Chapter 11

'Rachel Amaris P.O.V'

The next morning I felt bad, literally really bad because I had a fever and choked. I also had a headache and could barely get out of bed.

I stared at the small clock on the wooden table next to me, about seven o'clock. I can't come in, how can that be? How is my project?

That was a big contribution. Moments later I heard mama's scream from outside.

"Rachel get that up, you're still busy!"

I didn't answer, I just closed my eyes and tightened the blanket around my body, just a few moments later I heard the door of my room open and it spat on mama with an irritated face.

"My head hurts." I said softly.

He approached me and glared at my forehead and neck, "Son of tofu! Your heat. What happened and you have a fever?" he sighed but there was a trace of concern in the tone of his voice.

I just shook my head, my throat was also a bit sore because of my cold. "That's where I'll take your medicine and cook you porridge. Go to sleep first." mom ordered and left my room.

"Oh what happened?" I heard papa's question outside, maybe mama was asking.

"According to the fever." I heard mom answer, I went to bed and went back to sleep.

I woke up when I heard mama's voice again, waking me up. "Get up, so you can eat that." command it.

I leaned the pillow against the wall and then mama sat there and blew the spoon with only hot porridge, she blew it for a while before pouring it on me. I winced a little from the heat.

"I'll call your teacher, I'll say you can't come in." mom said when she hit me again.

"I won't come in this morning, I'll come in later." I quickly said as I finished the porridge in my mouth.

"Stop me Amaris, you're sick you can't come in." its growl, I frowned and looked away and sneezed, my sneezing became one after another.

Mom handed me the tissue next to her so I took it. Mama just continued to feed me porridge until I ran out of it, she also gave me medicine.

"I'll just take it out you ate, I'll also get a bimpo and lukewarm water for you." he said before leaving with what I had eaten, I was also a little sweaty because maybe of what I ate and the medicine I took.

None of my own looked at my bedside table and saw the handkerchief, I couldn't help but smile but I also immediately frowned remembering why I had that now.

Yesterday I sneezed while we were going to the parking area where Evan's car was, I didn't have a handkerchief. I sneezed one after another so he handed me his handkerchief. Embarrassing!

Shame was arguing and I was annoyed with him, after all, he was still preaching to me yesterday while we were on the trip. He also told me to wash the handkerchief he lent me well, because I had a virus.

I came back to the present from thinking of something I could feel sitting next to me. "Jek, don't come near me. I might infect you, there you are!"

He frowned, then showed the bimpong he was holding. "Mama said, you're sick. So I brought you this little towel, which mama's basin is full of water."

I want to laugh at what he said, and at how he spoke. I want to hug my brother now until he can no longer breathe, joke. I want to hug him because I'm happy, he's sweet. It's only once.

"And why did you leave mama there? Just come with her to my room." I preached and took the small towel he was holding.

I stood up, and took a face mask that was on top of my drawer and put it on. It's better to be sure it's hard for me to infect Jek, I don't want that to happen.

I went back to my bed and lay down there, he in turn remained sitting next to me while his foot was pressed against my pillow, I lightly slapped his foot. "Jek, I'll throw you here on my bed!" banta ko.

"Sowwy, don't be that mad sister." he said, while smiling foolishly.

"Fish cake! I'll tempt you kid." I said in disgust, and pushed him softly. He just laughed at me and went to bed. "But Jek!" I shouted.

My brother pretended to be asleep and ignored my disgusted stare at him, how stubborn he really was!

When the door opened and mama came in, she immediately told my brother, "I said Jek, put that towel on the side of the sink because it's a table wiper, so why is it with your sister?" mama's sour cry.

I immediately lowered the towel I was holding, wiping it off the table. My brother was just fooling me, I still thought it was softening. I slapped him, "Stop me Jek," I said disgustedly, and the madman just grinned at me and kicked my pillow.

"Take Jek away." I shouted, mama shook her head, and put down the basin she was holding with only water and bimpo.

