Chapter 38 : Aquarius wrath- The meeting, the crush, the hush

While The Stingray was getting ready to anchor in Port Deaux, Cree immediately remembered of Le Châteaux d'Barleaux; the wedding party and the moments both Ada and Cree enjoyed together.

Flashbacks of the party, combined with the sexual experiences ran up and down his spine…. He even got goosebumps reminiscing them. A screeching noise from down the docking aisle, made Cree reminiscing snapping out of his daydreaming. The anchoring of another ship. The outline and design somehow reminded Cree of his lost long time childhood friend's style Ben.

-perhaps Ben is here?!

Walking along the docking platform, Cree could see all the ships anchored, all sizes, all types, everything you could imagine…. When one in particular called his attention.

A submarine type of ship. Dual navigational capabilities, a unique hybrid of its kind.

The Triton

(Large capacity aerial submarine)

At dock, waiting was Delphinium Maris, a well known respected oceanographer and scientist, now landed a job as a researcher and conducting a study about extinct sea species and deep ocean mammals.

Cree obviously couldn't believe- another of their projects went through the cracks….. perhaps someone stole our ideas? Perhaps a copycat?

No way

-this has to be Benjamin's playing tricks on me!, Cree told to himself. The ship has the name of Benjamin written all over. His style, the extra detailed little additions and extras thought very well being covered.

The immaculate ship came out of the darkness of the hangar, majestic and marvellously dressed up to mimic the appearance of a Ray and blend amongst other big gatherings of sea creatures sea bottom.

At far, a guy checking the main post on top seemed to be absorbed by the checkup routine before sailing away on new assignments. Tall blonde skinny guy in blue overalls, of course seemed to be Benjamin.

His avid looking throughout all the outside on The Stingray really puzzled Cree.

-hey mate! Cree vocalized, as he put his hand over this guy that seemed to resemble Benjamin's looks.

The atmosphere at that moment was so dried, that at the moment Cree's hand touched this familiar lookalike best friend, it created some popping sounds and sparks….

-oh crickey! What went wrong now baby!

Come on!, be nice to daddy Benny!

Don't disappoint daddy Benny please!

Cree stopped his steps towards Benjamin.

Thinking, for a moment, it seemed the whole world stood still.

The Soup Fly, another of their creation, was never finalized and approved by Benjamin. Although Cree took it out for further testing, still few details needed to be finalized.

Benjamin was working on other projects subsided by secret groups of philanthropists Cree had arranged to support Cree's and Ada's studies, of course Benjamin's ventures was included…. But fell short on the final approval on the onset of Benjamin's disappearance.

-not nice for a gentleman to be talking with duck rudeness ti a lady!

Exclaimed Cree with a sarcastic tone

-no way!

Benjamin said

-it seems politeness it getting overlooked here, where's the world going?!

Cree responded to Benjamin remarks

The Triton made a weird noise that called Benjamin's attention….

-some people still does not learn how to treat a lady…..

Hey you, whoever you are, you better treat her right!, hey you!

Cree looked for the source of the criticism voice…..a voice he recognized….

A head poped out of one of the scape hatch, a freckled blonde hair man's head popped out as the lid of the hatch opened up.

-holy macaroni!

Expressed Cree, with awesomeness.

His voice.

His movements.

His ways.

It has to be him, Cree thought…

Benjamin, looking down to check what was holding him from coming out of the Triton's hatch, forgot Cree's saying.

-hey mate! You are really crazy!

There's no reason for you to be treating such a beautiful piece of art that rough!

Cree got up to where this look-a-like Benjamin guy was just giving the final touches for his travelling beast.

At the base of the dock, near the ladder going up the scape hatch, yelled again:

-hey, mate! Come out!

Stop playing hide and seek with me!

This figure came out, and started to down the ladder down to the dock. The water splashed against the submarine walls as this figure of a man jumped to the dock.

-oh man!

Hope this time is worth to come out and stretch my legs out!

It has been long just staying inside this baby fixing all her aging struggles!

As soon as he got to the dock, he stood up and walked towards Cree, giving his back to him because he was still looking to other spots that needed repair.

Once Cree got closer to this man, he was already being fixing another part of equipment he saw needed some adjustment, ignoring Cree's call.

Cree extended his arm to tap this person shoulder…..

-hey mate, stop playing hide and seek with me! Didn't you have enough of this game?!

The guy sighted, and stood up, he turned around and look at Cree…..

The smell of grease and oil and some type of combustible, staple of a typical mechanic, was a confirmation of this guy had worked long servicing his submarine.

This guy was tall, skinny, blonde, with his classical tattoo peeking out of his short sleeve t-shirt. His worn out overall jeans covered with grease stains and his piece of cloth hanging from his back overall pants, Benjamin's favourite, assured Cree it was Benjamin.

Cree's heartbeat accelerated, his hand shaking a bit as his hand approached this guys shoulder….

Time seemed to have stopped as his hand touched this guy's shoulder.

The wind picked up speed as some clouds speared to have closed in, announcing the late afternoon shower.

A few drops started to fall to the ground, leaving a dark spot on every surface it touched and quickly absorbed by the surface it touched…..