Chapter 5

Drew had his arms around Marie as she slept soundly.  He wasn't excited at all about the past. He didn't like the memory of finding Marie laying there. He knew he was the one to blame. He shouldn't have said anything or did anything. He regretted everything, and he felt broken just because of it. He did remember beating the shit out of Jack and Warren for what he did do to her. He stopped hanging out with them and even made them an enemy. There was a reason why he had changed and it wasn't just because of her.

Drew wipped the few tears off his face just as Aizora walked into the room. He wasn't expecting her at all as she walked into the room with chicken and Mac&cheese. She looked at her friend as he watched her looking at him and her as she slept. " How is she?"

" She's been sleeping." He said as she had another plate as he pulled away from her and off the bed.

He walked out of the room with the plate as she handed him a glass of tea. " Thanks." She didn't bother to look at him as she sat at the table as he watched her open the journal. He sat across from her as she seemed confused about something. " Do you need a interpreter?"

She didn't even say anything she just pushed the book in bewteen them as he looked it over. Puteus sub incantato latet meaning. The well is hidden  under under the spell.

" You mean its hidden under the spell?"

" Um no it says under under the spell."

Aizora looked at the journal as she wrote it down so she could remember. " Does it say anything about the curse or is that because of the curse?"

" It doesn't say anything but that it could hurt those around you. " He said as they both ate their food as he flipped the page and read some more without reading out loud.

Marie woke up tired and not as confused as she saw the plate and drink on the table.  She couldn't remember what happened as she was confused as to what time it was and when she even got into bed. Her food wasn't the way she liked it as her stomach growled loudly.  She left her room and heated up her food as she heard Drew interpreting what was in the Book. "  Non lasciare mai che ti controlli. "  Drew didn't seem thrilled when he read it as he looked over at Aizora with a look. " Never let it control you. That's what it means. 

Marie grabbed her food as she also sat at the table as she heard what he was interpreting. " La paura e la voce prenderanno il controllo in un modo o nell'altro."  He didn't understand even though he was postive that what " it" was; was going to end badly.

" Means Fear and the voice will take control one way or the other."   He skimmed his finger acroos the page over the coins that looked half broken on the page as he couldn't make out the words on them.  one symbol was clear as they all knew it meant death. Drew read the other paragraph as he didn't seem happy at all as he stuttered with his words. " Per ottenere il contollo dovrai lasciare che ti contolli. Nessuno puo' combatterlo e nessuno scappera'. "

He seemed confused and frightened as he said what it meant. " To get control you will have to let it control you. No one can fight it and no one will escape."

They sat there for a minute as if to process as Marie tried to eat her food as she knew that Drew knew something that he wasn't saying as Aizora didn't seem to want to believe any of it as she seemed very flustered.

" Oh wait. Puoi combattere la voce e distruggere la moneta nel pozzo situato nella cascata prosciugata vicino alla morte della disperazoine.  wow!"

" What's that mean?" Marie asked as she felt turned on by the way he spoke in another language. Aizora didn't look to great as she tried to turn her mood around as she looked at Marie. " You can fight the voice and destroy the coin at the well located at the dried up waterfall near the death of despair."

" Well thats a dead end." Aizora closed her eyes tightly after she said that as Drew tensed up as Marie was confused. She didn't understand what they were doing as she knew she was missing something. " Ok that was ackward."  She got done with her food and tea as she put it in the sink not bothering with trying to wash them as she looked at them. Their faces said it all even though she wasn't sure what was going on. Yet again she felt like she was in the dark; yet she was far from it.

Marie had went back to her room after that as she felt like they secretly knew something that she really wanted to know; then at the same time she didn't really care. She took a much needed shower as she looked back at her bed and the covers. She could fall asleep on 2 seconds flat if she really wanted too. She was still trying to remember what happened as a knock was heard. She wasn't sure if she really wanted any help or not as she said " come in." as Drew did. " What happened to my cut?" Marie asked afraid for the answer as she knew it didn't just magically heal on its own that fast. " I don't even remember what happened."