"You're out there Jek, your sister might infect you. Play there." mama commanded, and her eyes widened. My brother seemed scared because he got up and got off my bed, I teased him before he could leave my room.

Mama kissed me and after that, "Rest first and sleep, don't be stubborn." he said threateningly before leaving me in my room.

After mom left, I also fell asleep. I woke up feeling like I was sweating, I took the towel that mama had prepared earlier in case I was sweating that I could use.

I looked at the time, it was still early. I'll come in later, I can't miss the project and my grade.

I went back to bed and slept again, I don't know why I got sick maybe my body was just tired so like this.

Time check 11:30, I got up from lying down. I don't have a headache either, I'm still a little hot but I'm okay.

I walked out of my room and went to the kitchen, I caught mama feeding Jek. "Are you feeling well?" mama asked when she saw me, I nodded.

"I'm okay, I'll come in this afternoon."

"I can't." its answer.

"Mom, I'm coming in. I'm okay. I can't be absent now." I beg, sigh it.

"Just make sure. If something happens to you there, I'll put you in the hospital." I winced at the last thing he said, I just nodded.

"Are you letting me in?" I asked, he nodded so I smiled. "Eat your lunch." command it.

I was walking down the hallway to our classroom, and as soon as I entered, my noisy classmates greeted me.

Jessie and Nada approached me and glared at me, "Are you okay? Your mom said you were sick."

"I'm fine." my answer. The two nodded and returned to their seats. I continued walking and sat in my chair, in my seat.

"Are you really okay? Isn't that sick?" I looked at the person next to me when he asked that, I don't know if he was worried or not because there was no emotion on his face.

I nodded, "I'm okay. That's why I'm here, isn't it?" I replied, I was surprised when he put the back of his palm on my forehead and looked to see if I was hot.

"Tsk, you're still hot. You should stay at home." there was a trace of annoyance in his voice, but there was no emotion on his face and my forehead was furrowed.

"I have to go in," I removed his hand causing me to hold his hand, I felt like I was electrified so I also immediately removed the hold on him.

"Tss. Your stubbornness." he said last before facing the front.

I can't help but smile for no apparent reason, am I going crazy? Is he worried about me? Because I say yes, it's like I just want to have a fever again, joke! But why is he worried?

Before I had heart disease, I had to calm it down because it could happen.

When our teacher arrived, I focused on the front to listen. It was really good and I entered this afternoon because the first subject only had a quiz and then a lesson, the same thing happened in the next subject.

And for our last subject was our project, which is why I entered. Fortunately, I was able to cross my grade, it really contributed a lot for my third quarter grade.

I just kept quiet until I went home, I arranged my things and slung my bag over my shoulder but I was surprised when someone pulled my bag and it was he who brought it, I looked at the person who made it that was raised by my eyes.

"My bag is mine Evan." I ordered, for him to return my bag that he took.

"Let me, I'll take it. You're not okay, look at you. You look pale." he said and just like yesterday he held my hand and we walked out of the classroom together and also walked down the hallway at the same time which caused us to celebrate a variety of stories and tilian, while I was still an idiot while watching him holding the akin.

"You don't have to deliver me." I said as we were in front of his car, he shook his head and gave me a bad look.

"I'll take you, that's final." he said loudly and opened the car door for me. I bit my lip before getting into the car.

I feel like the world has been turned upside down, because he has become kind, all of a sudden.

When he got inside, before he started the car engine, he looked at me, "Wear your seatbelt." he commanded, I did not move and remained staring at him, he sighed as if disgusted before approaching me, a few feet between us and he himself fastened the seatbelt on me.

Next thing I swallowed, I felt like I suddenly warmed up again, double the heat. The closer he was to me, the closer we were to each other and we looked into each other's eyes.

"Stop staring at me like that." his voice commanded hoarsely before moving away from me, and started the car engine.

Shocks! Fish cake! Calmdown heart! This is not possible. Calm down.