

March 12nd, year 788 of the Imperial calendar




"Why are you staring at me like that?", I asked, while being absolutely horrified at the sight of Arthur fucking pouting at me.

Now, I'm not homosexual but I had to admit that if I was a girl, I would have definitely fallen for him right then and there.

But the problem was that I was a guy. I preferred to have cute girls pouting at me, not some unfairly handsome pushovers.

Arthur, still kept that horrifying sullen expression on his face, finally spoke. "You deceived me! You said that I won't regret it! More importantly, how did you know?"

The atmosphere was... weird, to say the least. It also didn't help that students were looking at us funny. They were probably forming many kinds of crazy scenarios in their head.

Putting that asides, I was pretty taken aback by his questions, as I didn't expect him to have enough braincells to figure out that I somehow knew what was going on with Marie after all.

Luckily though, I prepared an answer beforehand in case Marie found out I was the one who told Arthur to find her.

"I happened to see Marie being taken in by the knights. So I figured that you should be there for your girlfriend"

Arthur's face flushed red at the mere mention of 'girlfriend'. He had completely forgotten about questioning me.

"T- That's.. She's not my... g- girlf..."

I was really hoping that people watching Arthur blushing wouldn't have any weird ideas about our relationship...

...I just raised a flag, didn't I?

Sighing, I decided to think about what probably happened to Arthur yesterday to rid myself of those horrifying thoughts.

The reason why Marie was being escorted by the knights was simple. She was, in fact, Duchess Evien's long lost daughter.

That came out of nowhere, didn't it?

As to why Duchess Evien could recognize Marie as her daughter at first glance? Well, she didn't. Instead, she ordered one of her vampire servants to extract some of Marie's blood and use [Blood resonance]; And the results came back positive.

That begs the question, why did Duchess even suspected Marie to be her daughter in the first place? Was she asking every 16-year-old Elves she came across for their blood like a vampire that had the hots for young Elves.

Luckily, that wasn't the case, as Marie's green hair gave the Duchess plenty of justifications to conduct a 'DNA test' on her.

Green hair was rare amongst Elves, as only those with the potential to become a high Elf could have green hair. Normal Elves just generally have blonde hair instead.

Thus, Duchess Evien, who was a high elf, and her late-husband, who was also a high elf, gave birth to Marie, who, unsurprisingly, also had green hair.

After confirming Marie's identity, the Duchess and her had a heart-wrenching reunion; That was, until Arthur showed up.

To prove that he was worthy of being Marie's lover, Arthur had to spar against a knight.

Unexpectedly, Arthur lost. And he came to the conclusion that he was far too weak.

Well, he kind of realized that through his conversation with me 2 days ago, but I let him be beaten by the knights anyways just as a precaution.

Thus, I wasn't surprised by what I was seeing.

"Arthur, I want you to be my disciple", professor Anna Ferden said with a serious tone.

Arthur, closed his eyes for a moment. Recalling the helplessness he felt during his fight against Duchess Evien's knight, he breathed out and slowly opened his eyes again with a look of determination.

"I accept!"

Professor Anna Ferden nodded in satisfaction at Arthur's spirits.

The plotline was going as how it was supposed to, however—

"Raun, I want you to be my disciple too"

"Yes! I accept!"

—Something completely unexpected happened.

As Raun was supposed to die in the incident, he couldn't train under Anna.

But... this was a welcome change. After all, one of the main character having the opportunity to get stronger wasn't a bad thing by any means.


Ignoring the students' gasps of surprise at the scene of Arthur and Raun getting exclusive tutelage under Anna Ferden, an rank, I waited for the training regiment to start in silence.

As I had already worked things out with headmaster Alan yesterday, I wasn't in for any punishments.

Well, I couldn't do anything about the looks of distain people were giving me though.

They probably thought I bribed someone to evade punishment, which, to be honest, was kind of the truth.


The sound of the door to the training grounds opening could be heard.

Straining my eyes, I saw a silver-haired figure with long horns protruding from his head, and skeletal wings on his back walking towards us.

His eyes were deep purple, and his handsomeness rivalled that of Arthur.

He was—

"Since some of you were absent yesterday, let me reintroduce myself. My name is Noah Adrancus, a 3rd year student. You might better know me as the Chaos spear"

—Sylvia Adrancus' brother.