" He watched her as she touched her head as he noticed it was pratically gone. " I didn't even notice." He said truthfully as he remembered holding on to her as she breathed out as if she didn't believe him. " You expect me to believe that?" He was mer centementers from her as he grabbed her hand and flipped it just to see the cut on her hand. " How?" He asked as he noticed he said it out loud as she looked confused. " Drew what the hell is going on. I swear if I was some sort of exper-!" She didn't get to finish as he slammed his lips against hers as she didn't even try to fight back. 

The last thing she wanted was whatever was happening to even happen. She wasn't even for sure she even liked him like that, even with what happened in the past she still wasn't sure how to even speak to him. She didn't exactly have a choice. She pulled away from him as his hand softly went over the not so much of a cut. " Does it hurt?" He asked his voice a whisper. " No. I feel like I could run a mile, I'd rather not though."

" Better get some sleep before she tries whatever tomorrow." He said as she knew what she meant as she could've sworn he wasn't telling her everything as he stared down at her before kissing her yet again. " Goodnight. Sleep tight." He said as she watched him leave. She wasn't sure what was worse her friend who acted as if she didn't know what was going on or acted like herself or Drew when it came to lying to those around him. He always hurt those around him and she knew it was just a matter of time. "Why does everything got to be stupid? "  She said as she still couldn't remember as other memories she pushed down over 2 years ago came rushing back as she knew she wasn't going to get any sleep that night because if she did they were going to haunt her.

The next morning she was already awake as she found herself looking at the journal and the ancient book. She didn't bothering with trying to read any the book as she knew she was going to fail. She was never really in class long enough to really study or get good grades or even try. She was always trying to hid from the goonies who thought they ruled the school. Sometimes she wished she could at least punch one the way she remembered punching Drew. She mentally laughed as she wondered why he even let her.

Drew came out of his room as she said something in another language. " Il che potrebbe significare che e' nascosto sotto L'incantesimo. "  She looked and gave a look towards Drew as she knew she needed to quit staring. " What?" She asked as Aizora walked out of her room as she looked upset. " It's from the book. Which it could mean it's hidden under under the spell."

Aizora didn't look to thrilled as she heard it as she grabbed some orange juice.  " Have you figured out if it was talking about the coin or just the "curse."

She asked as she made something for herself as she sat beside Marie as she showed her what she wrote down from yesterday night. " La maledizione potrebbe essere spezzata con la moneta. Non badare alla voce anche se uccide.    The curse could be broken with the coin. Don't mind the voice even if it kills."  He again didn't look pleased as the color on his face changed as he didn't make contact with Marie as she looked in between the both of them as it got quiet.

" Ok. That's the second time it got ackward. " Marie read the words on the page as Drew and Aizora looked in between each other as they knew at some point something was going to be said. Nothing was said as Aizora finally told Marie what happened as Marie didn't understand the hell even happened. Marie didn't know it was that bad to a point where she ended up dead or that Drew was so upset that he stayed with her that night as he had held her. She didn't want to believe them but she did remember that she felt better than before. " Technically I left because I was starving, but I did stay because I was worried. I didn't want you to wake up alone."  Drew still didn't look at her as she tried to process everything as she wasn't so hungry anymore, if anything she wanted to hurl.

" Marie, you look pale." Aizora grabbed her as Marie didn't want to breath. She wanted to believe every word as she had to because it made sense. She touched her head as she looked towards the hallway in deep thought. She didn't know really what to think as Aizora tried to talk to her as she got up from the table and to her room as she went and bug through her pants as she found the map. She didn't know how she had forgotten it but she questioned if it was real as she pondered whether or not to show Aizora who she didn't really know anymore.

She wanted to so badly to get the book or ask Drew if it talked about a second map. " Hey. " She heard Drew but she didn't want to turn around. " The last thing I remember was that it was dark out and I had seen my bestfriend. Do you know how long it's been since i've really talked to her, or tried? Now apparently I died and what somehow I'm ok. It doesn't make sense but at the same time i'm just confused." She didn't feel like crying, not again. She didn't need to know why it happened as it seemed unrealistic then again through everything they had been through she wasn't surprised.

