No forgiveness for the wicked.

A flame twisted in the night, and with it Wu Motian shook awake in a rush. He jerked up, as cold sweat covered his body.

He used Omniscient sight, and witnessed the deepest black string of fate suddenly trembled in faint white and gold colors.

He used all his energy to peer into the thread.

A burly looking man looked frightened as he gazed at a Black demon like statue, carved as a Buddha. The only different color was a small red cube at the center of the statues forehead.

Ye Zheng trembled.

He swept his sleeves, and left with a hush.


Dongmeng Valley, north Coral street, the darkest alley.

The sun set across the plains, but here not even a torch carried a flame.

It was blinding, and dulling on the senses. The stench of sweat, and filth, mixed like a toxic colliusions aiming to seize the collected spirit of man.

Women whored themselves out, and men killed one another like beasts. All to fulfill an addiction. They were the caned servants of this hell, collecting the fortune of the great suns that resided faithfully acting for peace.

An old beggar laid slouched on the ground, his rough beard hiding a hideous face. His strands of grey parted revealing a long and red nose, and two small beaded eyes.

Wu Motian crossed over puddles of vomit, and blood, and met this beggar.

He said silently, "The Ghost King faithfully draws for the Heavenly King, all to be lost by faithful moonlight. "

The beggar opened his eyes slowly, spitting out some chewed beetle leaf.

"No consequence, no Freedom, and so the sharp blade cuts through fine silk. Even as the cry of the wolf hums."

Motian said, "Still beautiful are the tears that rest upon her cheeks."

The Beggar looked at Wu Motian for a moment, a frown slowly appearing and them disappearing.

The beggar took out a jade from his shirt. It was scribbled over by many characters.



The Beggar nodded, and said, "The Beast King welcomes the Spring prince."

Wu Motian took a scroll from his robe and passed it forth to the beggar.

He then walked deeper in the valley.

He knocked into a certain gangster, and walked away.

The gangster unfurled his hand, and stared at the letter, and the stash of opium in his hands, he tucked the two into his pocket and moved across the alley.

Wu Motian circled back, and when he reached the same point he met that other gangster, a small young boy came close and pulled his sleeve from the smallest possible edge.

Wu Motian came to a small bar, called the Snakes eye.

Wu Motian came inside, and sat down and asked for a drink.

He sipped the wine for some time, before calling out, "The Hao and Tang clan really are without manners!"

He crushed the cup, and his left hand caught the blade approaching his waist.

"The Wu clan should no not to come to Dongmeng valley"

Wu Motian grabbed a pipe from his robe, and began to smoke it, "When was it the clans of the black factions place to say what my Wu Clan can do?"

A thin looking woman, with thick purple makeup around her eyes which made her look like a snake coiled near Wu Motian. Her tattoos were fierce, as they peeled past her covered chest onto her jade white shoulders.

"Tang Qiuzi, long time."

"Little Dragon."

The two chatted.

Meanwhile an old looking lean man, with snakes coiling across his body snorted, "Little bitch, what are you doing?!"

Tang Qiuzi laughed, "My Tang clan and your Hao clan may be allies, but our friends aren't yours, and your enemies aren't my enemies! Anyway, don't be sour because their ancestor killed your ancestor. This is business."

Hao Zhu, frowned but pulled a chair near Tang Qiuzi.

His hand stretching and roaming her body, and she leaned into him.

Wu Motian asked for a new cup, and said, "Tang Qiuzi I already sent you what I need from you, and what I'm prepared to exchange."

Tang Qiuzi laughed, "There's no final say until the contracts signed."

Wu Motian shook his head, "With you?"

Hao Zhu said, "Ten kilograms of Opium is fine, but distribution in the Qing province? Are you mad, not to mention the difficulties in the borders, who's gonna buy it?"

Wu Motian asked, "You may not know the horrors of war, and the need of an escape. Not to mention arrogant pricks either take this as a reward, or as unfitting to control them. You'll find some buyers, about crossing it over you know how to. Otherwise what's the point of the Hao clan, pimping? The Zhuge clans better at that."

Wu Motian collected a piece of paper from his sleeve and passed it to Tang Qiuzi, "Help me get these items."

