In preparation for—

After helping Adel out, I stored all the bodies in [Alternate storage] and left the scene.

'Like hell am I going to suffer answering the guards' questions.'

Thanks to there being no casualties in this incident, it was kept mostly under wraps from the public, and school resumed as normal.

Well, mostly normal.

"Do you have everything prepared?" I yawned as I looked down at Eran, who was fervently packing my stuff into a suitcase.

"J-Just a little more, boss!"

I nodded and tapped my foot impatiently.

'He's more obedient than I thought. Looks like me intervening in the Banquet massacre was the right choice after all.'

During that incident, Arthur couldn't do anything since he didn't want to risk hurting the hostages. Thus, he had to watch as the Cultists killed almost everyone.

Thanks to me stopping that from happening, Avaron would avoid the fate of collapsing in the next 2 years. One more benefit was that people were basically revering Lyra right now, thinking that all my power came from her.

'Heh, keeping doing that. It'll only get me stronger.'

However, that wasn't the exact reason why Eran was so obedient. Apparently, I saved his... big sister? If it's a banquet of that size, then I guessed that nobles like Eran's sister would attend.

'This is an unexpected boon...'

Now I got to have a (mostly) loyal shuttle.

As I was praising myself for having decided to follow through with Adel's plan, I felt a tug on my pants. Looking down, I saw Glacia staring at me with twinkling eyes.

"Daddy! Daddy! Where we going?!"

Crouching down, I yanked her hand from my pants.

"Not 'we.' I'm going somewhere. You stay here with Alicia."

Glacia pouted. She was so damn cute, but that much wouldn't sway me. As I was thinking that, Alicia poked her head out from her room.

"Dad, I can't take care of her. I have to go on a school trip."

Then, she slammed the door shut.

I stood there, speechless, unable to do anything as Glacia cheered loudly.

'Cheeky brats, you win this time.'

Sighing, I let Glacia sit on my arm and shouted,

"Are you still not done packing?!"

"B-Boss! I finished!"

I turned around and saw everything neatly packed into a suitcase. Grinning, I patted Eran's shoulder.

"Good job, you'll be free from bread shuttling duties for today."

However, Eran shook his head fervently. "No, boss, serving you is the greatest honor one can have! Let me get you some bread!"

"Well, fine." I relented. "But don't overwork yourself too much, we're about to go on a mission... Why would the professor make us go on missions anyway?"

"You didn't know, boss?"

"No." I slept through classes after all.

"Hah, this is why I keep notes for you, boss." He chuckled. "Anyway, professor Ferden said that the 1st-year students need to get stronger more quickly to survive incidents like the banquet, so we must go on missions like 2nd years."

'Ah, this is probably Adel's doing. There's nothing like this in the novel.'

After that, I ordered Eran out and prepared stuff for Glacia.

'Well, there's her clothes. That's it, I think.'

As if to prove me wrong, Glacia ushered me closer to the desk.

"Daddy! The bird seeds! We must take them!"

Seeing no point in refusing, I threw them all inside [Alternate storage]. Then, I left Avaron for the Capital since I just realized that Glacia would need some travelling clothes.


I stared at the luxurious store door before me before opening it.

"Welcome, esteemed customer. Wel—"

Before the store clerk could finish his sentence, I shut him up.

"Travelling clothes for this child. Now."

The reason why I was being so rude? Store clerks were scary! Although I could handle them before, it was almost as if they'd leveled up. Now, I was in constant fear of being persuaded to buy more things than I needed.

The store clerk's polite smile faltered for a split second before he clapped his hand together joyfully.

"Oho, it seems like you're in a rush, esteemed customer. Very well, I shall show you."

I was then led around the store to look for clothes. However, even I could notice that the clerk was intentionally leading me through areas for girls' toys.

'Sly snake, I'll—'

"Daddy! Daddy! I want that!" Glacia exclaimed as she pointed toward a teddy bear that costed... 2 Golds.

"No, we're only here for clothes."

But Glacia sulked and looked at me with puppy eyes that were on the verge of tears.

"Ah, esteemed customer, since your daughter wants the bear so much, I'll give you a 500 Silv— no, 1 Gold discount!"

The clerk smiled in triumph. However, I wasn't going to let him win. What he didn't know was that I could be cruel, very cruel. So cruel, in fact, that I was somewhat resistant to Glacia's pleading eyes.

"We're only buying clothes. It's final," I said with a stern voice.

Then, as expected, Glacia started to cry. However, I'd already prepared for it. Taking an ice cream out of [Alternate storage], I just shoved it into her mouth.


I gave the clerk a smug grin. "Now, are you going to show us the clothes aisle? Or do I need to call the manager?"


"Hehe! Daddy! Look at me!" Glacia shouted as she twirled around on the street.

Currently, she was wearing the travelling clothes that I had just brought her. Pink shirt, black pants, and a gray cloak over her body. She looked so damn cute, but that cuteness was a curse, as literally everyone nearby was collectively staring at her.

-"Kyahhh! What a cute girl!"

-"Heh, she's cute, but not as cute as my daughter though."

-"Is that her father? He looks so scary..."

Right now, I just want to bash her face in for attracting this much attention. But I restrained myself and picked her up and let her sit on my arm.

"Let's go, we're almost late."