Aizora closed her eyes as the voice spoke again only this time it seemed very angry. " because of you i've got to figure something else!"   She was getting very frustrated with this voice as she wanted so badly to get it out of her head.  Death of despair. She had been repeating it all night through her head so she could remember but she didn't know how she could forget because it sounded crazy.   When they finally left she didn't know where to go other than to the left as they followed behind her as she knew everything was going to go down hill from there.

They climbed onto rocks that were steep before walking through  water that went to their torso's. A few miles after they noticed some of the gaurds from before as they tried to quietly move around them without being spotted.  Aizora didn't understand if they were following them or if they were the ones being followed. They quietly watched them as they hid as they were way to close to them. Drew and Marie looked at each other before Drew looked over the bush at the gaurds as they seemed to hesitate as someone yelled. " I don't care. If they're out there then kill them. This is mine and only mine and nothing not even Indy could stop me. Get those gaurds to work or I'll kill you myself. I'm in the mood because I'm very very angry and you are pushing everything out of order!"

Marie looked over at Aizora as She didn't seem to happy that her father's name was spoken and that he could be anywhere dead. " We better get going before they do kill us." Drew said as he grabbed Aizora as she didn't want to move. Marie grabbed her too as they all ran towards wherever before they got caught. " Z. Snap out of it."  Marie stated as she waved her hand in front of Aizora. 

Aizora couldn't think straight as she heard her friend as she waved her hand infront of her as she just wanted so badly to cry even though she didn't feel anything. She already knew he had died when he never showed up but hearing that she didn't even want to keep going. Was it worth it?  " Would be if "they " would die first."  The voice was the last thing she wanted to hear as she didn't hear anything as Marie looked behind them as she was dragged before she realized they were being chased.  Drew was a head of them as the two girls dodged tree branches and tried to keep up with Drew. They didn't know where they were going and at that point they didn't care.

They ran for awhile as Marie and Aizora got tired a long time ago as they wanted nothing more than to lie down onto the grass. Marie looked back as she realized the so calle gaurds weren't even behind them. " Where the hell?" She was more than confused as Aizora looked at their surroundings before breathing properly or trying too. " Yeah we need to leave before it gets dark." Marie and Drew didn't understand as Aizora looked at the claw marks on the branches  as part of a bush seemed tore apart by something that didn't want to be bothered and she could tell as she heared a very loud growl as she stared at the area before grabbig Drew and Aizora. " I don't want to know and I'm going to hate myself for asking but is this the reason they aren't following us?"

Marie knew it was a stupid question but she asked anyways as she heard distance snaps as she jerked the only two people she knew as she wasn't about to be eaten alive. " Yeah i'm to young to die." Drew said as he grabbed her arm and pulled her foward as he realized the gaurds could be waiting for them.

" What would you recommend Andrew be eaten alive or freedom?" Aizora said as he wasn't sure if it was her being sarcastic or the other person who trys to hard and can't succeed. He knew that was harsh but at least he said it in his thoughts instead of out loud.

Aizora realized that death of depair suddenly meant as she questioned why did she have to remember now of all times. " A fool or a possessor of faith only a few saint obtain? Either way, is the psalmist ultimately irrelevantto the ordinary person? with jesus' death and the tomb where he laid in despair. Despair means loss. Despair was interrupted by jesus and by recognizing jesus. " Really?"

She didn't mean to say it out loud as Drew just stared at her before looking at the very large rocks. " Could climb." Marie said as she really didn't want to. She loved how they wasted time talking but not getting away as she looked towards where the noise was coming from. " Maybe those gaurds would be as bad as a giant bear." She pushed past Drew as she climbed the rock and onto the next as she tried her best not to look back. She only failed a few times as Aizora cussed a few times as she heard Drew frantically yell faster. She turned as the bear had his front paws on the first rock as Drew tried to quickly get past Aizora with out knocking her over.

Once Marie made it to the top she wasn't afraid to look down what she was araid of was falling. She grabbed Drew as his foot slipped as she gripped him tightly as she had probably tore into his skin. If he was in pain she couldn't tell as she and Drew helped Aizora up as she lastched onto her and Drew. " Aizora was definitely afraid of heights as she clearly wasn't excited for the heights as gun shots were heard as some whizzed past them. " The fuck!" Drew yelled as Aizora definitelty wasn't having it as Marie knew if they made it out she might get yelled at again. She didn't know what was going to happen as Drew helped Aizora over the rock as we could easily get down from there. It didn't seem to high for Marie as she did this all the time only without the giant bear and the morons with guns.

