Chapter 29: A dream going up the stream

A girls' dream - purple clouds

Every night at midnight, the purple clouds came out to dance with the blushing sky.

The call from Morpheus, as I used to call it, many times convinced me of witnessing this beautiful play matured played, her favourite of fall late nights. Lethargic, specially after a satisfying dinner, where a fresh salad wasn't impossible to resist. Every different dish, somehow, reminded her of the purple clouds she saw from the kitchen's t hen window.

Mother Nature refused to let the fall season in. The birds,already sensing falls call, started their winter migration. Others just waited for their turn patiently. Others just follow the call to take off.

-it looks like rush hour traffic!

Mona just thought

Others just landing, joined the migrating cloud as they flew in circles, every one recognizing their type, others just a bit confused just kept flying around to join their group missed.

-It is a mesmerizing view, said Mona

Mona sadly remembers a year ago; this teenager full of life had to face a test no one ever thought to come out victorious, against all prognosis, that she would never ever be independent. Forced by choice to sat in a wheelchair, her fate prostrated her, taking away the freedom she most loved and enjoyed. At least, she could walk with the help a walker, condemned to be sat in a wheelchair. Her vision, already lost on her left eye, didn't impede her of functioning like any other healthy person, she could still write. Her mind and thoughts were in perfect condition.

Being labelled disabled was not the end for her.

Mona could only appreciate the fact she survived another day.

-A deliciously active productive day, as she might've recalled, starting with a warm dry bath, and the smell of freshly brewed coffee.

The birds, melodiously singing, announcing the arrival of fall, complimented the melody of colours reflected on the maple trees in the backyard garden. Mona loved to enjoy that, sitting on her wheelchair, at her favourite spot in the hospital east wing. Many other visitors also enjoyed the beautiful view and musical spectacle Mother Nature managed to put together.

Mona thought of her long list of things to accomplish, felt short again.

Physiotherapy, the most required task for her, improved by the day, meeting the requirements. At her age, being that young; full of life , didn't fit in her books.

-there's more I can do!

Looking at the birds ready to migrate, Mona thought of the other things to accomplish' list, for other options to complete.

Mona's pale skin basked in the warm sun, making her cheeks blushed as the sun seemed to kiss her and the warm breeze relive her long honey curly hair. In deed, Mona enjoyed being there, sitting in her garden, sharing precious moments with Mother Nature.

Her passion, to be a writer, got more and more increased. Needed to do something about. Resilience and patience, hence I'm an apprentice….

Perhaps there's another way I could be useful….

Mobility it's out of my list now, but my eyes snd mind and brain still works. I'm short sighted in one eye, but that won't stop me. Mental health became her priority,

Soon her writings became more interesting and inspiring, many readers started to like her stories and novels, her poems.

That comforted her.

Without noticing it, a new vice started to increase, felt short of pursuing screenwriting career, diverted her specialty to learn new things, applying her acknowledgment to new jobs, but still keeping that creative aspic she loves the most.

Her way, Mona needed to be a hero.

Needed to let the world know…..

Somehow let the world that as far as there's hope, everything it's possible….

Suddenly, she spotted far in the field an aubergine coloured migrating bird, that seemed to be injured. Mona felt sad seeing the bird being left behind. Mona sympathized with the little bird. She noticed the other birds in the flock started to animate him to join them. He tried hard but instead got more tired. Frustration overcame the little bird and hid in the bush close by the window where Mona was sitting.

Mona noticing that and put a little plate with water and some softened bread crumbs and some sugary water.

The night came and the little bird hid back in the bush.

So Mona went back to her room to sleep.

The next day, an unusual scuffle called Mona's attention. It came from the outside.

By the main gate entrance, of Heather's Farm, the flock of the migratory birds came back, at a distance, checked if the missing member was still around- and alive.

Mona saw the little bird join happily the rest of the flock. After a couple of flyings by around, it re-joined the flock to regain the main migration flow with other birds south….

That inspired her to write this novel you are reading- Welcome to Heathergate, where the streets have no name'

Built in the Dream Fields, it was a characteristic of the mauve afternoon skies, a characteristic of the fall season arriving, a sign fir many animals and buildings Dos to start migrating to warmer areas of the planet.

There you go….

Where everything has a start, always keep spirits high, never apart. Bring together as one, the vibe of encouragement is permanent.

Everyone joined the movement.

Everyone became permanent.

Everyone supported the achievement

Never a dull moment

Never an imposed torment