My land has feared none

My land has feared none,

I will say it lI opened my eyes that day, disturbed by a peculiar dream that I had. It was my birthday and I had turned 18. In my weird dream, I was receiving a gift from my classmate, Gautam. He had brought a car, a smartwatch, and aink diary with him. Then he asked me to choose any of them as my birthday gift. And I went for the diary for some unknown reason. The diary also had his name written on it, "is this your diary?" I asked.

"Yes, have a good time reading it." He said.

And just when this happened, I woke up. I ransacked my brain trying to interpret this meaningless dream.


I was excited for my birthday and immediately got up, leaving my bed.

As I tidied up my bed and acted picky deciding what to wear. I ended up putting on a plain shirt and cargo pants for a humble look. I didn't want to make it obvious that it was my birthday, because mature boys aren't supposed to make fuss about their birthdays. But I was still a bit excited.

I left my home, after all my family members wished me a happy birthday. The moment I entered in my class, all the classmates wished me, including our professors. Then I was pressurized to give them all a treat in college canteen and I consented after a few persuasions.

I emptied my wallet to treat my whole class with snacks and regretted agreeing to do this. But all of them were very happy.

Suddenly, I saw Gautam sitting in the canteen alone. He had brought lunch from his home as always. He is a dear friend of mine, though he is a bit aloof and introvert, he is the gem of our college, he has seven medals in academics and always excels every exam.

I left the side of my loud friends for a while and took a seat beside quietly eating Gautam.

"Hey dude! Thank you for the present you gave in my dream."

He looked at me, but didn't say anything.

"Why is he disturbing me while eating." I heard it from his direction but didn't see his lips moving.

"Did you say something to me?" I asked.

He shook his head in disagreement.

"Oh god make him go away!" Again I heard this in his voice but he had clearly not opened his mouth.

This time I was a bit taken aback. I rose from seat and took a few steps backward in fear.

He continued taking bites from his lunch but still I could hear voices from his direction.

"He and his friends are so loud, they think that canteen and this whole College belongs to them."

I wasn't able to believe my ears. I could hear whatever he was thinking about. I had met many other people that day, but this didn't happen with any of them. I was so scared that I left his side and avoided seeing him for the entire day.

I thought about it alot and realised that this power has something to do with the dream that I had that night. I could hear his thoughts clearly and vividly.

Next day, when I went to college, I stopped at the entrance seeing a commotion that was going on.

Ali, a rich family boy, a dear friend of mine, was having an argument with his father in front of the principal's room.

I asked another classmate about the matter and discovered that someone from our college had anonymously submitted a video of Ali, smoking with a group of friends. This got him expelled from the college.

Ali was very angry and wanted revenge from whoever it was who recorded him.

He asked everyone to find that person and also announced a reward for the one who brings that person to him.

I didn't pay much attention to this matter and just stayed in my class whole day. When all of my lectures were over, I came down in library to read some material. I took a desk by myself and read a few books regarding mind reading. And then suddenly I saw Gautam approaching and taking a seat in front of me.


I let him sit there and paid attention to his face. He was keep looking outside the window at Ali and his friends, looking for the secret revealer.

"Go on look everywhere. You will never find me."

I heard from his side. I was baffled, hearing that he was the one who had filed that complaiouder,

Now it is your turn,

Don't let it lose to powder.

The soil is known for rich harvest,

Harmony and benevolence at its best.

Home of five rivers which are pious

Hailed for a history that inspires.

The Punjab that I know is a place of wonders,

Here lies the treasure of nature's splendors.

Every eye shed tears on the sagas of its romance,

But it's painful to see it lost in a trance.

My land has feared none,

I will say it louder,

Now it is your turn,

Don't let it lose to powder.

Gone are the days,

when enemy shivered at our names.

The youth was brave and worthy of trust.

Now has come the time when hands tremble for white dust.

They gave up on their lives for this momentary pleasure,

Forgetting that a sane mind is the real treasure.

It is a swamp that will swallow.

Regrets and self-disgust will follow

Long lectures on awareness hardly make a change

Self-love and respect is the key out of this cage.

Let's bring our youth back on the right path,

Let's do away with addiction and wrath.

My land has feared none,

I will say it louder,

Now it is your turn,

Don't let it lose to powder.