chapter 24 Helping Miss david

But as soon as I approached her, her eyes become more open and wide. Don't know why but I am enjoying this.

But as soon as I approached her and was just a few steps away from her. She mumbled something, turned around, and ran at the speed of light.

Shit! Why the fuck is she running away. After she make me wait for almost 2 hours and finally when she showed up she chose to run away without any reason.

Did I scare her or what? Do I look like a beast? Does she think I will eat her or what? If she really intended to run away why the fuck in the world did she agree to meet and make me wait for this long.

Does she think everyone is free like her? She doesn't have any sense of responsibility and she doesn't have any respect for people's time.

It's not like this is the first time I knew cause she was even late for a lecture. Now, one thing I am sure about is Miss. David is a very clumsy irresponsible person. I hate people acting on their wills and taking others people's time for granted.

You might be thinking what's wrong with me just a second ago I said she was looking cute but now I am telling you that she is irresponsible people and i hate these types of people.

I don't know what is happening to me but I am really annoyed. And yes she looked cute to me by her appearance and irresponsible by her action and I am finding all these irritating for me.

I really didn't have any idea why she ran away but I was very much Angry that it might be visible on my face.

I looked at the adam who was standing near the table and was looking towards my direction without any expression and was waiting for my order.

I said " Let's go. "

He nodded and with that I walked out of the cafe with Adam coming behind me with my laptop in his hand that he collected from the table I was sitting at earlier.

And then we sat in the car and I was working on the laptop when I noticed Adam looking at me from time to time in the mirror.

I then without looking away from the laptop asked Adam " Say it ?"

Adam cleared his throat and said " Boss, I think Carsyn is sorry Miss. David has some misunderstanding about you. "

As soon as I heard her name my hand stopped on the keyboard where it was and I looked at him and said with confusion " what do you mean? "

Although I was confused but I made sure that I don't sound confused.

And then he said how she misunderstood that I kidnapped her while it was another way around I was the one to rescue her.

And Then I asked " Why? "

Adam seems to be hesitating to speak further but he said " Boss, Miss David said that you are a selfish, self-centered, irresponsible person and also a bastard. "

My face might have been dark and scary when Adam said " Boss, it's not me who said it. It's Miss. David. "

I hummed in response and didn't want to continue having any conversation. So, I again started working.

But my mind was still so much confused that why would she think of me as such a person when I haven't done anything to her?

What's more confusing is It is affecting me whatever she thinks of me. It's not like she is the only a d first person to think of me this way. Almost everybody thinks of me more rude, ruthless, and inhuman compared to what she thinks.

Argh, I just want to have a break from all this. I don't want to think and care about all this. So, I put my laptop aside, leaned back on the headrest of the seat, and closed my eyes to take nap.

It has already been 5 min since I had been closing my eye but still, my mind is thinking about Miss David. Why the fuck is this happening to me.

As much as I want to make my mind free from her thought more and more I find myself entangled in her thought.

This is something I fear the most. I don't want to make the same mistake that I had earlier.

When I was busy minding my own business. Adam said " Sir, Miss David. "

I don't know what he want to say but I felt he slowed down the speed of the car.

So, I opened my eyes and looked at him who is looking at me through the mirror and I said " What happened? "

Adam: " Miss. David is sitting at the bus stop alone. Should we give her a Ride? Back to her hostel. "

While saying this he was looking in the review mirror, I followed his eye and looked at the girl sitting on the bench with her hand on her chest, breathing heavily trying to catch her breath. and she was Miss. David.

At this sight, my heart started beating a little fast than usual and my eye seems to not want to move away from her.

She seems to have some kind of effect on me and this is not something I am enjoying neither my heart wants something like this.

I don't want to have anything with her. So, I said " Just go forward we don't need to give her any ride. She since she ran away cause don't want to have any talk with me."

Guys, I have my exam ongoing, I will be here after the 26th of February and will regularly update you after that.

Thank you for your patience