can't.

There was a kidnapping of a girl LISA MENNON.

Yes, a Mennon. She was the sister of Dave Mennon and Daughter of the Mennons. It was a very weird case because the police weren't able to do anything. Neither did they find a dead body nor the real girl alive.

Lisa was one of the most famous and beautiful lady in the town with curly and dark shade of red hairs but when looked as a bunch her hairs do look black. She had a perfect curved structure body and flawless skin.

It had been a difficult time for the Mennons and now right after that crime, a murder? Way too much for coincidence.

This thing has been in my head for the whole year. And now with murder of Aunt Lucy, I am 100 percent sure that both of these cases are related, call it my instinct.

After a few minutes of deep thinking my thoughts were interrupted by Dave "what are you thinking?"

"We need to talk." I said that with a serious face.

"Ummm, okay? About what?" He asked.

"Did your mother take blood thinner on daily basis?"

"Not really...the doctor said to take very less. That is why we only have one bottle at home which goes for a long time."

"Just one bottle?"

"Yeah, we did not keep it much so that nobody doesn't take it for some medicine by mistake. It is a very dangerous medicine. But why are you asking?"

"Thr medical shop guy beside me said that your mother bought two blood thinners."

"Excuse me!!?"

"You did not know?"

"No way!!! It is a very dangerous medicine to be having an extra bottle for safety kind of scene."

After that I kept my mouth shut and let him think and I also started thinking. It was an important part of my life.

We went into the restaurant eating. Dave was silent after and before we ordered the food. I also said nothing because it was normal that he thought he knew nothing about his mother and why would she buy two bottle of a dangerous medicine.

After the food came he suddenly asked "you were a criminology major, right?"

I had food in my mouth so just said "mhhmm"

"Do you think there is a foul play here."

I was not shocked because with my revelation about two dangerous medicine bottles he thought that.

"I am not sure but the fact that I just saw one medicine bottle and home and somebody telling me there were two it is doubtful and considering that your sister was kidnapped just about a year ago. This is way too much for a coincidence."

Dave thought for a little while and said abruptly while I was drinking water "I want you to investigate the case."

Wow!!! Dave really did come to point!! What do you think will be Ana's reaction? will she do it? well who are we kidding we all know she will!!! How will this go? Let's continue reading and please comment down about this book, Thank you..