Combat Trial (3)

(A/N: The golden barrier is the signal before teleportation, while the barrier that protects them is invisible.)

"I win," Layla said, coldly.

"No, it's a draw. Look down at your abdomen."

Layla swiftly glanced at her abdomen, seeing a hand cannon pressed up against it.

"What now?"

"If we shoot, then we'll both get disqualified, so how about we keep it as a draw and both withdraw from this fight? After all, I would like to stay in this trial, wouldn't you?" Mia asked, smiling.

"I'm fine with that, but I'll keep my gun pointed at you until you leave my field of view." Layla said, calmly.

"Sure, but I'll be doing the same, since I don't want you going back on your word." Mia turned around to face Layla, keeping her gun pointed at a fatal spot on her body.

Layla nodded in response.

"I hope the next time we fight, we don't have to hold back. I'll see you around." Mia stepped forward and disappeared, leaving only Layla left alone.

Layla looked where Mia left, as she thought, 'How did she know I was holding back? Does she know who I am? No, she couldn't. I should focus on the trial and push the less important things to the back of my head.'

She shook her head to bring her back, and leaped onto the nearest tree, and began jumping from tree to tree, searching for her next prey.

In an office on the top floor of the Slayer Association, sat a burly man with white hair and grey eyes, wearing a suit. He was none other than the chairman of the Slayer Association, Nixon.

A knock was heard at the door to the office.

"Come in."

The door opened, as a woman with brown hair and blue eyes, wearing a black and white pencil skirt suit, with an etheric tablet, entered the room, and stopped when she was in front of the chairman.

"Natalie, please report."

"Yes, sir." Natalie said, "There was an attempted breach on an encrypted file containing project O7."

"Who is the culprit?"

Natalie pulled up the culprits' information. "He is a C-ranked Slayer named Cole. He specializes in hacking and inventing etheric tools."

"Since he didn't breach it, it's fine. Warn the ones who failed at keeping it hidden and have them bury the file, so not even the best hacker can find it." Nixon said with seriousness.

"Yes, sir."

Natalie left the room, leaving Nixon alone as he looked back at his etheric screen that displayed two individuals on it: Layla and Mia.

On the edge of the forest within the combat zone was Layla, who was sitting on a branch 40 feet from the ground, surveying the valley in front of her that had a large stream running through the center with some rocks that could be used as stepping stones, which could get you to the other side, where the snowy forest continued.

Russle! russle!

Layla turned to face the sound she heard from beneath her. She found a light-brown-haired man, in his black combat suit, looking around warily, as he held his etheric pistol in one hand and an etheric knife in the other.

After making sure no one was around, he slid down the hill of the valley, and quickly but silently made his way to the stream. Once he arrived, he put down his knife and gun, and cupped both of his hands to scoop up some water before drinking it.

'He does have some skill for him to survey the area before going into the opening, but he is still considered an amateur in my eyes.' Layla grabbed her gun from the holster and aimed it at his head.


He fell face first into the water from the sudden pain he felt at the back of his head, followed by the golden barrier enveloping him, teleporting him out of the combat trial.

"That brings my kill count to 177, almost 20% of all the recruits participating in this trial.' Layla smiled. 'I'll survey the edge of this side of the forest for a few more hours, then I'll go to the other side.'

Layla holstered her gun, and stood up and jumped down 10 feet before beginning to jump through the trees along the edge, looking for more prey who were willing to step into the open.