"Saltpeter, sulfur? The first one is easy enough, but the latter? It'll take at least three months to the North and back."

Wu Motian nodded.

"You can easily get this. Why come to me?"

Wu Motian stood up, "If I could tell you, I wouldn't have asked you now would?"

Wu Motian stood up, he said, "Tell me whether anyone picks up my job offer."


In Western Lands of the Continent, bordered by slanting mountain ranges, and large pools separating the East and West. Atop Last stand Mountain, implanted into a great crack was a black and grand Obelisk. It shone sharply in the sunlight, as it's 72 levels rose into the skies.

It coiled around like a dragon, rising forth as if rebelling against fate.

Atop the 71st floor, sat seven experts.

Abbot Xuanzang, master of the Heart sutra, and leader of the Tempered virtue temple.

Kong Sanzhang, Great Demon of the hundred demon valley, master of the Moon lit demonic Knight martial art.

Surya, Queen mother of the venomous garden, and sole owner of the Great Death anthology.

Hu Yin, Sword Goddess of the Orthodox union.

Ju Zen, Group leader of the Taoist collective.

Cu Zi, Master of the Great Fist, that spanned the East.

Zhu Xi, Alliance leader of the Martial alliance, and Master of the Erudite collective, master tactician and master of the Uniformed Dream Transformation.

Currently these experts who spread their influence throughout the entirety of the East, and could command the Winds with a breath were discussing the ongoing war between the Huang Empire, and the Qing/Zhuge alliance.

At first such an issue failed to collect their interest. It was a mere skirmish between two Empires, land would transfer. No real damage would be done.

Yet now the two forces had engaged into a full on conflict. It was due to a majority of issues, both prior and due to the current battle. At Several, more than four dozen battles have their been negligence in order and honor. Most importantly, was the killing of the fighter of the Huang Empire by an aggrieved soldier from the Zhuge Empire, as a revenge for their prince who was greatly favored.

It was becoming a war, rather than a skirmish, or debate over land and property. It was influencing the neighboring nation's, and in only 9 months since the Adoptive son of the second prince of the Zhuge Empire died, ten Empires had begun to engage in their own battles. With two small Kingdoms, and one Empire being destroyed. Ten thousands of lives had disappeared, and this had become an issue. The Western Weaklings, and their mad science began to grow more and more aggressive at the Western borders. The southern barbarians were invading from the south, and their rule of the Northern Nomads was waning due to the rise of an internal movement by various forces like Erudite who felt the exploitation and slavery of the Northerners was cruel and wrong. Furthermore a capable leader had begun a conquest to unify the various tribes. At this perilous times where their enemies were attacking, or preparing, they too had to do something, or the rule of the East would disappear altogether. Yet at this very moment the East was destroying it's hand's at it's own wishes.

Thus the 479th meeting of the Martial alliance had convened to debate and select motions to protect the East.

"I say we should let the nomads come and test the west. They have strange magics available, it's the works of some evil force."

Hu Yin, a deep nationalist and fascist, she believed others naturally should be used to her people's benefit.

Xuanzang shook his head, silently offering a prayer.

"Demons and Ghosts provoke, and all that remains Is man's sorrow. Dukkha. Only with the sanctuary of morality, and virtue through which can all forms return to Emptiness, and can we sever our Karma. Through Nirvana must we bask, and through the Buddha must we act."

Hu Yin snorted, "I call a vote."

Zhu Xi nodded, "Three for, two against. The Nomads will be commanded to go act as a coil to identify the conduct of the west."

Ju Zen angrily hummed, "What is the point of the Seat of darkness, if it cannot adequately gain information leading us to such cruelties! I call for an abandonment of seat for Surya!"

Surya smiled softly, "Forget your standards old fool, don't think I don't know your business, how is your youngest disciple, I heard his cheeks are still red. The West is a harsh and cruel place, even siblings can't trust one another. Asking for information is as if asking the Heaven's for power, fruitless."

Ju Zen shivered in rage, before turning his head away.

"I say we outta go and get rid of the Huang clan, they are acting out of line! This whole issue started with their lack of honor!"

Cu Zi said gruffly.

