Prologue: {I am.... who?)

"Well, congratulations Mortal, you've saved a lady's life and changed her life for her better good. I'm very impressed."

Huh?! Where am I?

"Oh! Apologies for the sudden quote, I was supposed to speak that after you're awake. Anyways, you are in the void, mortal."

.... Oh, so I did die, and saved someone, right?

"Of course, in the future, she may as well be a great scientist who changed your world, not after facing great challenges that she had passed through."

Is that so? Then I'm quite glad for her. And what about my family? Are they fine?

"Umu. I'm glad you asked, most of the mortals that were about to be reincarnated did not bother to ask about their relatives for once. They're all fine, and have great futures, and after your death, your father completely turned with an entire 180°, from a certainly abusive and lazy one to a person who tries to repent by working hard. That's all."

Hearing that God's speech, I was still relaxed, I am dead, after all. Now, where will I go? To heaven? To Hell? or to the Purgatory?

"No, no. You won't. Unless you're just here to waste my time then I'll have to ask my higher-ups to do so."


Oh, that is right? Okay, then.... what's next, you'll ask me some wishes?

"Three wishes? No, I don't do that here, not yet, I'm a low ranked God of Reincarnation, and have just started working as one. Sorry about that, but you only have one wish. Make your wish wise, Hans Andersen III"

That was kind of disappointing, but I'll have to accept it. So, what do I have to wish for?

"You will be reincarnated into a random world, so you could wa- ahem! spend your wish wisely. Anime worlds, manhwa worlds, videogame worlds, whatever you think of. By the way, you can't have total immunity, and the most overpowered ability you can wish for, I'm not powerful enough to grant those."

Totally fair, but if I were reincarnated in a random world, I can't expect it to be a dark one, but I'll have to survive until my life ends.

I hoped that I would be reincarnated in a lighter world, where I can live as long as until I become old and die naturally.

But, what would I wish for?


Eh, you know what? I've decided. But I may become a hypocrite if I said my own wish.

Hey, God of Reincarnation! I wish to be reincarnated into the world of "Mushoku Tensei"! I wanted to live an adventurous life, unlike a boring life where I would live as long as possible!

".... Hm, fine. You may have wasted your wish, or have spent it wisely. I'll just say this, good luck."

And then, everything turned black. No flashy effects, no, nothing.

I wonder who will I reincarnate to? Rudeus? Paul? Maybe Eris- wait, no. Maybe her brother, or someone? I don't know, the possibilities are endless.

~ 💠 ~

And then, I woke up.

Hm, I definitely wished to be reincarnate in the world of "Mushoku Tensei", right?

But first, who am I?

I wiped off the snowflakes that were touching my face, before getting up. Strangely enough, even at a snowy, cold field, I wasn't shaking or anything. I barely even felt cold!

Walking around, I began to think about what I should do for now.

Perhaps, I have to find something to know why have I reincarnated to. Am I a mob character? Probably.

I then walked to a frozen lake which had a sort of reflective ice, and I was very curious about my current appearance.

And to my surprise, and misery....

I did not expect to be a certain Dragon God, or not yet the Dragon God of this world.

The one who just hates the Human God, or Hitogami reaaaaaalllyyyy much to the point of going Doom Slayer to him....

..... Orsted.

Or at least, a younger version of him.

~ Prologue - END ~