Mom, I Am Pregnant

Carsyn David Pov.

Finally, I am in the parking at the college.

As soon as Jayson stop the car I immediately opened the car door and flew away from there towards my classroom cause I know I am already 2 min late and that my never becoming husband will not be late for even a minute.

Looking at the flying figure of mine, I knew Jayson couldn't have helped and must have shaken his head.

He knew that I have a crush on the teacher who is already married and that teacher is also known as the devil and is said that this is his side job.

After trying to make me understand more than 100 times all I said is "I know what I am doing? And why are taking so much tension he is just my crush it's not like I am chasing him."

All he said is "I can't force you about anything but keep that in mind that my eyes are on you every time everywhere."

huh as if I am afraid of his words and why would I be afraid of him, I am not even chasing him or anything all I am doing is having a fantasy about him.

As soon as I reached the glass door the devil is standing near the podium with his back facing toward the door.

I guess he is ready to take attendance.

I was staring at his back I don't even know why god, help him that broad back even beneath that coat of him I can imagine his perfect strong muscles and his long leg oh my god I am looking I should ask permission for entering class and here all I am doing is fantasizing about him with my open eyes in front of whole class standing at the door.

But before I could come out of my never-coming true fantasy I heard not so deep but perfect voice of him that same voice which I am dying to listen which is enough to make my leg weak.

professor Andreas: " Miss David are you planning to stand there all this time."

OH MY GOD, mom, i am pregnant by just his one look someone kills me. his dark blue eyes with a cut in one eyebrow. How could someone be dangerous and handsome same time?"

and here I murmured " so hot" look I am saying to you that I lost all my consciousness in front of him, he is not just another normal crush like I had in past. In front of him, my frontal lobe of the cerebrum stops functioning like here I am not even in my consciousness without drinking alcohol.

As soon as my tongue slipped and I said " So hot" I immediately put my hand on my mouth whole class started laughing and this criminal is raising an eyebrow at me.

only if this criminal wouldn't have been this handsome, hot, and cool at the same time I would have scratched that face that is smirking at me with a raised eyebrow.

I am now pretending shamelessly that I am not the one who just blurt out something and I said " May I come in."

And he glared at me for some time and said " yes, and I would want no any student to be late in my class as it is disturbing."

Agh, why does he have to say that to give chance to Levana to make fun of me? Even if he hadn't said that I would surely not be late.

My face dropped and I walked toward the 1st bench of the 3rd row which my best friend leo had reserved a place for me.

Oh my leo I love him for this haha.

I sat, took my pen and notebook out, and starts writing down what even my dream guys is teaching.

my never becoming husband: Heart is supplied by the Right and left coronary artery which is the branch of ascending aorta. These are end arteries. If the posterior interventricular groove is supplied by the right coronary artery then it is called right coronary dominance and this is in about 90 percent of cases but in remaining....."

looking at those think pink lips of his which are moving in sync I don't even know if I am getting whatever he is saying but all I know is I want to taste that lips.

and here when I am dreaming about him I got something maybe pen thrown at me,

hey, what is happening why am I being looked at by everyone and even this irritating leo is asking to stand up and pointing his head toward my never...

wait don't tell me that I have again done something that I shouldn't, please I am feeling like crying like a baby.

I looked at my love of life who is glaring at me, believe me, or not this dangerous look of his is making me wet and I am going to pee now or then.

I slowly stand up clenching my leg and looked at him.

He looked straight at me and said " Miss David if you aren't interested in studying then you aren't invited to my class please see yourself out, I don't like my class being disturbed."

Huh, what this guy is even talking about asking me to go out that also from his class, let me inform me it's never going to happen I am more stubborn than rock.

And then I said " who said I am not interested I am very much interested and how my disturbing your class I am just listening and looking at you not even looking here and there or side talking. "

He knows looking at me no not looking scanning me wow, cause I know I am looking sexy haha.

What if he like me as well and proposed to me to marry him and divorced his first wife don't take it seriously although some part of me wish it to come true.

After that, he asked me to explain what he taught. Thank god I had read it at home yesterday for preparation for today's class and I explained whatever I know.

Although I explained this iceburg isn't showing appreciation and continued whatever he is teaching.

And after class, he went out

But guess what I have a plan to meet him today. I will go to his office and will say I have a problem understanding some topic.

I am really happy cause I succeed in getting his attention twice today. Haha crazy me .

Author note : please do comment.