" Marie looked down as the gaurds ran as the bear attacked a few before wanting to forget the memory. Aizora's mind wavered so much as she climbed as she wasn't having any fun. She had cussed a lot as she climbed up the rocks as now she just wanted to just get everything over with a jump. " Do that and I'll make sure your friends die. I don't have to have a host Bitch."   She really hated the voice or whatever it was as she shook as much. Aizora's breathing wasn't that great as Drew ended up beside her as she could barley hear him through the pounding of her heart but she tried as he pushed her more onto the rock with his body as he climbed down as she wasn't sure whether to fall on him on purpose or stay there forever. " Just fall I'll catch you." She was very hesitate as Marie carefully choose her footing as she closed her eyes as she let go of the rock as she forced herself not to scream.

She didn't understand how he even caught her without wanting to yell because of the weight diffrence but she could obviously tell he did work out.

She watched as he caught Marie with ease as she wondered what even went through their minds as they had to deal with her. She knew she got on their nerves as much as the voice got onto hers. Aizora watched Marie blush as he carried her a few steps forward before putting her down as she just rolled her eyes. " Hey Z. Do you know where we are exactly? I don't remember this on the map."  Aizora wasn't sure where they were as some land was dangerious.

" We're definitely not on the trial but we need get away from them so I'm hoping if we keep going this way we can get there faster by my compass and map so that way we don't run into those maniacs with guns." That said a lot from her because she wasn't a fan with nature and Marie knew that as Aizora pulled her dad's compass out of her pocket as it pointed southeast. " 125. klometers and we turn left. " MArie never understood how she remembered everything from class as she always got in between average in school.

" Hey Drew was there anything about a tomb? " She asked thinking back to the  crap she remembered from her dad when he read those silly things to her. She didn't want those types of memories she wanted fun memories and she only had that when Marie was around. " I don't remember tombs related to the curse but we can look."  He said as shouts were heard from behind them as they took off before any more bullets were fired at them only it was far from it.

The General had found where some tombs were supposed to be and he didn't feel like resting. When he heard kids were around them he didn't care he wanted them dead too. No one was going to witness him finding his gold and the treasure that was supposed to be his. When he had his men kill Indiana he only laughed. He didn't care that there were others there that might have witnessed it. He didn't care that he scared everyone else. He only wanted what was his. Another Explosion was heard before he ate his food that they had laid out for him. The fact that they were hungry even made him laugh. He only barley feed his guards so they could do his work as well as find what was stolen from him so long ago. The fact that his enemy had taken everything away from him and Someone had hired Indiana Jones to find it before him made him angerier as he remembered that poor look on his face as he said a woman's name as he slumped dead on the ground; made him happy as they all had gotten food and wine as they had celebrated before hiking again the next day. Turning back to the men from the cave that was a few days away from him pissed him off greatly and he very much wanted to kill anything and everyone in his path. " Kill them! How fucking hard is it? "  He didn't just yell he screamed in fury. " There's two girls and a boy sir." One of them said before looking down at the ground before he made another mistake as the man behind him didn't get it clearly. 

" Gun." The General said calmly as his right man gave it to him as he cocked it as he shot them both dead. He hoped they heard those shots as he wasn't in the mood clearly. " Where are we with what I want?"  He demanded as he turned fast before demanding someone to clean up the mess. " We're almost done with the digging and then they should  be done. " His right man was handed the gun as he grabbed the other man as he pushed him towards his pet. " It should've already been done. What about the stone? Have you found it yet?"

" No sir."  The men behind him was pale as they witnessed him killing 2 of their men as well as the constructor on the stone without realizing it.

" The fuck you looking at? Get back to work!"  He yelled as other shots were fired as he didn't understand why his men were wasting bullets as a large beast came into view as everyone scattered quickly. " You brought it here!"  He screamed yet again as his voice almost broke. It made him angry as it tore through some of the men as he took cover as his right man and several others shot at the beast as half the men and himself took shelter underneath the ground where they dug. they heard screams as more bullets were heard. It took several hours before he realized nothing was heard as he made sure it was all clear through his men.  He didn't care if it was brought them death as long as he lived to see his gold and stone he would gladly sacrifice all his men.

