Chapter 43: When I close my eyes

Rumor says: there was a princess locked up in a castle, guarded by a dragon, specially guarded by a jealous boyfriend that teased her on the night of their wedding.

During their honeymoon, on their wedding night, Ariel presented to her a beautiful wedding ring.

Mind though, the diamond ring Clementine was to wear on her wedding, had a malevolent purpose; aided by the witch of the area Anabella, the ring had been poisoned. As soon as she was to wear the ring, a powerful cast was to claim her on her sleep and force her on a deep sleep for long days and nights.

Only a pure, honest and thoughtful soul could wake her up. Rumors of this casting spell spread throughout the southern hemisphere and many tried to get a hold of this sleeping beauty.

Rumors reached Cree, who happened to be old friends from childhood.

He decided to go and give it a try, to save her in exchange to the good deed he brought to the cohabitants of the area. Every one thought Cree was to be the next king to sit besides Clementine, but things changed. Aurora, Clementine's mom, who wanted to have married Cree and Annabella, could not stand the fact these traveling projects and absence for longer periods of time.

Cree being a traveller an lover of freedom, was not going to survive much on a closed environment. He loved the idea of meeting new people and discovering new places.

Determined to have them both married, Aurora prepared a strong potion to put Clementine into a deep sleep. The honeymoon night happened to be the worst due to a supper electric storm, causing the big wedding big celebrations to be cancelled. Aurora got so full of anger, sent dragon fire to attack the village where Cree had set up camp for his studies.

During the whole commotion of the premeditated attack, one of the dragons charged against Cree, badly injuring him. Another witch Soraya, enticed him and drew him into another trap. Cree fell unconscious to the ground when one of the dragons grabbed him to be taken back to Annabella's castle.

When he woke up, found himself surrounded by strong silver spider webs.

Inside, in a cocoon, Cree found himself trapped. Unable to move, stood quiet for a moment….the more he move, the tighter the cobwebs turned to a point he almost fainted because of the lack of oxygen.

-relax mate, Cree murmured to himself, inhaling and exhaling to calm him down.

The cobwebs seemed to loosen up…..

At far, far above him, where the trees seemed to point up to the sky, something dark seemed to move disturbing the quietness the treetop's and the quietness of the full moon. The stars, shining above reflected their shining of the stars on the cowers that seemed to hold hands to embrace SORAYA's spider web. Her piece of art, a beautiful net of silky spider web, kept warm and cozy the Papúa chrysalis- her home, where Cree found himself woken up to.

-silky sticky spider shinny web!….

What a predicament! How to scape to this?!

Think, Mate…., think….

Murmured again to himself as he looked around for a solution to scape…..

Cree did not noticed, but his movements alerted Soraya… Which immediately ran down to check the reason of her alerting and scuffled down below her located cobweb justa built.

Funny though, the famous wedding ring was secretly hidden on the spider witch cobweb Soraya, so secret that even she was not aware she was guarding this ring!

Enough being said, there was still steps to follow and freed Cree, the ring, and of course, be on time for the wedding.


Cree planned a quiet peaceful ceremony, intimate, inviting, warming, with the necessary people, both did not want a lavished ceremony like the famous people. As humbled and simple their lives are, they both wanted a simple ceremony. Agreed to that, but their busy lives did not allowed time for that.

But the promise was there, between the two of them to be loyal, honest and respectful to each other.

Many people might've crossed paths with them, but their trust to each other was unique.

-okay, second time around, Cree, find a way out mate….think, watch, think…..

There was a moment where the wind picked up, causing the tree tops lean to the side, allowing the sun come through. At that moment, something caught Cree's eye…

A bright spark coming from up above Soraya's head…..

-holy macaroni!, the ring!

Cree had to come up with a plan, fast….

Summer on this region was at its peak. and a great danger for forest fires. Right across the river, an extensive part of the plains got ravaged by fires, not because of the heat and high temperatures, but because of the meteorite's trajectory, lunar's main core attraction in correlation to the sun's proximity to the black hole, and it's latest expansion. Like a hungry beast, a great magnet for travelling comets, turned into an indulging feast for this hungry beast hiding inside the black hole.

Inadvertently, was was told, was about to happen, fate?

A meteor shower started to approach the planet, dangerously instigating all the living beings. A nightmare predicted many centuries ago, but like every other protect, went down the drain. It was recorded and noted in the archives, but after years of non existent evidence of damaging the extinction, like all other warnings, got forgotten.

Too bad….

The planet, on its rotational winter solstice position, did not allow the hidden side of the planet to properly prepare for such disaster.

The seas on the East Hemisphere got short of warning preparedness. Its water levels slightly rose, but it was taken as the full moon face provoking the phenomena.

Some animals sensed the gravitational change and the effects already caused on the planet.

The nights became longer. The sun increased its absence, eliminating all plants that survived with the suns blessings, stating a scarcity of resources. Many birds started to migrate to warmer regions, as well as humans.

The fire caused by the meteor shower, unfortunately devastated many of high producing natural resources in the region.

No. It not the apocalyptic era.

But just starting….