Clean Up

(A/N: I changed the noble vampires into pure vampires. I've got the vampire ranking wrong. Pure Vampires = C Rank.)


On the floor of a luxuriously decorated corridor of the mansion lay a blonde-haired vampire, her blood spilling into a large bloody pool beneath her. Protruding out of her chest was the handle of Layla's stiletto dagger, which she had stabbed into her chest.

'That takes care of the elites; all that's left are the nobles.' She plucked her dagger from the dead vampire's body and made her way into the dining hall.

Inside the luxurious dining room, three vampires dressed in luxury sat around a five-person black marble table. They were calmly chatting about current affairs.

"Those human slayers are beginning to rule up the humans in the surrounding cities! Several humans have already attempted to kill us! I'd rather they not be so foolish to think they could kill us! I'd rather not kill my food!" A navy-blue-haired vampire voiced her complaints.

"Exactly!" An olive-green-haired vampire expressed, "Humans are too naive! Just because the slayers killed several vampires, do they think we can be defeated too? They don't know how strong we vampires are!"

A grey-haired vampire sighed. "Why do you think so much about it? So what if pitiful humans try to resist? All we need to do is show them how powerless they are, and they'll go back to being loyal dogs!"

The olive-green-haired vampire clutched his fist. "I can't wait to see their expressions when we show their powerlessness in front of true power! Just thinking about it riles me up! …Pkuk!"

He spat a mouthful of blood as the bloody tip of a stiletto dagger pierced out from the base of his neck. "How about you die? You should've never switched sides for your own selfish gain!"

tightly gripping the tip of the dagger, he pulled it out. The wound from the dagger quickly closed up—not even a scar was left. "Something such as a dagger won't kill me! Now die!"

His figure flickered, leaving afterimages behind; however, he didn't go far before... "Argh!"

A dagger pierced his heart from the back. A dark, shadowy energy flowed out from the dagger into his body and returned like an ocean tide, bringing along a shadowy figure.


He fell to the ground, his body going limp with dead eyes—he had died from being impaled; however, this wasn't normal! If it wasn't a pure vampire, but a lower rank, then it'd be possible! Instead, it was a pure vampire—a vampire who's immune to most fatal wounds, such as being impaled! It didn't make any sense!

"I'll end you two quickly!" The cloaked woman said, looking up at the two female vampires.

"Don't be arrogant because you've killed only one of us!" Their figures flickered, leaving behind afterimages.


With quick, optimal accuracy, she blew their heads off their shoulders. Within Layla's Aether palace, the three souls accumulated, seeming to be attracted to a small white core. As they grew closer, the souls split up into small specks of dark light and were slowly absorbed into the core, expanding it by a noticeable amount.

On the first floor of the mansion, where the blood ceremony was supposed to take place, there was an all-out battle between two parties: Mia and the thirty vampires.


After firing three shots, they left three large holes in the torsos of three vampires.

"Intruder!" One of the vampires shouted out.

The elite vampires reacted quickly as they went to attack. Elite vampires couldn't efficiently wield Aether; however, they could manipulate it to enhance their physical abilities—this left them only with their superior physical abilities.

However, this was an advantageous situation for Mia. All she needed was a second, until...

Right before the vampires could reach Mia, they stopped. Not only them, but everything else stopped moving.

"2 seconds! I can hold this for two seconds!"

With the vampires frozen in time, it was only a matter of shooting still targets for Mia. A simple walk in the park resulted in the blood of dozens being spewed everywhere.


Firing her guns without a moment's rest, Mia made sure that each bullet fired instantly killed their targets, so that she could efficiently use her five seconds.

And that was when... the five seconds were up,


The dozens of vampires that were before Mia all had their heads blown off simultaneously. This slightly intimidated the surviving vampires. How were they killed so fast? Who did it?

They could only assume this was the work of Mia, but... One question rang throughout the surviving vampires' heads: Where did Mia go? She had been in the center of them, but at the same time the vampires' heads were blown off, she disappeared out of nowhere. It was as if she had teleported, but where?

"That takes care of you! Four more to go!"

The four vampires looked in the direction the woman's voice came from—they were met with a gruesome scene of guts, blood, and chunks of flesh strewed across the walls, floors, and ceilings; it was everywhere.

"I should apologize! I've made quite a mess." Mia innocently smiled. "Now let's end this! I'd like to take a shower!"

Bang~! A large hole emerged in the center of a pure vampire's chest. He stood for a second, swayed, and crumbled to the ground.


Three consecutive shots struck their target and blew the tops of their heads off. Mia looked in the direction the shots came from and found Layla standing at the entrance of a connecting corridor.

"You know I could've gotten them right?" Mia smiled.

"You took too long, so I decided I'd end them for you!"

"Hmph!" She playfully crossed her arms and seemed annoyed. "Oh well, we should gather the citizens! We have a small announcement for them!"

Mia turned her head toward the several humans that were already inside the mansion. "Is any of you influential among the other citizens?"

She didn't want to make a ruckus, so having an influential citizen tell the others to gather would make gathering them in one place, overall, an easier task.

"I-I have some influence! What do you need me to do?" A young man asked, still slightly dazed from shock.

"Tell the others to gather in the mansion's main hall! We have something important to announce!"