He was a very selfish man and thats how he grew up. He knew Indiana from the people that talked about him. He had never met him and yet killing him was a pleasure to him. If he could kill him he could kill anyone.

Mrs. Burkes walked into Aizora's house after realizing she hadn't shown up at the shop in a week as she looked around her house. She wasn't sure whether to be pleased that she was like her father or upset that she was her father either way she didn't like it as she knew she was on a quest with her friend Marie. She adored her and everything that was good as she tried to get through Aizora's home before failing as she almost fell.

When Marie's mother had came by she had a bad feeling as she tried to reassure her everything was fine as she didn't know how long she could keep up with a lie as she too feared that something could've happened. She knew the note said she'd be back but when?  She was hoping to find something that would let her know where she could've went. She went to the kitchen but not finding anything she went to her room. She didn't like to snoop but she was worried and she wasn't exactly told where they were headed.

If Indiana was there she knew he would be very upset that she didn't know but she cleared that from her mind as she went through Aizora's dresser and then her personal drawer underneath the bed as other things were in the way. She knew there was a reason why the house was trashed. She definitely took after her father. She couldn't find anything as she left the house and went towards her own as she thought of what they could possibly be doing and if they were ok.

Aizora had taken a shower after the breadful day they had. She tried to clear her mind of any thought as she tried to find anything in the book about tombs. After climbing over the rocks to the other side they ended up in a snake territory and she didn't like any of it as Marie was even terrified. Drew wasn't terrified of snakes but with that many it showed. it took them awhile to get out of that before coming across a wide open space that seemed distroyed. Marie and Drew was still in their rooms as she turned on the stove and put Tomato soup in a pan as she also made 3 grilled cheeses apiece for them.

She watched Ruth eat as she wondered if she felt better from what happened. she felt off as she studied the ancient book as she thought of her dad, and how he would find and destroy the coin. She knew it was important to her. She just didn't know how she could control something when she barley knew what was going on herself and the coin. They had been sitting for a while as they had ate tomato soup with grilled cheese. The fire was getting low as Andrew looked over at Ruth as he looked at his knife that he had taken from the fight of the warriors.  He had the knife between his fingers as he also brushed his finger over the engraving. She noticed the details on the knife as she rubbed the coin as she heard the voice again that day.  "Just get it over with or are you to much of a pussy to do it. "  She hadn't gotten used to the voice but sometimes it scared and annoyed her. She didn't understand as the voice rang out " I'll do it myself."  Do what?

She questioned as she didn't see her coin glow a velvet color since her finger barley brushed over the coin before she watched Andrew as his eyes dilated as he suddenly gripped the knife firmly before flinging himself over the small fire at Ruth. She shrieked before he grunted on top of her whereas Aizora sat there in total shock not moving a muscle. She wasn't just scared but petrified. Aizora didn't know what to do. She watched him pull the knife to her throat as before he could she kneed him where it hurts before the knife clattered to the floor. He tried to grab his area as his face read an emotion she couldn't place as Marie without thinking punched him in the nose. Marie moved as fast away from Drew as Aizora watched as tears fell from Ruth's face whereas she got away from him and ran to her room. Drew laid there as he looked over at the knife and then back at where he was supposed to be and then at Aizora as if she had something to do with it.  He was getting sick and tired of Aizora and everything she was doing. How would Aizora be able to explain it. She knew if she tried they wouldn't listen or would they? Aizora watched before Andrew ran after her yelling her name as clearly he didn't care about the knife.

Aizora sat there for more than a minute trying to grasp what happened. How the fuck did she do that. No she obviously didn't do that; did she?  " Like you could do something. Ha. You can't even speak to your " best friend" Without choking."    She wasn't sure if Drew would be upset then again he was always more worried about Marie to care about anything else. She went back to the middle of the book before looking back at the engraving on the knife. She knew that engraving that was on the knife, she just hoped Drew would hurry so he could translate the words.