Journey Period IV: Making Friends Through The Guild

[ ~ Chapter • Start ~ ]

"How unexpectedly surprising...." Orsted spoke, looking at the status plate on his hand and the small stack of green papers that vaguely looked like actual dollars.

Except the dollars are the same yet very, very different. The printed heads of the past presidents in the America of his world are replaced with other people that probably are the late leaders of the Alliance. Also they're called Dilyers. (*1)

He had to exchange his money that were taken from the bandits just to gain the Dilyers beforehand.

Aside from that.....

[ Name: Hans Orsted ]

[ Gender: Male

Race: Dragon

Age: 13

Job(s): Traveller, Adventurer

Rank: F

Party: None ]

Hans pocketed both Status Plate and Dilyers as he glanced at a clothing store right in front of him, intent on getting new clothing for himself.

... And of course, he unintentionally wasted all of his money buying good enough clothing. Which was a drag since he had to go back to the guild to begin browsing for quests.

His clothing now consisted of a yellow buttoned shirt with sleeves reaching his wrists, long white pants, and hard boots. They weren't too cheap, but that doesn't mean they were of high quality. Mid at best, yet enough for himself.

"Too high.... too high.... too boring.... grr..... this is getting frustrating...." Hans spoke, growling beneath a closed mouth as he glared at the papers pinned on the quest board, knowing he can only take F to E ranked quests.

He had no such luck finding a good quest to have, especially when all his quests were very basic ones.

Until, several people approached him.

"Hey, why is a lost child here?" A young, blue haired man spoke, before becoming silent because of a glare Hans gave him.

"I'm not a child." He bluntly replied, yet even though with that honesty, it was deflected by the man and all his companions.

"Man, what a nice joke you have, newbie!" The blue haired man spoke jovially, unaware that he sounded mocking to the child.

Buddy, the little dragon immediately climbed up Hans's body and bit the finger of the unaware man who was just about to pat Hans's head.

"Ow!?" The blue haired man yelped in surprise, immediately pulling back his hand with difficulty, as it was at Hans's quick command that Buddy fully let go of the bitten finger before it could be bitten off.

"Forgive my tamed dragon, he's kinda overprotective over me." Hans sighed out an apology, which the blue haired man just chuckled off after being healed by whom can be assumed as the healer of their party.

"Yeah, yeah. We get it! Just.... please keep that angry little lizard out of me..."

Now that was out of the way, they began to introduce themselves to each other.

The blue haired man, was not really from the Migurdia tribe, but he was a hybrid between a human and a migurdian demon. His name is Rev Migurdia. He's also a practitioner of the Sword God Style - at intermediate rank.

Then there's his party members, a healer named Frue Cottonhand, and an intermediate Water God Sword Style practicioner named Stone Hardtower.

Their party's name was named Fleting Feather, a name which Frue had actually chosen stubbornly.

Because the Party was in need of another member, and they asked Hans, who was only a rank lower than all of them. He obliged, not minding the fact that they would share their exploits.

.... and then, an entire month came to pass.

The party of Fleeting Feather had successfully done several quests to the point where all of their ranks had risen to Rank D.

They've barely done any fighting, but the party were still training to prepare for a C-ranked quest.

And Hans was sitting on the sidelines, glancing at the Dilyers stacked on his left hand.

The moment he noticed Frue sitting beside him, he heaved out a lonely sigh which she noticed.

"Hey, Frue."

"What is it, child?" The healer looked at him with a curious expression.

"Have you.... ever felt alone for a long time?" That question alone had begun to turn the woman's brain, and then made her realize something.

Hans was feeling very lonely, even with Buddy on his lap, resting like a cat.

"Maybe.... and how about you?" Frue asked, expecting him to lie to her so she might lecture him about them.

".... Yeah. I've met and interacted with a red haired girl for almost a month... well it could be said that I've already grown fond of that girl, even a little would suffice." Hans replied, scratching his hair to remember Elfrieda a bit. "I don't exactly know when we'll meet again, but hopefully she wouldn't be taken from me when we do reunite."

A short encounter was enough to quench Hans's desire for an escape from loneliness, though he wonders what would happen to him and her if he stayed, he had already chosen this decision to explore the world.

Was it for his own selfish desires?

Nay, it was because he wants to be more familiar to this world, and because he was still waiting for the previous owner's memories to resurface.

He wanted to know more about Orsted's past, so he could brighten his desire/purpose to replace the False Man God without ever looping. For he must never, ever get forcefully sent back in time for being too late.

Shaking his head to put those thoughts inside him for a while, he glanced at Flue, whose smile did not change.

"How about we of the Fleeting Feather be your friends? You've been silently rejecting company with us sometimes, that's why." Flue stated, shaking her head and patting Hans's head gently.

Though Hans looked very conflicted, he eventually accepted her offer with a slightly confident smile, relieving her of her previous worries.

"Wonderful! Hopefully, we can cherish one more moment for the Fleeting Feather party!"

[ ~ Chapter • End ~ ]

Extra Note:

*1: Talk about lazy writing 🗿🗿🗿🗿

Author's Commentary: I'll try to reduce the amount of asspulls Hans can do and the mentions of him wanting to replace Hitogami/False Man God.