Combat Trial (5)

Seconds passed, and everything fell silent as the recruit walked slowly but steadily to the center of their pentagon, seemingly unconcerned about the possibility of being ambushed.

Once the recruit stepped into the center of the pentagon, Owen shouted, 'Now.'

Gage got out from his hiding spot, silently. From behind the recruit, he jumped towards her with his battle axe raised above his head and swung it down on her.

When the recruit sensed this, she sidestepped to avoid the attack, and found Lucas stabbing his knife towards her ear.

'There teamwork is much better than the others I faced so far.' Layla thought.


Layla blocked his attack with her knife, as the two knifes ground against each other, but that all ended when Layla kicked her leg back, using the force of the kick to flip her body, as her foot slammed into Lucas's face knocking him to the ground.

Seeing that the three recruits still hidden behind the trees revealed themselves with their guns pointed at her, about to fire, Layla quickly kicked up Lucas's body to use as a shield.

*Bang, bang, bang!

The gun shots aimed for fatal areas, slightly missing the target as their aim wasn't too good, but it was enough to be fatal. A golden barrier enveloped Lucas and teleported him out of the trial.

"How dare you kill Lucas!" Gage's rage took over as he started swinging his axe at Layla like a maniac.

'Losing your emotions over a friend dying is not fit for a slayer.' Layla thought, easily dodging each swing with her nimble footwork.

When he swung the axe the third time, Layla didn't dodge the axe but redirected the force of it with her knife, sending it flying into the air as she pulled out her gun and aimed it at his head.


The bullet hit the dead center of his head as the golden light began to envelope him, but before he teleported away, Layla kicked out, sending him flying towards the three recruits.

Once Gage was teleported away,

*Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang...

They kept raining fire to make sure that she was hit. It didn't matter to them if it was fatal, since all they needed to do was hit her enough and it would be considered fatal.

They fired for 15 seconds, stopping to see how injured she was, but what they found was nothing, besides the trees on the other side were damaged to the point that some fell down with half the trunk of the tree gone.

'She must've died during our rain of fire.' Owen thought, smiling as he turned to look where Zion was.

He was nowhere to be seen, striking confusion in Owen, so he turned his head to see if Leia was there...

Leia was lying on her back, the golden barrier enveloping her, teleporting her away, but there was another woman, who stood next to where Leia lay, her pretty blue eyes glaring at him.

"How, how are you still alive? We should have gotten you with our rain of bullets." Owen said, confusion along with fear emerging on his face. "What did we do wrong? It was 5 against 1. How did you beat us?"

Walking over to Owen, raising her hand cannon up to his head, she responded, "Your ambush strategy wasn't bad, but you underestimated your opponent. There are other variables that brought us to this conclusion, but those are small."

"I see." He didn't try to attack Layla, accepting his loss, as she pulled the trigger.


The golden barrier enveloped him, teleporting him out of the trial along with the rest to the teleportation platform outside of the combat dome.

Upon emerging on the platform, one of the automatons came over and said, "Recruits that have been disqualified, follow me. I'll take you to go get a check up."

Owen followed the automaton into a room that looked like a hospital. He found the line and entered it.

Once it was his turn, he walked into a room where there was an open seat, so he took it and looked at the nurse.

She was a beautiful brunette with blue eyes.

"Do you feel any pain anywhere?" She asked in a polite tone.


"Alright, I'll be using some etheric tools on you, so I'll need you to stay still for me." She grabbed several tools and began looking for any hidden injuries in the place where he got shot by Layla along with a few other places.

Time passed.

She finished her check up, saying, "I didn't find anything, but just in case, you should get a check up once a week."


She took out a tool and said, "Place your hand on the display and infuse aether."

Owen did what he was told and infused aether into the tool.

She took the tool away and handed a card with the words "Rose Petal Clinic." On it and said, "Come to this clinic once a week for me to give you weekly check ups."

"Thanks." He got up and left the room to go find his friends.

After searching for a while, he found three of them with the only one that was missing was Gage, and walked up to them.

"How are you guys?" Owen said, smiling.

"We're alright. What about you?" Leia asked.

"I'm fine."

Lucas, who had been looking at his feet, said, "We ambushed a monster."

"Yeah, she didn't have any remorse when she threw you to be a meat shield." Leia agreed.

"She might've had no remorse, but she was the strongest recruit we had ever faced." Zion said.