Well, half-brother.

A Dragon and a Demon being related by blood, sounds ridiculous, doesn't it?

However, when people of different races in this world copulate, their children will be born as one of their parents' race.

Very rarely does a child inherit traits from both of their parents' races.

When they do, however, they are referred to as 'Halflings', and are looked down upon in this world.

Leaving that asides, Noah was probably here to train us to gain extra credits.

I didn't know how effective the training would be though, judging by how the girls were looking at him with shinning eyes, clearly focusing more on his face than his trainings.

"Professor Ferden, is he the guy?", Noah asked as he pointed at... me?

"Yes. He's the one"

"I see...", muttered Noah.

He then walked up to me with a smile, but I felt like something troublesome was going to happen for some reasons.

"What's the matter, senior?", I respectfully asked.

"You skipped yesterday's training. Do you perhaps think that training under me is a waste of your time?", Noah said as he intensely stared at me.

Gulping, I immediately answered. "I wouldn't dare, senior. I was just... sick yesterday"

'Shit! Why did I say that!', I cursed inwardly as I had just gave out the most flimsy excuse I've ever made.

Apart from the excuse I used to sleep in the same room with Krista, of course.

Noah looked at me in suspicion for a few seconds, before grinning widely. "Very well, I trust that you're telling the truth. However, you need to train harder than anyone else here. After all, you getting sick proves that your body is weak"

"...", I stayed silent. It was better to just accept whatever punishment under the guise of 'training' he threw at me.

Taking his gaze off me and glancing at the rest of the students, Noah shouted. "RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU WANT TO SPAR WITH STUDENT THEODORE GRAY"

As I was still facing Noah, I couldn't see anything behind me. However, I was sure that no one dared to raise their hands. After all, who would want to fight a guy that always used dirty tricks in his spars.

And, as expected, no one had the guts to challenge me.

"Alright, I guess I'll have to be your opponent then", Noah said as he took out his spear and pointed it at me.

'Let's just do my best, it's not like I can win against a rank anyways', I sighed inwardly.

Seeing that I've taken out my sword, Noah nodded. "I like your spirit. Let us begi—"

"Brother, I'd like to spar with him", a cold voice suddenly rang out.

Noah narrowed his eyes as he heard the voice. Clearly, he didn't like to be interrupted. However, his annoyed look soon turned into that of surprise as he saw who the voice belonged to.

"...Huh? Are you sure you want to fight this guy?"


Noah then suddenly looked at me in confusion and... scrutiny? But eventually he shrugged his shoulders and walked away.

"Very well", he said. "I hope he satisfies you"

'Wait, why did the student call him brother?', I suddenly had a bad premonition.

Seeing that Noah had his back turned on me, I quickly glanced behind me to see who was speaking earlier.

Tok—! Tok—! Tok—!...

Heavy footsteps rang out.

Colors were slowly drained from my face as crowds of students parted, making way for a blue-eyed silver-haired student.

"SENIOR NOAH! PLEASE LET ME FIGHT WITH YOU! I'LL DO ANYTHING", I begged Noah to save me from his psycho of a sister.

I felt someone glaring at my back with jealousy and hatred. It was probably Max Vermillion.

However, Max bullying me was the least of my problem right now, as I was busy trying to figure out how to avoid fighting with this crazy bitch.

Seeing that I was desperate to escape from the fight, Noah crossed his arms and smirked. "I'm a rank so Sylvia would be a much better match for you. You can't learn anything from an one-sided beating after all"

Knowing that no one could save me, I gulped hard and looked at Sylvia.

She still had that emotionless face, but glints of excitement could be seen in her beautiful blue eyes.

I didn't know why she wanted to fight me, but one thing I knew for sure was that—

'I have to lose!'

Of course, I'd lose even if I fought her seriously anyways. But I needed to lose as pathetically as possible so that she would never bother to spare me a glance again.

Seeing that I've already accepted my fate, Noah lets out a small chuckle.

'This bastard, he clearly knows what his sister will do to me', I cursed inwardly.

Like his sister, Noah was also a bit of a sadist.

"Alright, fight to your heart's content. I'll interfere if things get too serious", he said.

However, I knew that even before things got 'serious', I would be sent flying across the training ground.

"The fight starts in three"

I braced myself for a harsh beating.

