Fire Elementalist

"Now, instead of trying to snuff the fire out, I want you to try making the fire go higher or lower than it already is.

When using the fire element, try with negative emotions like rage and sadness, or try visualizing something wild and uncontrollable." Professor Reemar said.

I closed my eyes once again and tried visualizing the fire as a wild beast that I was controlling.

Almost instantly, the fire rose to around a foot tall.

I had to move my face out of the way quickly to avoid getting burnt.

It then fell back down to normal height just as quickly as it rose.

"Good." Reemar said with a smile.

"It's not everyday that we find a slime that's a dual bender from the start.

Now let's see if you're a dual bender or a tri bender."

A smile formed on my face as well. Fire seemed like the coolest element to me out of the four, so I was definitely excited to be able to use it.

Professor Reemar snapped his fingers together once again. This time a table appeared in front of us. There was a bowl of water on the table and nothing else.

Reemar picked up the bowl of water and poured it onto the table.

"Try to make this puddle of water come together.

Water is the element of change. It is always flowing and changing currents and movements. Try to visualize something free flowing. Any emotions can be used to fuel water bending, it just depends on the person."

I nodded my head and started to focus on the puddle of water.

I visualized a river turning into a calm lake, then to crashing waves, then to a peaceful river once again. I kept this cycle going on in my head as I focused on the puddle of water.

After 5 minutes of the puddle not budging, I decided to give up.

"Looks like I'm just a dual bender." I said.

"Don't be so down, kid. If you were a tri bender from the start I would have been more surprised than you were after seeing my bending." Reemar said.

He was right, he did say that it was rare so I shouldn't be upset about it. Water didn't seem like that cool of an element anyway, so there definitely wasn't any reason to be mad about it.

"We will start the real training now. Pick the element you want to learn first and we will do that."

"Fire." I said immediately.

Fire seems both destructive and beautiful, so I wanted to learn that first.

"Haha, okay."

Reemar snapped his fingers and the table disappeared, then he led us to the open ground full of just rock.

"First off, as I said earlier, fire is the element of rage, sadness, and pain. Using fast and abrupt movements, like punches and kicks, is best for attacking with the fire element. Your father told me you were taught many martial arts growing up, but didn't say which ones. Do you know the Dragon Fist?"

"Yes, Dragon Fist is one of the first martial arts my siblings and I were taught."

"Okay, good. Follow my movements and try to copy them. I will use Dragon Fist."

Reemar then stood beside me, but a few feet away.

He punched his fist out and a large stream of fire shot out from the end of it like he was using a flamethrower. I tried to copy it, but only a small wisp of fire appeared.

[+1 exp]

My Dragon Fist striking form was perfect, but the fire just did not want to form.

Reemar then twisted his body and performed a kick. Another stream of fire shot out from his foot.

I copied his movements once again, but to my disappointment only a wisp formed.

[+1 exp]

'At least I am getting some experience points from this.' I thought to myself.

30 minutes later I saw the fruit of my efforts.


[You have leveled up! 1 -> 2]

I gained 2 stat points from the level up that I could add to any stat I wanted, other than the luck stat. However, I decided to just ignore it for now and add the stat points after my lesson with Professor Reemar was done.

A few hours later the bell signaling the end of classes rang.


"That's the end of class." Reemar said.

In stark contrast to my current state, he didn't look tired in the slightest. There wasn't even a small drop of sweat on his forehead. I was bending over with my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath, with sweat pouring down my face like a river had formed on the top of my head.

"Hahhhhhh. Hahhhhhh. Alright." I managed to squeak out.

Reemar snapped his fingers, teleporting us out of the training space.

I noticed the sweat was wiped away from my body and so was any body odor it may have caused, but I still felt extremely tired.

I didn't mind the tiredness, because I was able to show some progress by the end of the lesson.

While I could not produce a stream as big as Professor Reemar's and I definitely did not have his level of control over the element either, I still was able to make a decently large stream come from my attacks consistently by the end of the lesson.

The size of the fire streams I could produce at the moment was about 3 feet in diameter, compared to Professor Reemars 10 feet.

"Arrows will lead you to the lunch hall, and once you are done eating they will lead you to your next class."

"Okay, thanks Professor. I'll see you tomorrow I guess." I said and then left with a wave.

"See you tomorrow, kid." He said.

I had hope that every lesson with him would go that smoothly. If so, I would be able to graduate in the time frame my father gave. In order to graduate, we just had to prove to our teachers that we had adequately mastered our classes and the things they teach us and they would graduate us early.

I made my way through the hallways of the school while following the floating blue arrows that guided me.


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