Kong Sanzhang who had kept his eyes closed, and head down this whole time nodded, "One of them needs to go. To act as a warning, and to ensure that the power of the East is retained. With their ancestors backing them, those fellows are too much. We must dhow them we aren't sick tigers."

Hu Yin touched her chin, "Yet which one? Zhuge clan has been funding us quite a bit, and in terms of warfare they are quite useful with their brilliant tacticians. Yet the Huang clan is Attached to the Mystic Wu clan, and itself has an enormous strength. Furthermore they have the backing of a clan from the Immortal lands."

Xuanzang nodded, "Yes, but instead of letting the poor children suffer let the powers behind them fight. How of a martial contest between the Zhuge Ancestor, and Huang ancestor. Not only would the issue be solved with limited damage to the common people, but we do not need any force in the matter, and finally one of those troublesome old monsters dies."

Everyone agreed.

Surya smiled brightly, "Old Monk you act kind, but your the most sly of us all! Ah, how I want you!"

Xuanzang tightly gripped his robes, "Junior sister, the Dharma calls and all voices all silent. The Man listens, and the cycle beckons. Through removal of the Six desires and seven emotions, can one begin his spiritual ascendance. As a fellow donor, you mustn't tempt a hard working monk."

Suddenly a beam of light gathered in the room, and a figure appeared.

The seven rose, their eyes glowing in a dangerous glow.

This floor was the peak of security, no one other than these seven could reach here.

A figure wearing a silver wolf mask appeared.

He wore skin tight black clothes, with a big pocket across his chest.

Tears, both in relief and denial steamed past the half wolf mask.

Suddenly light exploded forth from his chest, and blinded room in ruination and chaos.

White flames danced, and the remnant cries of the experts echoed.


In the southern jungles, where poison poured outwards like mist. Hidden deep within the canvas of the night was a group of five men, they wore various animal masks.

They hurriedly arrived before a large encampment. It was extremely primitive, made out of mud and leaves, stuck to sticks. Fire platforms were erected here and there, numbering well into the hundreds. Surrounding them were brown skinned men and women, wearing leather clothes, they roasted meat before, and shielded from the cold winds next to the dancing crimson flames.

The men wore tattoos that dug into their head, nearly blackening their faces with ink. Meanwhile, the women has less but more intricately designed tattoos. As one moved closer, the men and women got more refined.

Within the deepest parts containing, men with combed over hair, and fine makeup covering their faces. They had tattoos that spelt various strange runes, that hummed in a green light every now and then. The Women wore dresses made from various birds, most commonly peacocks and eagles. They didn't wear makeup but looked unbelievably beautiful. With succulent tender red lips, and mind numbing curves.

Their eyes were dyed in a mysterious green, and occasionally one could see their skin glow and their skull show.

It was haunting and frightening.

The leader of the group who hid in the surrounding shrubbery pointed towards a young girl who was currently being bathed in a green pond that was dug right in the middle of the camp, guarded by a hundred powerful men.

The group removed their robes, and put on Heavy armor. Each piece from the shoulder guards, to the chest, had the big sign of a Golden dragon coiling around a crimson sun.

They unlatched their swords, and fell down. They swiped the leaves in front of them and reached the settlement.

They caught the natives by surprise, and with a fierce battlecry they moved forward.

3 Men were Martial princes, and one was Martial King! They moved like ghosts, and blood followed their steps.

In the innermost part, the tribe leader wearing skulls of various animals around his armor like armor, and with gems knitted into his beard waved his staff and commanded.

The group of four moved forward, bringing forth more death.

The innermost elites began to act. Green covered their body in the shapes of various animals!

The women hummed a strange song, and green waves filled the sky.

Meanwhile the last one of the group of five, snuck forth, slithering like a snake.

He then struck out, at their weakest point!

His sword impaled the little girl in the green pool.


Wu Motian jumped up into a waterfall.

He waved his hair, and water splattered about.

He came to a small crack at the end of the cave behind the waterfall.

He pushed his hand inside, and pulled out.

He looked at the small golden pellet in his hand, with each breath one could sense the heavy medicinal efficiency.

Wu Motian tossed the pill into his mouth, and opened Omniscient sight, and gazed forth.

He left quickly.