'...Maybe I should have bought more Recovery potions', I thought.


Sylvia stared at me intensely, like a predator looking at a delicious piece of meat.



The door to the training room was swung open, revealing the figure of professor Misha.

"Student Theodore Gray, come with me now", she shouted.


"Ah, it's truly unfortunate that I have to abandon the special training regimen again today. I hope I can still receive instructions from senior Noah in the future", I gave Noah and professor Ferden a quick bow and bolted towards the door.

I could hear someone clicking their tongue as I ran to professor Misha, but I didn't care. I needed to leave this hellhole as soon as possible.



"So... you want to give me private lessons?", I looked at professor Misha with suspicion.

Ignoring my gaze, professor Misha nodded her head. "Yes, I can help you refine your techniques"

In response, I narrowed my eyes at her and spoke. "Professor, I'm grateful to you for savin— um I mean for giving me this offer but I don't think you know my techniques and battle arts well enough to teach me"

However, her next words made me take her offer seriously.

"I know that you have some kind of extremely destructive battle arts, probably a IV or V graded one"

"H- How do you know?", I was wary. Did she have a skill that lets her inspect others' battle arts?

"Haaaah... Look, I'm not supposed to tell you this but professor Ferden and me both saw the footages of your fight against Eleanor Salvant and..."

She closed her eyes before heaving a long sigh.

"'s blatantly clear that you were hiding your strength all this time"

Locking eyes with me, she continued. "No need to be wary, I'm doing this for your own good. The higher-ups have told us to keep the fight between you and Eleanor a secret, but I'm not sure whether or not... no, scratch that. I'm not sure when they will use the footages for..."

She paused for a moment and then spoke with a voice full of tiredness and resentment. "...Their political ploys"

I pondered over her words.

'So it wasn't Arthur who tampered with the evidences'

However, I didn't have time to figure out who did it, as professor Misha was correct. The Imperial princess getting defeated by a mere honorary noble would put her in a tough spot, especially when she was still fighting for the throne against the Imperial prince, who was studying at Kirion.

And me, the honorary noble in question, would no doubt be caught in the crossfire.

There was no need to be skeptical about professor Misha's capabilities, this was Avaron after all. Even someone like professor Wade Vermillion was strangely competent in his job. Well, if you could ignore the blatant discrimination against commoners in his classes that is.

And... I've asked Lyra to investigate all the professors that taught my class before she went on to spy on Ria. It was clear only some were working with the Void fiends and the .

Luckily, professor Misha wasn't one of them.

Furthermore, receiving tutelage from a ranked professor would benefit me greatly, even more so now that I can practice my battle arts in front of her.

Thus, I would be a fool to not accept her offer.

"I'll be in your care, professor", I bowed to her.

Chuckling, professor Misha spoke. "No need to be all formal. Just go to training grounds G-12 tomorrow afternoon. You won't need to attend the special training regimen anymore"

I bowed to her and left the office.



I was in my dorm room, resting.


Suddenly, the door opened, and a pink-haired youth walked in.

"You're back?", I asked.


"What are you looking at?", I was weirded out by the sight of the youth, Alicia, staring at a corner of the dorm room.


"Hello?", I stood up and waved by hand in front of her eyes.

"D- Don't you see it?", she ignored my earlier question completely and asked with a shaky voice.

I looked to where she was pointing, only to find an empty corner with shadow casted over it.

"No", I shook my head.

"R- Really? It's right there!", she hid behind my back while still looking at the corner with a frightened gaze.

I furrowed my brows. This wasn't like Alicia at all. I was sure that it wasn't a prank, as Alicia herself hated pranks more than anything.

Thus, I decided to—

"You're just seeing things. Go rest some mor—"


<[Lightning spear]>


—Trust her words.

Instantly after the [Lightning spear] landed in the corner, a shriek of pain could be heard.

I took out my sword and strained my eyes, only to see the shadows agglomerating into a humanoid shape.

"Void fiend?", Alicia muttered.

Not wasting any time, I rushed at it.


My sword clashed with a dagger-shaped shadow that the humanoid seemed to be holding.

However, I sensed that something was off when I attacked the shadow; It was at rank. Furthermore—

"So you can use Aether, huh?"

—Since it could use Aether, I was sure that it was not a Void fiend, nor was it a Void contractor.

There's a reason why Aether was called the incorruptible source of power after all.

As I was about to launch another attack, however, the shadow quickly melted into the darkness and disappeared.


Still raising my vigilance to the extreme, I inspected every nook and crannies of my dorm room while keeping Alicia close to me.

I couldn't afford to have anything happen to her.

However, even after an hour of searching, I still couldn't find anything.

But it didn't mean that we were safe.



"Go stay with the headmaster for now. I'll call you when things are sorted out"

Alicia looked at me hesitantly for a second but then nodded.

"Be safe...", she muttered before leaving the room.


Hearing the door being slammed shut, I plopped down on a chair and heaved a sigh.

"Who could it be..."

The shadow could use Aether, so it was safe to assume that the had nothing to do with it.

"...Was it Max?"

It was highly probable, as he was surely fuming at me right now because of the situation with Sylvia earlier this afternoon.


'Guess I'll have to call Lyra back...', I thought. Having a Celestial with you was the best protection after all.

It had been a long time since Lyra had gone spying on Ria, and yet, nothing suspicious was found other than the fact that Noah Adrancus frequently visited her room.


'She forgot to bring her clothes...', I sighed as I once again inspected Alicia's room.

Thinking of Alicia, I couldn't help but grimace about what had just happened earlier.

'If she hadn't noticed it', I shuddered at the thought of me, or even Alicia dying in our sleep without knowing anything.

Clenching my fists in anger, I vowed to make whoever that was behind this pay.

'You'd better hide yourself well...'



Eleanor was reading a book in her room when the shadows behind her suddenly merged into a humanoid shape.

Not sparing the strange phenomenon even a glance, Eleanor calmly spoke. "Has he made any moves, Kasumi?"

"No, your highness. Rather...", Kasumi hung her head down in shame. "...I've been found out. But I've escaped before he could figure out my identity"

"Huh? Are you sure?", Eleanor immediately put down her book.

In response, Kasumi merely showed Eleanor her right arm, which had been charred black by Lightning.

Eleanor was genuinely surprised, as she knew Kasumi's cheat-like abilities better than anyone else.

Despite being the same age as Eleanor, Kasumi was a genius when it comes to espionage and assassinations. It was all thanks to her unique Darkness magic: Shadow body, which made her undetectable to any mana-based lifeforms.

Of course, there were exceptions to this.

"Has Theodore Gray reached rank already?", Eleanor asked in a slightly panicked tone.

Only people that can use Aether or are 2 major ranks higher than Kasumi herself can see through her stealth; And during her fight with Theodore, Eleanor had already confirmed that he was part-human and part-dragon, meaning that he could only use Mana.

As such, Theodore being at rank was the only plausible explanation.

However, even that was unbelievable.

'Even if he's a regressor like me, it doesn't make sense for him to be at rank already'

"No, your highness. As far as I can tell, he's still at rank"

"Then how did he find you?"

"Your highness, Theodore Gray wasn't the one that spotted me, it was his 'daughter' "

Eleanor knitted her brows together. A kid no older than 10 reaching rank was simply impossible.

Thus, there was only one explanation left.

"Can you sense Aether in Alicia Gray?", Eleanor asked.

"Yes, your highness. However, it is hardly detectable. She either have a pitiful amount of Aether reserve or—"

"She's intentionally hiding her Aether", Eleanor suddenly cut off Kasumi's words.

"I know your abilities better than you do, Kasumi. No one with a meager amount of Aether can see through your stealth", she continued.

"Your highness, does that mean—"

"Yes...", Eleanor cut Kasumi off again, but the person in question didn't seem to mind.

"...The information in the report was wrong. Most likely, Alicia lied about her race at the registry"

After all, no pure human could control Aether.

Thinking for a while, Eleanor spoke. "It's interesting that she's not a human, at least not a pure one anyways. But that information is useless to me"

Alicia lying about her race couldn't even be used as blackmail, as the punishment for intentionally giving wrong information at the registry was merely 5 golds.

"Should I continue observing the target, your highness?"

"No, I can't risk let you getting killed", Eleanor answered after a few seconds of thinking.

Ignoring Kasumi's look of surprise and gratitude, Eleanor spoke with a grin.

"Kasumi, what are your thoughts on studying?"